Research Article |
Corresponding author: Johannes J. Le Roux ( ) Academic editor: Mark van Kleunen
© 2022 Staci Warrington, Allan G. Ellis, Jan-Hendrik Keet, Johannes J. Le Roux.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Warrington S, Ellis AG, Keet J-H, Le Roux JJ (2022) How does familiarity in rhizobial interactions impact the performance of invasive and native legumes? NeoBiota 72: 129-156.
Mutualisms can be disrupted when non-native plants are introduced into novel environments, potentially impacting their establishment success. Introduced species can reassemble mutualisms by forming novel associations with resident biota or by maintaining familiar associations when they are co-introduced with their mutualists. Invasive Australian Acacia species in South Africa have formed nitrogen-fixing rhizobium mutualisms using both pathways.
Here we examined the contributions of novel vs familiar rhizobial associations to the performance of Acacia saligna across different soils within South Africa’s Core Cape Subregion (CCR), and the concomitant impacts of exotic rhizobia on the endemic legume, Psoralea pinnata. We grew each legume with and without Australian Bradyrhizobium strains across various CCR soil types in a glasshouse. We identified root nodule rhizobium communities associating with seedlings grown in each treatment combination using next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques.
Our results show that different CCR soils affected growth performances of seedlings for both species while the addition of Australian bradyrhizobia affected growth performances of A. saligna, but not P. pinnata. NGS data revealed that each legume associated mostly with their familiar rhizobial partners, regardless of soil conditions or inoculum treatment. Acacia saligna predominantly associated with Australian bradyrhizobia, even when grown in soils without inoculum, while P. pinnata largely associated with native South African Mesorhizobium strains.
Our study suggests that exotic Australian bradyrhizobia are already present and widespread in pristine CCR soils, and that mutualist limitation is not an impediment to further acacia invasion in the region. The ability of P. pinnata to sanction Australian Bradyrhizobium strains suggests that this species may be a good candidate for restoration efforts following the removal of acacias in CCR habitats.
Australian acacias, Bradyrhizobium, Cape Floristic Region, familiar associations, legume-rhizobium mutualisms, novel associations, Psoralea pinnata, woody invader
Novel abiotic and biotic conditions can act as strong barriers to the successful establishment of introduced non-native species (
The legume family (Fabaceae) comprises approximately 19,500 species, many of which form mutualistic associations with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria, called rhizobia. Rhizobia form nodules on their hosts within which they fix atmospheric nitrogen, converting it into forms that their legume hosts can utilise in return for carbon-rich photosynthates. Legumes are also over-represented in alien floras, with approximately 1,189 naturalised species globally (9% of the 13,168 world’s naturalised alien plants;
Legume-rhizobium co-introductions appear to be commonplace. For instance, Australian acacias and their rhizobia have been co-introduced into South Africa (
South Africa’s CCR is renowned for its exceptional plant diversity, attributed, in part, to a complex mosaic of soil conditions (
Despite the wealth of information on acacias and their rhizobia in the CCR, it remains unclear how the presence of Australian rhizobia affects the growth performance of invasive acacias and co-occurring native CCR legumes. Here, we aimed to address this knowledge gap. A glasshouse experiment was set up to compare the performance of invasive Acacia saligna and native Psoralea pinnata grown in different uninvaded CCR soil types, with or without the presence of Australian Bradyrhizobium strains. Next generation sequencing (NGS) approaches were used to characterise the root nodule communities of both legumes under these different growth conditions. We hypothesised that the performance of A. saligna would be enhanced when forming familiar associations under treatments that received Australian bradyrhizobia inoculum while the performance of P. pinnata would be negatively impacted by the presence of exotic mutualists.
