Research Article |
Corresponding author: László Antal ( ) Academic editor: Lise Comte
© 2023 Dóra Somogyi, Tibor Erős, Attila Mozsár, István Czeglédi, Júlia Szeles, Richárd Tóth, Nurfatin Zulkipli, László Antal, Krisztián Nyeste.
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Somogyi D, Erős T, Mozsár A, Czeglédi I, Szeles J, Tóth R, Zulkipli N, Antal L, Nyeste K (2023) Intraguild predation as a potential explanation for the population decline of the threatened native fish, the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792) by the invasive Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877). NeoBiota 83: 91-107.
Biotic interactions exerted by invasive species have a strong effect on ecosystems. Intraguild predation may contribute to the decline in the distribution, abundance and population size of native species and may facilitate the spread of non-native taxa. In this study, we investigated the feeding ecology of the invasive fish Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877) in a lowland watercourse, where it co-exists with the threatened native fish European mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792). We used two sampling protocols that differed in the frequency of sampling time (e.g. monthly samplings and samplings in 10-day intervals) to provide evidence of predation, an interaction that may lead to the decline of mudminnow populations with the spread of the Amur sleeper. Aquatic macroinvertebrates comprised a major part of the diet for both sampling intervals. However, finer temporal resolution revealed the importance of fish, especially mudminnow juveniles, as a periodically available food source in the Amur sleeper’s diet. A high degree of dietary overlap was found between the different size groups of the Amur sleeper, but larger specimens tended to feed on a relatively higher proportion of fish. Our results suggested that temporal resolution of stomach content analyses may largely determine inferences on the importance of predation on juvenile mudminnow. Overall, we found that intraguild predation could contribute to the decline of European mudminnow populations, which underscores the importance of effective control measures to prevent the further spread of the invasive Amur sleeper.
Diet analysis, endemic fish species, juveniles, population decline, trophic interactions
Over the last few decades, anthropogenic activities and climate change have accelerated the spread of non-native freshwater fishes (
The Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877) is one of the most intensively spreading invasive fish species in Eurasia (
The Amur sleeper feeds on prey from several trophic levels (
The populations of European mudminnow strongly decreased after the river regulations of the Tisza River in the 19th century. Further declines accelerated after the establishment and spread of the Amur sleeper during the last few decades (
To better understand the processes which may lead to the reduction of European mudminnow populations, we examined the role of predation in the biotic interactions between the invasive Amur sleeper and the native European mudminnow. Specifically, we examined the stomach contents of Amur sleepers in a lowland stream, where the mudminnow still has a dense population, but where the Amur sleeper has already established a population. Our objectives were as follows: (i) What is the importance of the mudminnow or other fishes to the food supply of the Amur sleeper? (ii) How does fish consumption depend on the size of the predator and prey? (iii) How does the temporal intensity of sampling influence the results of the diet analysis? We hypothesised that the Amur sleeper is an effective predator of mudminnow and it is especially effective on small young-of-the-year individuals since the Amur sleeper is a small-bodied predatory fish. Therefore, we also hypothesised that conventional seasonal or monthly stomach content analyses may be inefficient in quantifying patterns of fish consumption correctly. Specifically, we hypothesised that even monthly samplings are not effective enough to reveal the predatory effect of the Amur sleeper on the mudminnow since this may require more intensive samplings, which are better adjusted to the presence and growth rate of the mudminnow juveniles.
The sampling site was the lowland Hejő stream (coordinates: 47°52.0237'N, 21°0.1433'E) which is a tributary of the Tisza River, the second largest tributary of the Danube River. Our own fish surveys showed that the fish assemblage of the Hejő consisted of the following species: Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) (2%), spined loach (Cobitis elongatoides) (3%), pike (Esox lucius) (2%), weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis) (3%), Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) (5%), roach (Rutilus rutilus) (4%) and European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) (81%). Consequently, the mudminnow still had the most abundant population at the examined site, while the Amur sleeper had the second-most abundant population. Note, that fish assemblage surveys in the Hungarian portion of the Tisza River Basin indicated a general decline of mudminnow populations with the spread of the invasive Amur sleeper (e.g. the extent of the mudminnow population decrease was over 95% in the Upper Tisza region) (
The mean depth of the Hejő varies between 0.8 m and 2 m and the width averages 4 m. The stream is covered with dense aquatic and hydrophilic macrophytes (mainly Lemna minor, L. trisulca, Ceratophyllum demersum, C. submersum, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae and Phragmites australis).
