Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jennifer L. Anderson ( ) Academic editor: Jianghua Sun
© 2022 Jennifer L. Anderson, Stephen B. Heard, Jon Sweeney, Deepa S. Pureswaran.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Anderson JL, Heard SB, Sweeney J, Pureswaran DS (2022) Mate choice errors may contribute to slow spread of an invasive Eurasian longhorn beetle in North America. NeoBiota 71: 71-89.
Tetropium fuscum (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a Eurasian longhorn beetle and forest pest that first became invasive to Nova Scotia, Canada around 1990. In the time since its introduction, T. fuscum has spread only about 150 km from its point of introduction. In its invasive range, T. fuscum co-exists with its congener Tetropium cinnamopterum. Although they are ecologically similar species, T. fuscum tends to infest healthier trees and has a smaller host range than T. cinnamopterum. If they successfully interbreed, this could lead to hybrid individuals that are more problematic than either parent species. On the other hand, if T. fuscum can make mating errors in the field, but is not producing hybrid offspring, then this waste of mating resources could help explain the slow spread of T. fuscum in North America. We conducted no-choice and choice mating experiments between T. fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males and females and determined that both T. fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males make mate-choice errors with heterospecific females in a laboratory setting. Our results suggest that mating errors may play a role in the slow spread of T. fuscum in North America.
Congener, hybridisation, invasion biology, mating behaviour
Invasive species are a threat to global biodiversity (
Several factors determine whether an introduced species will establish itself and become invasive in a novel habitat (
Many species are accidentally introduced but do not establish or experience population growth sufficient to gain pest status (
Tetropium fuscum experienced initial success in establishment and population growth upon its introduction to North America (in or before 1990), but by 2010, it had spread only ~ 80 km from its point of entry in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada) (
Tetropium fuscum is unusual in that the introduced population neither died out, nor saw rapid and successful expansion in North America. T. fuscum has established a stable population in the Halifax area, but its expansion into other parts of North America has been extremely slow (
We hypothesised that Tetropium fuscum males, where the two species co-occur, make mate choice errors by sometimes mating with T. cinnamopterum females rather than with T. fuscum females. Such errors might be expected to be particularly common near T. fuscum’s range edge. Invasive species populations are often the densest at the epicentre of invasion and become more sparsely distributed closer to the range edge (
We obtained T. fuscum from a laboratory colony at the Great Lakes Forestry Centre, in Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario, Canada). We placed them in a fridge at 5 °C, in a containment lab at the Atlantic Forestry Centre, Fredericton, New Brunswick until used in experiments.
We obtained T. cinnamopterum from baited red spruce bolts. In April 2015, we haphazardly chose and felled 10 red spruce trees (Picea rubens) with a diameter at breast height of approximately 25 cm at the Acadia Research Forest, Noonan (New Brunswick, Canada; 46°0'2.99"N, 66°20'32.72"W). We cut each bole into six 120 cm long logs and arranged them in pyramid-style decks (three largest logs on the bottom, two on the second layer and one on top) to favour infestation by T. cinnamopterum. We attached three lures including fuscumol, ethanol and a blend of monoterpenes, as outlined by
We checked beetles for vigour before using them in matings. Some beetles lived longer than others and thus we held beetles for variable amounts of time; however, most beetles were used within 7 days of collection. We presented beetles with potential mates, without choice, in Petri dishes lined with moistened filter paper. We used four treatments: 1. T. fuscum male with T. fuscum female; 2. T. fuscum male × T. cinnamopterum female; 3. T. cinnamopterum male × T. cinnamopterum female; and 4. T. cinnamopterum male × T. fuscum female (n = 85, 154, 132 and 91, respectively). We excluded any beetles with obvious deformities and attempted to match males and females by size as much as possible. After 30 minutes, we allowed any pairs that were engaged in copulation to continue to completion.
We define a mating attempt as an instance in which a male tries to mount a female and orient their genitalia together. This behaviour includes the male positioning himself dorsally and slightly posterior to the female, extending his aedeagus and attempting to connect it to the female’s ovipore. Mating attempts are distinguished from instances when a male simply climbs over a female while walking around the Petri dish. Successful mating attempts are when the male and female connect through the aedeagus and ovipore. When this connection is made, there is a visible transparent tube extending from the posterior end of one beetle to the posterior end of the other. Typically, during successful copulation, female Tetropium run around and drag the males behind them by their genitalia.