Acacia saligna (Labill.) Wendl., commonly known as Port Jackson willow, is native to south-western Australia and is invasive in many of the world’s Mediterranean regions. Of the 15 invasive Australian acacias present in South Africa, A. saligna has the fifth largest distribution (
Psoralea pinnata L., commonly known as fountain bush, is native to the south-western CCR and is found in a variety of fynbos vegetation types, particularly on acidic, nutrient-poor, sandstone-derived soils, or on richer shale soils (
We collected soils from four pristine CCR areas to capture a range of abiotic conditions. As a fifth soil type, we also sampled soils directly beneath P. pinnata plants to capture the potential abiotic and biotic conditions induced by this species. These soils were collected during October 2018 across the Stellenbosch Winelands and Overberg districts of the CCR (see Suppl. material
The four non-Psoralea-conditioned soil types were collected at sites where neither P. pinnata nor A. saligna were present (other native legume species were observed at these sites). These sites were in the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve (sandy soils), Kogelberg Nature Reserve (sandy/loamy soils), Rustenberg Winery (clay soils), and Vergelegen Wine Farm (loamy soils). Within each site, soils were collected from four sampling points that were approximately 5m apart. The topsoil (the top 5cm of soil) was scooped aside and 25L of soil excavated at each sampling point. These were then mixed for each site and stored within a sterile storage container (i.e., 100L of soil in a single container per site). All soil sampling equipment was rinsed and sterilised with 70% ethanol between collections.
‘Psoralea-conditioned soils’ were collected directly beneath five different P. pinnata individuals spread across three different sites: Prawn Lake in Hermanus, Kogelberg Nature Reserve, and Vergelegen Wine Farm (Suppl. material
All soils were separately sieved through a 4 mm mesh to remove any plant debris and rocks. All equipment were sterilised with 70% ethanol between sieving of individual soils. Soils were then returned to storage containers and stored at room temperature for a period of three months before commencing the glasshouse experiment.
We placed a layer of standard unsterilised store-bought drainage chips, followed by two litres of site-specific soil, into plastic gardening pots (18 cm diameter × 15.5 cm height), which were each placed onto a water-collecting saucer. This was done for a total of 40 pots per soil type (five soil types; total n = 200). We chose to use whole soils (instead of soil inocula) to maintain all soil abiotic conditions that may favour native rhizobia (i.e., to which they are adapted), and to simulate the novel conditions under which co-introduced rhizobia would need to operate. All equipment used during this process was sterilised with 70% ethanol between potting of the different soil types. All pots were then watered with tap water until soils were saturated.
Seeds of A. saligna, collected from invasive CCR populations, were obtained from the Agricultural Research Council’s Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) in Stellenbosch. Psoralea pinnata seeds, collected from populations across the Cape Peninsula in the CCR, were supplied by Silverhill Seeds in Kenilworth, Cape Town. Prior to planting, all seeds were surface-sterilised (
To ensure that rhizobial communities were still present in soils post-storage, we collected fresh soil from each site and added these to the pots as a soil inoculum (
An Australian inoculum cocktail, consisting of five Bradyrhizobium strains that we previously isolated from Acacia dealbata, A. decurrens, and A. melanoxylon in Australia (
All pots were randomly placed in a glasshouse exposed to ambient light and temperature conditions, and we randomised all pots weekly to minimise microclimate effects on seedling growth. Prior to soil inoculum addition, all pots were watered ad libitum two to three times a week with tap water. After adding the soil inoculum, a stringent watering system was put in place whereby we individually watered each pot every two days to minimise cross-contamination. All pots received the same amount of water. Randomisation took place prior to watering when saucers were dry to further minimise cross-contamination through spillage.
Plants were grown for a total of 17 weeks. Prior to harvesting plant material, we measured seedling height (defined as the length between the point where the stem exits the soil surface and the furthest apical meristem along the main stem). During seedling harvest we made every effort to minimise nodule loss and damage to seedling root systems. Each pot was gently tapped to loosen the soils from the sides of the pot. The seedling and the soil were then easily removed from the pot and placed onto a clean surface. Here, soils surrounding the root system were loosened further until they could gently be shaken from the roots. Any roots that had broken off during this process were collected. These roots, and those still attached to the plant, were rinsed in water to remove any remaining soil and tapped dry with tissue paper. Root nodules for each seedling were counted, removed, and placed into tubes containing silica gel for desiccation. Finally, we divided seedling biomass into root and shoot fractions and placed these into separate brown paper bags, followed by drying in an oven at 55 °C for one week. Dried shoot and root (excluding nodules) material, and desiccated root nodules were weighed separately. Altogether, the growth performance measurements included seedling height, seedling shoot dry biomass, seedling root dry biomass, seedling total dry biomass, and root:shoot ratios.
