Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sérgio José Menezes Rodrigues-Filho ( ) Academic editor: Alain Roques
© 2023 Sérgio José Menezes Rodrigues-Filho, Fabrício dos Santos Lobato, Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Abreu, Maria Teresa Rebelo.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Rodrigues-Filho SJM, dos Santos Lobato F, Medeiros de Abreu CH, Rebelo MT (2023) Where in Europe is Chrysomya albiceps? Modelling present and future potential distributions. NeoBiota 85: 81-99.
Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819), a species of blowfly (Diptera, Calliphoridae), historically distributed throughout Southern Europe, has recently dispersed to cooler regions in Europe, which is an intriguing phenomenon. In this work, we used Maxent software to formulate climate suitability using a machine learning technique to investigate this fact. The bioclimatic variables that best explained the climate suitability were Annual Mean Temperature (67.7%) and Temperature Annual Range (21.4%). We found that C. albiceps is climatically suitable for several parts of Europe, except for high altitude areas like the Swiss Alps. In warmer countries such as Portugal, Spain and Italy, the entire coastal territory was the most suitable for the species. Future scenario models show that in these eastern countries and some northern areas, climate suitability has increased. This increase is reinforced when comparing the gains and losses in climate suitability between the present-day model and the future scenario models. These changes are most likely caused by changes in temperature, which is the main explanatory factor among the tested variables, for the climate suitability. As one of the most important species in forensic contexts and a potential myiasis agent, the expansion of C. albiceps to new locations cannot be neglected, and its expansion must be carefully monitored.
blowflies, Calliphoridae, climate suitability, European continent, Maxent, species distribution modelling
As seen in recent years, the world is warmer and this phenomenon is influenced by anthropic activities such as fossil fuels burning, cement production, flaring, forest management and other land uses (
Blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) are a common group of insects, widespread throughout the world (
Maxent (
The historical distribution of this species encompasses Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Europe (
This study aimed to enhance our understanding of the climate suitability of C. albiceps and the climatic factors that influence its potential distribution. To achieve this, the study utilized geographic coordinates and bioclimatic variables to model the current and future distribution of C. albiceps. For that purpose, a maximum entropy machine learning technique was used. The discussion focused on the European region, given the recent expansion of the species in this continent.
A total of 671 occurrence records were obtained from scientific papers, monographs, and dissertations present in the following databases:,,,, and The keyword searched was “Chrysomya albiceps” (see references in Suppl. material
Nineteen bioclimatic variables from the Worldclim database with a spatial resolution of 2.5 arc-min (
The maximum entropy technique was used for modelling. The model input configuration (for present-day and future models) was: 100 replicates (70% calibration and 30% test), convergence threshold = 0, 0001, multiple regularizer = 1, maximum interactions = 500, and output in cloglog format with default prevalence = 0.6, for all potential models generated. The replicates were controlled using the Subsample replacement resampling method (
The suitability maps were plotted using the “Maximum training sensitivity plus specificity Cloglog threshold” (
The model generated from the potential distribution on present days had good performance (AUC = 0.886; sd = 0.007; TSS = 0.67). In this model, the variables that contributed the most to its construction were bio1 (67.7%) and bio7 (21.4%) (Fig.
Relative contribution of bioclimatic variables to the construction of the current climate suitability model of the species Chrysomya albiceps. bio1 = Annual Mean Temperature, bio2 = Mean Diurnal Range, mean of monthly max temp – min temp), bio7 = Temperature Annual Range, bio12 = Annual Precipitation and bio15 = Precipitation Seasonality, Coefficient of Variation.
Response curves of the main bioclimatic variables in the construction of descriptive models of the climate suitability of Chrysomya albiceps. Bio1 = Annual Mean Temperature, Bio2 = Mean Diurnal Range, mean of monthly max temp – min temp), Bio7 = Temperature Annual Range, Bio12 = Annual Precipitation and Bio15 = Precipitation Seasonality, Coefficient of Variation.
Climate suitability for the species C. albiceps has been shown for the entire territory of Europe (Fig.
Climate suitability model of Chrysomya albiceps for present-day in the Europe (a) and sub-regions Western (b), Eastern (c), Southern (d) and Northern (e). Model ran in Maxent and figure redrawn in ArcGIS software.
The predictive future models of this work indicate that more areas in Eastern Europe will have increased climate suitability (Figs
Climate suitability model of Chrysomya albiceps for the year 2050 in the most optimistic scenario (SSP1-2.6) in the Europe (a) and sub-regions Western (b), Eastern (c), Southern (d) and Northern (e). Model ran in Maxent and figure redrawn in ArcGIS software.