We compared five response variables across treatments: proportion of beetle pairs attempting to mate, proportion mating successfully, time until first mating attempt, time until successful mating and time spent in copula.
As our no-choice mating experiment is essentially two independent no-choice mating experiments, one using T. cinnamopterum males and another using T. fuscum males, we ran some of the analyses for these two experiments separately. We chose to do this for the proportion of males that attempted and the proportion of males that succeeded because the comparisons we were interested in were treatment 1 (T. cinnamopterum male × T. cinnamopterum female) compared to treatment 2 (T. cinnamopterum male × T. fuscum female), as well as treatment 3 (T. fuscum male × T. cinnamopterum female) compared to treatment 4 (T. fuscum male × T. fuscum female). For each comparison, we tested the prediction that the proportion of mating attempts would be greater with conspecifics than heterospecifics, using a two-sided Fisher’s Exact Test. We similarly tested a second prediction, that the proportion of pairs with successful matings would be greater with conspecifics than heterospecifics.
As both T. fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males respond behaviourally to contact pheromones present in female cuticular hydrocarbons, time until first mating attempt and time until successful mating reflect events, respectively, before and after males contact females and gain information about their identity (
A longer time until a successful mating attempt indicates that the male is reluctant to mate with the female they are interacting with. This longer time to success, coupled with behaviour of Tetropium males after touching the females with their antennae prior to copulation, suggests that this reluctance is based on the female’s cuticular hydrocarbon composition. Once a male had committed to mating with a particular female, we expected the time spent in copula to be the same whether with a heterospecific or conspecific female. We transformed our time-in-copula data using a hyperbolic arcsine, based on the recommendation of bestNormalize. We then tested the hypothesis with a two-way ANOVA with male species and female species as factors. We performed all statistics in R, using base R version 4.0.4 (
In April 2016, we felled six red spruce trees (Picea rubens) with a mean diameter at breast height of about 25 cm from each of four sites: Acadia (NB) (46°0'2.99"N, 66°20'32.72"W), Sandy Lake (NS) (44°44'42.67"N, 63°40'40.76"W), Antrim (NS) (44°57'59.80"N, 63°22'18.58"W) and Westchester (NS) (45°36'52.86"N, 63°42'25.59"W). We also felled two additional trees of the same criteria from Acadia and transported them to a fifth site in Memramcook (NB) (46°3'8.06"N, 64°34'46.45"W). We arranged the trees into decks and baited them with pheromone as described for the no-choice mating experiment. In November 2016, we cut the top three logs from each deck into four 30 cm bolts and brought the bolts back to the Atlantic Forestry Center in Fredericton, New Brunswick. We cut up all six logs from the two Memramcook decks to increase the number of beetles we got from this site. We placed the bolts into a containment freezer at -2 °C in order to simulate winter conditions. We left the bolts in the freezer until January 2017, when we brought batches of bolts out of the freezer and warmed them up in sealed Plexiglas cages in containment facilities at 20–24 °C with constant dehumidification and a 16:8 photoperiod [L:D] to allow the beetles to develop into adults. We collected and stored the beetles as for the no-choice mating experiment.
We checked beetles for vigour prior to their use in matings, as in the no-choice experiment. Most beetles were used within 10 days of collection. We had two treatments for this experiment: 1. T. fuscum male presented with T. fuscum female and T. cinnamopterum female; and 2. T. cinnamopterum male presented with the same choice (n = 42 and 30, respectively). We placed the females together and placed the male directly across a Petri dish lined with moistened filter paper. We gave the males 30 minutes to begin copulating with one of the females. If, at the end of the 30-minute time period, the male was in copula with one female, we removed the other female and left the mating pair in the dish until completion of copulation. If, at the end of the 30-minute time period, the male was not in copula with a female, we removed all three beetles from the Petri dish.
We compared four response variables between treatments: time until first mating attempt, species of female first touched by male, species of female that males first attempted to mate with and species of female for successful matings.