Fish were collected using an electric fishing device (Hans Grassl EL64 II GI, DC, 300/600V max. 7 kW, Hans Grassl GmbH, Germany; permission number: HaGF/134/2019 and HaGF/68/2021) from March 2020 to August 2021. We designed two sampling protocols, which differed in frequency over time. First, we used traditional monthly samplings to characterise the diet of the Amur sleeper, similarly to other fish diet studies (
The collected specimens were euthanised by using clove oil in the field. The standard (SL) and total length (TL) were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm with a digital calliper. Sex and stomach fullness were determined by visual examination. Exenterated guts with their contents were preserved in 96% ethanol until dietary analyses. In the laboratory, gut contents were determined under a stereomicroscope (EduBlue – ED.1802-S) and prey items were identified to the lowest practicable taxonomic level. The stomach fullness (in volume) was determined on a scale of 0–100% (empty – full) and the fullness contribution of each prey item category was estimated such that the sum of all prey categories equalled the total stomach fullness (
Fish with empty stomachs were excluded from further analyses. To estimate the importance of fish, especially the European mudminnow in the diet of the Amur sleeper, we calculated the frequency of occurrence (Fi%) and the percentage of prey-specific volume (Pi%) for each prey category (
Fi% = Ni / N × 100
Pi% = (∑Pi / ∑PTi)
where Fi% is the frequency of occurrence of the prey item i; Ni is the number of fish with prey item i in their stomach; and N is the number of fish with food content in their stomach. Pi% is the prey-specific volume of the food item i; ∑Pi is the stomach content (percentage) constituted by the prey item i; ∑PTi is the total stomach fullness of the fish, which contained the prey item i (
We used non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) with Bray–Curtis distance to evaluate the diet overlap amongst the size groups. NMDS is an indirect gradient analysis that generates an ordination, based on a specified number of dimensions and attempts to meet the conditions of a rank similarity matrix (
Dietary overlap between the Amur sleeper size groups was assessed using
Graphical analysis of the feeding strategy revealed that the Amur sleeper consumed mostly macroinvertebrates and had a broad dietary niche (Figs
Graphical representation of the diet composition of Amur sleeper according to the method of
Graphical representation of the diet composition of Amur sleeper according to the method of
In general, 15 and 12 prey categories were found, using the monthly and the 10-day protocol, respectively. Ephemeroptera and Crustacea dominated the diet, but Diptera and Coleoptera were also important in the monthly (Fig.
Diptera (March: 45%), Crustacea (May: 24%) and Ephemeroptera (Cloeon dipterum – April: 59%), as well as Odonata (Coenagrion puella – May: 23%) were the most abundant prey categories during spring in the case of the monthly protocol. The crustacean group (represented mainly by Asellus aquaticus and Synurella ambulans) was a major prey item by relative abundance in all seasons (June: 46%; November: 80%; January: 41%). Coleoptera (Haliplus sp.) was a main prey from summer (August: 17%) till winter (January: 17%), as indicated by its relative abundance, while Hirudinae, Heteroptera and Odonata were abundant mainly in summer (Hirudinae in August: 10%; Heteroptera in June: 6%; Odonata in June: 14%) and autumn (Hirudinae in October: 15%; Heteroptera in September: 13%; Odonata in September: 16%).
During the 10-day protocol, the group Crustacea proved to be the most important prey (Fig.
Piscivory was observed more frequently in the 10-day sampling protocol, with increasing importance from spring to summer. Fish eggs occasionally occurred in the diet in spring, but this diet category was amongst the less important diet categories (positioned low-right corner) (Fig.
European mudminnow was the primary fish prey (Fig.
European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) offspring within the digestive tract of an adult Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) female.
The NMDS analysis converged in two dimensions with a stress value of 0.13. The Amur sleeper size groups showed a high degree of dietary overlap (Fig.
Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis plots of Amur sleeper diet by size groups. Data points are coded and grouped by size groups. Ellipses illustrate the 95% confidence interval of the bivariate mean of a given size group calculated on standard error of the mean.
Further quantification of diet overlap using the Schoener Index confirmed the results of the NMDS and ANOSIM analyses. The index values indicated high overlaps amongst the size groups, with the lowest similarity values between the small and large size groups (0.669), intermediate between the small and intermediate size groups (0.692) and the highest similarity between the intermediate and large size groups (0.865).
Dietary analyses conducted at different temporal resolutions were useful to unambiguously prove the predatory effect of the invasive Amur sleeper on native taxa, especially on a small-bodied endemic fish like the European mudminnow. Conventional monthly samplings showed that the Amur sleeper is an effective predator of a variety of macroinvertebrates, but could not reveal the importance of fish in the diet. On the contrary, sampling at a finer temporal resolution highlighted that the Amur sleeper is feeding on fish eggs and is an effective predator of fish juveniles, which provides evidence of predator-prey interaction. This interaction combined with competition for resources may be responsible for the decline of mudminnow populations in waterbodies that have been invaded by the Amur sleeper.
The Amur sleeper consumes predominantly macroinvertebrates (
Amongst the consumed fish, the European mudminnow was the most dominant prey item. This is not surprising since this species was the most dominant fish in the community, which occupies the same meso- and microhabitats as the Amur sleeper (e.g. vegetated areas in the water column) (
IGP is determined by the predator and prey size; prey size range extends with the increasing body size of the predator (
The seasonality patterns of IGP are driven by the availability of prey (
The invasive Amur sleeper affects the food web of recipient ecosystems (
Researchers were supported by the ÚNKP-22-3-II-DE (D.S.), ÚNKP-22-4-II-DE (K.Ny.) and ÚNKP-22-5-DE (L.A.) New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for culture and innovation from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund. Project no. TKP2021-NKTA-32 was implemented with the support provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the TKP2021-NKTA funding scheme. László Antal was supported by the Bolyai Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. István Czeglédi was supported by the OTKA PD 138296 grant (National Research, Development and Innovation Office – NKFIH). The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus programme with the support of the RRF 2.3.1-21-2022-00008 and GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21-2022-00245 projects. We would like to express our thanks to Anikó Gáborné Kovács; István Bácsi, István Gyulai, István Grigorszky, Sándor Alex Nagy and Ifeanyi Emmanuel Uzochukwu for assistance in the laboratory and professional help with the manuscript. We are grateful to the following people for their work in the field and in the laboratory process: Tamás Abonyi, Bettina Bodnár, Bálint Bodnár, Zsolt Bíró, György Bence Farkas, Balázs Kiss, Patrik Pádár, Szabolcs Simon, Ricardo Monsores, László Nagy, Bence Oláh and Zsófi Zborai.