As a proxy for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), we analysed δ15N isotopic signatures (
All statistical analyses were conducted in the R statistical environment (v3.4.4;
To investigate the effect of Australian inoculum and soil type on the overall growth performance (i.e., seedling height, seedling shoot dry biomass, seedling root dry biomass, seedling total dry biomass, root:shoot ratios), and BNF (i.e., number of nodules, nodule total dry biomass, δ15N) of the seedlings, we ran models using Australian inoculum (addition or no addition), soil type (Grootbos, Kogelberg, Rustenberg, Vergelegen, and Psoralea-conditioned), and their interaction as main effects. Factorial ANOVAs followed by Tukey HSD post-hoc tests were used for most of the performance and proxies of BNF measurements for both species, except for seedling total dry biomass for A. saligna seedlings, root:shoot ratio and nodule number for P. pinnata seedlings, and seedling root dry biomass for both species. Generalised linear models with a Gamma family data distribution (link = inverse) were used for seedling root dry biomass, seedling total dry biomass and root:shoot, and a generalised linear model with a negative binomial distribution for nodule number (See Suppl. material
To determine the relative contribution of the number of nodules to seedling growth performance and BNF under the two inoculum treatments; that is, the average gain in performance with increased nodulation (i.e., rhizobial efficacy), we regressed each growth and BNF measurement against nodule number (continuous predictor) and Australian inoculum addition treatment (categorical predictor) using generalised linear models (See Suppl. material
To determine the identity and abundance of rhizobial strains within root nodules of A. saligna and P. pinnata, we pooled between 3–5 nodules from each seedling within a particular species × soil × inoculum treatment combination for each of the 20 combinations (i.e., 20 samples in total, each comprising 30–50 nodules). For DNA extraction, desiccated nodules were tissuelysed into a fine powder to create a homogenous mixture of nodule material. We extracted DNA from these mixtures using the DNeasy Plant Mini Extraction Kit (Qiagen, supplied by White Head Scientific, Cape Town, South Africa) according to manufacturer specifications.
To extract DNA of the Australian Bradyrhizobium isolates used in the inoculum, we grew all five strains from glycerol stocks in separate Yeast Mannitol broths in a shaking incubator (155 rpm) at 28°C until there was sufficient bacterial growth (indicated by a milky, turbid colour change). We extracted DNA from these cultures using the Sigma Gen-Elute Bacterial Genomic DNA kit (Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, USA), according to manufacturer specifications. Isolated DNA concentrations and quality were checked using a NanoDrop ND-1,000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Nanodrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA). These samples were used as ‘reference’ strains in subsequent analyses.
We amplified the nodulation C (nodC) gene for NGS, using the primers nodCF12F (5’-CCG GAT AGG MTG GKB CCR TA-3’) and nodCRI2R (5’-GTG CAC AAS GCR TAD RCC TTC AH-3’), with sample-specific barcodes in the forward primer. This gene has been successfully utilised for taxonomic identification of rhizobia in both the alpha- and beta-Proteobacteria (
NodC sequences were joined, and sequences < 150bp in length or with ambiguous base calls were removed. Sequences were quality filtered using a maximum expected error threshold of 1.0 and dereplicated. The dereplicated or unique sequences were denoised; unique sequences identified with sequencing or PCR point errors were removed; and chimeras removed, yielding zero-radius Operational Taxonomic Units (zOTUs).