As our choice mating experiment is essentially two independent choice mating experiments, one using T. cinnamopterum males and another using T. fuscum males, we ran some of the analyses for these two experiments separately. We chose to do this for species of first touch female and species of first female attempted because the comparisons that were meaningful to us were T. cinnamopterum males with conspecific females compared to heterospecific females and, separately, T. fuscum males with conspecific females compared to heterospecific females. For each experiment, we tested for preference of species of first-touch female using an Exact Binomial Test with p set at 0.5. In each case, we used a second Exact Binomial Test with p set at 0.5 to look at preference of species of female first attempted with. We did not do formal statistics on our time until successful mating in this experiment because of the clear-cut pattern for preference of conspecific females and the low sample size of heterospecific matings in both treatments. We calculated 95% confidence intervals for rates of heterospecific matings using a binomial CI calculator (
We used the R package bestNormalize (v. 3.3.5 2021) (
Tetropium cinnamopterum males both attempted (p < 2 × 10-16) and succeeded (p < 2 × 10-16) significantly less with heterospecific females than with conspecific females. We saw the same pattern with T. fuscum male attempts (p = 5.81 × 10-6) and successes (p = 0.02) (Fig.
Proportion of Tetropium fuscum (TF) and Tetropium cinnamopterum (TC) males in a no-choice mating experiment that did not attempt to mate, attempted to mate but failed and succeeded to mate (n = 85, 154, 132, 91).
Neither male (F1.203 = 0.83; p = 0.36) nor female (F1.203 = 0.58; p = 0.45) species had a significant effect on time until first mating attempt (Fig.
Time until first mating attempt by Tetropium fuscum (TF) and Tetropium cinnamopterum (TC) males in a no-choice mating experiment (n = 72, 26, 50, 63, respectively). Lines represent Q1-3, whiskers show +/- 1.5 × IQR and dots represent outliers. Boxes with different letters are significantly different (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.05).
Male species had no effect on time until successful mating attempt (Fig.
Time until successful mating attempt by Tetropium fuscum (TF) and Tetropium cinnamopterum (TC) males in a no-choice mating experiment (n = 54, 6, 33, 37, respectively). Lines represent Q1-3, whiskers show +/- 1.5 × IQR and dots represent outliers. Boxes with different letters are significantly different (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.05).
There was no effect of male species (F1.122 = 0.29; p = 0.86), female species (F1.122 = 0.61; p = 0.44) or the interaction of the two (F1.122 = 3.49; p = 0.06) on time spent in copula (Fig.
Species of male had no significant effect on time until first mating attempt (F1.58 = 1.41; p = 0.24) (Fig.
Time until first mating attempt by Tetropium fuscum (TF) and Tetropium cinnamopterum (TC) males in a choice mating experiment (n = 27, 2, 5, 28, respectively). Lines represent Q1-3, whiskers show +/- 1.5 × IQR and dots represent outliers. There were no significant differences amongst treatments.
Species of first touch female for T. fuscum males was 25 conspecific and 17 heterospecific. For T. cinnamopterum, it was 13 conspecific and 17 heterospecific. Neither T. cinnamopterum nor T. fuscum males showed any significant preference for conspecific or heterospecific females at first touch (p = 0.58, 0.41, respectively).
Species of female for first mating attempt for T. fuscum males was 28 conspecific and five heterospecific. For T. cinnamopterum, it was 27 conspecific and two heterospecific. Both T. cinnamopterum and T. fuscum males showed significant preference for conspecific over heterospecific females at first mating attempt (p = 1.62 × 10-6, 5.65 × 10-6, respectively).
Of the 42 T. fuscum males used in the choice mating experiment, 12 successfully mated. 11 of those 12 matings were conspecific (95% CI 0.2 – 38% heterospecific matings). Of the 30 T. cinnamopterum males, 17 mated successfully and all 17 were conspecific (95% CI 0 - 19.5% heterospecific matings). Despite a clear-cut pattern of both species of male preferring conspecific over heterospecific females, we cannot reject quite high rates of heterospecific choice (up to 19% even for T. cinnamopterum).