Climate suitability model of Chrysomya albiceps for the year 2050 in the least optimistic scenario (SSP5-8.5) in the Europe (a) and sub-regions Western (b), Eastern (c), Southern (d) and Northern (e). Model ran in Maxent and figure redrawn in ArcGIS software.
Climate suitability model of Chrysomya albiceps for the year 2070 in the most optimistic scenario (SSP1-2.6) in the Europe (a) and sub-regions Western (b), Eastern (c), Southern (d) and Northern (e). Model ran in Maxent and figure redrawn in ArcGIS software.
Climate suitability model of Chrysomya albiceps for the year 2070 under least optimistic scenario (SSP5-8.5) in the Europe (a) and sub-regions Western (b), Eastern (c), Southern (d) and Northern (e). Model ran in Maxent and figure redrawn in ArcGIS software.
Variation in climate suitability was observed across the predictive scenarios, with greater improvements in the least optimistic scenarios compared to the optimistic scenarios (Fig.
Variations in climate suitability in the 2050-SSP1-2.6 (a), 2050-SSP5-8.5 (b), 2070-SSP1-2.6 (c) and 2050-SSP5-8.5 (d) predictive scenarios. Gains (in km2) from climate suitability were at a = 286.77, b = 451.67, c = 142.82 and d = 334.61. Losses (in km2) from climate suitability were at a = 196.2, b = 257.19, c = 297.99, d = 383.78. Threshold > 0.4.
Changes in the climate suitability for the occurrence of C. albiceps between present and future scenarios have been observed based on the tested variables in the models. These differences are particularly noticeable in Eastern Europe, towards the recent geographic expansion of the species. It appears that climate change is partly responsible for this dispersal, making cooler areas more prone to C. albiceps occurrence. The variables bio1 and bio7, which are related to temperature, contributed to almost 90% of the variance in the models. Therefore, changes in temperature (Figs
In the present work, it is demonstrated from a maximum entropy modelling that the most enlightening explanatory variables tested to understand the potential distribution of C. albiceps are the bio1 (Annual Mean Temperature) and the bio7 (Temperature Annual Range) (Figs
Climate suitability in the tested models is also explained by bio7 (Temperature Annual Range), a variable related to seasonality (Fig.
In Fig.
Chrysomya albiceps, being poikilothermic, has its development, physiology, and distribution greatly influenced by temperature (
The models generated in this work can be used to help predict potential future distributions of C. albiceps. To better understand this species distribution around the world is an important contribution to Forensic Entomology. For instance,
Annual Mean Temperature and Temperature Annual Range were the variables that contributed the most to the climate suitability model in the present work. From the model generated, it is concluded that much of Europe is climatically suitable for C. albiceps. In future scenarios, the suitability increases in northern and eastern Europe, with areas of gains concentrated in these locations, which appears to align with the recent geographical dispersion of the species across the continent. Meanwhile, losses of areas appear to be more evenly distributed. These changes in climate suitability may have implications for the potential future distribution of the species, which could colonize new areas in Europe depending on the climatic dynamics in the coming years. Being one of the most important species in the forensic field, besides being a potential myiasis agent, the dispersion of C. albiceps to new locations should not be neglected.
The authors are grateful to FCT/MCTES for financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020 + UIDB/50017/2020 + LA/P/0094/2020), Alison Magalhães for help in an R script and the two reviewers who helped to improve the manuscript.
References acquired from the databases cited in the manuscript and consulted in the literature review to generate a dataset of geographic coordinates of the species Chrysomya albiceps
Data type: List of references
Occurrence points of Chrysomya albiceps recorded from the scientific literature and in the GBIF database
Data type: Geographical coordinates
Supplementary information
Data type: table, figure and description
Explanation note: The file has a table and a figure and a description of bioclimatic variables. The description of the table is as follows: Results of the correlation between bioclimatic variables. Variables that correlated more than r > 0.7 were excluded. The variables chosen were 01, (Bio1, Annual Mean Temperature), 02 (Bio2, Mean Diurnal Range, mean of monthly max temp – min temp), 07 (Bio7, Annual Temperature Range), 12 (Bio12, Annual Precipitation) and 15 (Bio15, Precipitation Seasonality, Coefficient of Variation). The description of the figure is a follows: Results of the jackknife test of variable importance. This test is part of the output of the Maxent program.