Since no reference database exists for nodC sequences, each zOTU was blasted against the NCBI’s GenBank database ( to determine its potential taxonomic identity. All non-nitrogen-fixing bacteria were removed from the dataset so that only rhizobia were considered in subsequent analyses. We clustered the remaining zOTUs at 97% DNA sequence similarity via the nearest-neighbour algorithm, based on pairwise sequence similarity distances calculated with the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm in mothur v1.44.1 (
We found many low-abundance OTUs (<100 sequence reads/sample). Therefore, the relative abundance of each OTU within individual samples (i.e., each species × soil × inoculum treatment combination) was calculated and all rare OTUs, that is, those making up less than 5% of the cumulative abundance per sample for all samples, were removed from the dataset. This resulted in a final dataset comprising ten OTUs that occurred at a relative abundance of > 5% in at least one sequenced sample.
Blast results indicated that most of our ten OTUs belonged to the genus Bradyrhizobium. In order to determine the possible geographic origin of the these strains, we obtained additional nodC sequence data previously generated using the same approaches outlined above (i.e., the same primers and NGS platform) of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from the root nodules of invasive acacias (
The best-fit nucleotide substitution model for the aligned dataset was determined using JModelTest (
To investigate the prevalence of the Australian inoculum Bradyrhizobium strains in association with A. saligna seedlings, the relative abundances of dominant inoculum OTUs were compared between inoculum treatments. These comparisons were only done for SW OTU1 and SW OTU6 as these were the only OTUs present within the reference samples with a relative abundance > 5% (see Results). We combined the relative abundance data for all soils and compared these between the two inoculum treatments using a paired t-test and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test for SW OTU1 and SW OTU6, respectively.
The relative abundances of each of the ten individual OTUs were compared between the different species × Australian inoculum addition treatment combinations for all soil types combined. This was done to determine whether A. saligna and P. pinnata differed in their rhizobial associations and whether these associations differed in the presence of the exotic Bradyrhizobium (i.e., inoculum addition). We performed these comparisons using a permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) in the vegan R package (
As growth performance measurements were frequently significantly correlated for both species (results not shown), we only report on seedling total dry biomass (significantly correlated with seedling root and shoot biomasses and seedling height) and root:shoot ratios. Similarly, only nodule number (which correlated with nodule total dry biomass) and δ15N are reported as proxies of BNF (also see Suppl. material
There was a significant inoculation effect leading to increased nodule formation in A. saligna seedlings (F(1) = 5.638, p = 0.0201; Suppl. material
Comparisons of seedling performances between Australian inoculum addition and soil type treatment combinations. Seedling total dry biomass (A, B), root:shoot ratio (C, D), number of nodules (E, F) and 𝛿15N (G, H) measurements for Acacia saligna (left) and Psoralea pinnata (right) for each site (Grootbos, Kogelberg, Rustenberg, Vergelegen and Psoralea-conditioned (Pc) soils) by inoculum treatment (red – Australian inoculum added; blue – no inoculum added) combination.
Soil type significantly influenced all growth performance and δ15N measurements of both species (Suppl. material
For A. saligna, nodule number was a significant predictor of seedling total dry biomass (𝜒2(1) = 43.862; p < 0.0001) and root:shoot ratios (𝜒2(1) = 14.8465; p = 0.0001), both of which increased with increasing nodulation, and δ15N values (𝜒2(1) = 4.2034; p = 0.0403), which decreased with increasing nodulation (Fig.
Comparisons of rhizobial efficacy between inoculum addition treatments. The contribution of nodules to seedling total dry biomass (A, B), root:shoot ratios (C, D) and δ15N (E, F) of Acacia saligna (left) and Psoralea pinnata (right) for all sites combined and the influence of inoculum treatment (red – Australian inoculum added; blue – no inoculum added) on each. P-values for interaction terms (i.e., nodule number*inoculum) are provided.