We saw evidence of interspecific mating by both Tetropium fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males in the no-choice experiment. For both species, males attempted and succeeded significantly less with heterospecific females than with conspecific females. However, rates of heterospecific attempts and successes were both considerable. While both T. fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males took longer to attempt mating with a heterospecific female than a conspecific one, they still mated quite rapidly with heterospecific females. The same was true for time until successful mating. We often observed males touching females with their antennae prior to attempting to copulate, consistent with reports that Tetropium spp. males respond to female cuticular hydrocarbons (
Tetropium beetles make mating errors even when they have ample opportunity to avoid them. Under choice conditions, one of twelve T. fuscum males mated heterospecifically. While we did not observe any heterospecific matings by T. cinnamopterum males in the choice experiment, our sample size was small and we cannot reject an underlying rate as high as 19%. In these choice trials, both T. fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males made first mating attempts in the same mean amount of time regardless of whether that attempt was on a heterospecific or conspecific female. We considered that perhaps males would simply mate with the first female they bumped into in the Petri dish, but in fact, first-touch female species did not adhere to any significant pattern, while both species of males preferentially made their first mating attempt on conspecific females. This indicates that males have the ability to “choose” conspecific females over heterospecific females – but they do not always do so.
Both T. fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males spent as much time in copula with heterospecific females as they did with conspecific females. This suggests that Tetropium males determine the suitability of a mate (imperfectly), based on the precopulatory act of touching the cuticular hydrocarbons of the female. If the barrier to copulation were something pericopulatory, like a genital lock-and-key mechanism, we would expect to see prematurely terminated copulation in heterospecific pairs. It also suggests that beetles will pay full time and resource costs of heterospecific matings, rather than breaking them off and moving on to other mating opportunities.
Our matings were all conducted in Petri dish arenas and, like any laboratory experiment, may not fully capture insect behaviour in nature. Lab experiments are commonly used to investigate arthropod mating behaviour for a wide range of arthropods including beetles (
While mating errors occurred under both choice and no-choice conditions, they were much more frequent in our no-choice experiments. In no-choice situations, T. fuscum males were more reluctant to attempt mating and less likely to successfully copulate with heterospecific females than with conspecific females; but given enough time, many of them did. This suggests that T. fuscum males may become less choosy the longer they go without locating a mate, a situation that may be most common at range edges. In Nova Scotia, the population density of T. fuscum is highest at the range centre and decreases outwards (Heustis et al. 2017; Anderson, unpublished data). At the edges of T. fuscum’s invasive range, then, males are more likely to encounter T. cinnamopterum females than T. fuscum females. If such hybrid matings do not produce fertile offspring, this could reinforce the edge of their range preventing the population from spreading further (
Of course, it is also possible that heterospecific matings do produce viable and fertile offspring. If so, the encounter between the two Tetropium species could pose a different set of challenges to forest managers. Hybrid offspring may exhibit traits intermediate to their parents (
Allee effects, arising from mate-choice errors, are not the only mechanism that could be behind the slow range expansion of T. fuscum. Pinned edges of a species’ geographical range can result from many things. Dispersal limitation can often slow an invasion, especially for species that are unlikely to be transported by humans. Restrictions on the movement of untreated lumber and firewood (Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2019) may have slowed the Tetropium invasion, but are unlikely to be responsible for its near cessation. More interestingly, Darwin’s naturalisation hypothesis suggests that, when a species invades an area where a close relative is already established, it will be less likely to successfully establish due to higher competition for resources (
Tetropium fuscum is not spreading as rapidly and destructively as other invasive forest pests, such as emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire). Emerald ash borer was first detected in North America in 2002, making its invasion about as old as T. fuscum’s, but it has already killed hundreds of millions of ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees in the USA alone (
We have demonstrated that T. fuscum and T. cinnamopterum males make mate-choice errors in the lab and we present a logical case that this may also happen in the field, especially near the edges of the invasion zone. This may well play an important role in impeding the North American spread of T. fuscum. If so, there are implications beyond T. fuscum’s invasion in particular. While some invasive species establish without any close relatives sharing their new habitat, many others, like Tetropium, invade alongside native congeners. Adding mate-choice errors to the list of reasons this can matter advances our understanding of why some introductions spread catastrophically, while others fade quietly away.
We thank Kate Van Rooyen, Cory Hughes, Vince Webster, Chantelle Kostanowicz, Allyson Heustis and John Dedes for assistance in the field, as well as Mischa Giasson for both field and laboratory assistance. We are grateful to several anonymous reviewers for comments on the manuscript. This project was supported by NSERC Discovery Grants to Stephen B. Heard and Deepa S. Pureswaran and Canadian Forest Service research funds to Deepa S. Pureswaran and Jon Sweeney.