For P. pinnata seedlings, inoculation as a main effect, as well as the interaction between the number of nodules formed and Australian inoculum addition, were non-significant for both measures of seedling growth performance and the δ15N values (Suppl. material
After data quality-checking, the nodC dataset generated 272 zOTUs. Removing zOTUs representing non-nitrogen-fixing bacteria (34.6% of zOTUs), followed by clustering the remaining zOTUs at 97% DNA similarity level, and the removal of singleton/doubleton OTUs (leaving a total of 45 clustered OTUs) and OTUs with < 5% relative abundance per sample (77.8% of clustered OTUs) for all samples, resulted in 943,739 sequences representing ten OTUs.
Blast results for these OTUs indicated that they belonged to the genera Bradyrhizobium (five OTUs), Mesorhizobium (four OTUs), and Rhizobium (one OTU) (Suppl. material
Relative abundances of the dominant OTUs associating with Acacia saligna and Psoralea pinnata seedlings. Heatmap based on the relative abundances of the ten rhizobial OTUs identified in this paper. Darker shades represent higher relative abundances. OTUs are arranged according to country of origin (top x-axis) based on blast results. Y-axis labels show the reference samples used as inoculum as well as the 20 species × soil × inoculum addition treatment combinations. OTU labels and genus identity based on blast results are given on the bottom x-axis.
The Bradyrhizobium nodC phylogeny yielded many unsupported nodes, likely because of the short length (312 bp) of the NGS reads (Fig.
Phylogenetic tree showing relationships between this study’s Bradyrhizobium strains and those isolated by similar local/international research. Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree showing the relationships between nodC sequences of Bradyrhizobium strains for this study (SW OTU strains) as well as those sequences previously isolated from acacia soils (JLR OTU strains), acacia nodules (South Africa: JHK OTU strains; Australia: HU_MG accessions) and CCR legumes (‘BL’ accessions) as indicated by the shaded blocks in the corresponding table. Tree is drawn to scale with branch length measured in the number of substitutions per site. Nodal support is given as bootstrap values.
The relative abundances of the two dominant OTUs, SW OTU1 (259,830 sequence reads) and SW OTU6 (10,540 sequence reads), found in the reference samples, did not differ in A. saligna root nodules between the two inoculum treatments (SW OTU1: Paired t-test, t(5) = 1.034, p = ns; SW OTU6: Wilcoxon signed-rank test, W = 11; p = ns).
PERMANOVA indicated that Australian inoculum addition did not significantly change the relative composition of nodule OTU communities (F(1,16) = 0.405; p = ns). However, the composition of nodule OTU communities differed significantly between host plant species (F(1,16) = 21.485, p < 0.001) (Suppl. material
Australian acacias have been co-introduced with their Bradyrhizobium strains into several regions across the globe (
Recent evidence suggests that nodule communities are largely made up of so-called core microbiomes, consisting of the most compatible and effective symbionts of the host (
Aside from the prevalence of familiar rhizobial associations, both A. saligna and P. pinnata formed a single novel association within Grootbos and Vergelegen soils, respectively. When grown in Grootbos soils, A. saligna plants had nodules containing high relative abundances of Mesorhizobium SW OTU17 regardless of inoculum treatment (Fig.
Overall, differences in soils, rather than inoculum addition, largely explained differences in the growth performance and BNF proxies (i.e., δ15N values and nodule numbers) of both legume species (Fig.
While we cannot completely exclude the possibility that cross-contamination explains the dominance of the same Bradyrhizobium strains in A. saligna root nodules of seedlings grown in inoculated and uninoculated soils, several considerations suggest that this is an unlikely explanation. Firstly, there was a significant overall inoculation effect for A. saligna seedlings for many performance measurements. This was never the case for P. pinnata seedlings. Secondly, stringent protocols to minimise cross-contamination were put in place during soil collection and processing, inoculation applications and the glasshouse experiment (watering, etc.). Furthermore,
This study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that rhizobial mutualist availability is no longer a major limiting factor for acacia invasion (see
Supplementary materials
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Explanation note: Electronic Supplementary Materials (ESM1, ESM2). Tables S1–S9. Figures S1–S4.