Review Article |
Corresponding author: Larissa Faria ( ) Academic editor: Sven Bacher
© 2023 Larissa Faria, Ross N. Cuthbert, James W. E. Dickey, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Anthony Ricciardi, Jaimie T. A. Dick, Jean R. S. Vitule.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Faria L, Cuthbert RN, Dickey JWE, Jeschke JM, Ricciardi A, Dick JTA, Vitule JRS (2023) The rise of the Functional Response in invasion science: a systematic review. NeoBiota 85: 43-79.
Predicting which non-native species will negatively impact biodiversity is a longstanding research priority. The Functional Response (FR; resource use in relation to availability) is a classical ecological concept that has been increasingly applied to quantify, assess and compare ecological impacts of non-native species. Despite this recent growth, an overview of applications and knowledge gaps across relevant contexts is currently lacking. We conducted a systematic review using a combination of terms regarding FR and invasion science to synthesise scientific studies that apply the FR approach in the field and to suggest new areas where it could have valuable applications. Trends of publications using FR in invasion science and publications about FR in general were compared through the Activity Index. Data were extracted from papers to reveal temporal, bibliographic, and geographic trends, patterns in study attributes such as type of interaction and habitat investigated, taxonomic groups used, and context-dependencies assessed. In total, 120 papers were included in the review. We identified substantial unevenness in the reporting of FRs in invasion science, despite a rapidly growing number of studies. To date, research has been geographically skewed towards North America and Europe, as well as towards predator-prey interactions in freshwater habitats. Most studies have focused on a few species of invertebrates and fishes. Species origin, life stage, environmental temperature and habitat complexity were the most frequently considered context-dependencies. We conclude that while the FR approach has thus far been narrowly applied, it has broad potential application in invasion science and can be used to test major hypotheses in this research field.
ecological impact prediction, hypothesis testing, invasive alien species, resource use, risk assessment, trophic interactions
With rates and effects of biological invasions magnifying worldwide (
The rapid exploitation of resources (e.g. food, water, space, nutrients) is considered a characteristic trait of high-impact invasive consumers (
The Functional Response has been broadly characterised into linear (Type I), hyperbolic (Type II), sigmoidal (Type III), or dome-shaped (sometimes called Type IV) curves (
The comparative FR approach has been grounded in relative pairwise comparisons of native and NNS under standardised conditions, or by comparison of the same NNS under different contexts when trophic analogues are absent, normally in controlled laboratory environments (but see
Functional Responses of known impactful invasive non-native species (NNS) are often higher when compared to those of native or non-invasive NNS trophic analogues, as shown for aquatic snails: the invasive NNS Pomacea canaliculata, the non-invasive NNS Planorbarius corneus, and the native Bellamya aeruginosa feeding on four locally occurring plant species in China. Reproduced from
A species FR is not a fixed trait and, like NNS impacts, can vary across myriad biotic and abiotic contexts. The advantage of FRs is that these context-dependencies can be incorporated into experimental designs to provide more realistic assessments while isolating the variables of interest (
The FR measures individual per capita effects and then can be scaled with the numbers of individual consumers to derive a measure of overall impact (i.e. Total Response = Functional Response × Numerical Response;
There are some important criticisms to the comparative FR approach related to its generalization and the potentially unrealistic nature of the experiments.
Despite the rapidly increasing use of the FR approach in invasion science, we still lack a synthesis of its application in this field that could reveal knowledge gaps to be addressed and avenues for future improvement. Currently, studies are potentially disparate across different life stages of the same organism, taxonomic groups, trophic groups, environments, and geographic regions, meaning likely unevenness in the testing of the approach in different study systems, and in turn frustrating the holistic assessment of its efficacy. Therefore, this timely systematic review of studies to date aims to synthesise the available scientific literature that applies the FR approach in invasion science to elucidate potential shortcomings that can be addressed in future work to improve the representativeness and the explanatory and predictive capacities of the method.
We performed a literature search in January 2021 using the Web of Science database (WoS). The following combination of search terms was used: TOPIC = (“functional response*”) AND (invasive OR invader OR introduced OR alien OR exotic OR non-native OR nonnative OR non-indigenous). We limited our search to papers published up to 2020. After the removal of duplicates, publications were evaluated by their title and abstract in the first screening, and through full reading in the second screening (Suppl. material
Despite the comparative FR approach being the reason that sparked interest in applying FR in invasion science, we found a variety of study frameworks beyond explicit native versus NNS comparisons. While all of these studies were included because they met the above criteria, they are not comparative per se. Thus, the term “FR approach” is used here to refer to any study in our review (i.e. that used a NNS as a consumer or resource in FR experiments), whereas the “comparative FR approach” refers only to those that clearly make a comparison between native and NNS.
Data were extracted through a full reading of the papers selected in the second screening (a list of the data extracted from each study is available in Suppl. material
To make this comparison between FR publications in invasion science and in general, we calculated the Activity Index (AI) (
where CY is the number of papers using FR in invasion science published in a given year; CT is the total number of papers using FR in invasion science published in all years; TY is the number of papers on FR in general published in a given year; and TT is the number of papers on FR in general published for all of the years studied. Considering this, AI = 1 indicates that papers on FR in invasion science were published at the same relative rate as those in the overall literature (in our case, publications that used FR in studies other than invasion science); AI > 1 indicates that papers on FR in invasion science were published at a higher relative rate compared to the overall literature; and AI < 1 indicates that papers on FR in invasion science were published at a relatively lower frequency compared to the overall literature. Due to the low number of papers that used FR in invasion science until the 1990s, we analysed the AI for the last 30 years. Journal trends were also analysed as an absolute and weighted number of publications per journal (Suppl. material
Papers were classified into three categories regarding their main aims: biological control, biotic resistance, or impact assessment. Papers about biological control tested the efficiency of a native or NNS as a biological control agent of a pest using FR experiments. Papers classified as biotic resistance tested the ability of a native consumer to consume a non-native resource. On the other hand, impact assessment papers used FR to predict or evaluate the effect of NNS as consumers or resources in different contexts. The type of interaction, whether predator-prey, host-parasitoid, herbivore-plant, filter-feeding, or plant-nutrient was recorded according to the authors’ classification. Finally, the habitat where the experiment was performed was classified into freshwater, marine/brackish water, or terrestrial according to the methods described in each paper and the country where the study was conducted was recorded to identify geographic trends of FRs in invasion science.
A Pearson’s chi-squared test of homogeneity was used to test if the frequency of studies was evenly distributed across the different types of interaction and habitats investigated. A chi-square test of independence was used to test for independence between these attributes and the study category (biological control, biotic resistance, or impact assessment).
The Latin names of the species used in the FR experiments were recorded. Some studies did not identify the consumer/resource to the species level, so we used the most specific classification given (whether family or genus). Some studies used more than one species in each case, so the number of species exceeded the number of studies. Each species used in the studies, whether as a consumer or as a resource, was classified into its corresponding coarse taxonomic group following
The origin of the species used as consumer and resource was defined according to the authors’ own classification. Species classified as adventive, alien, exotic, immigrant, imported, invader, invasive, introduced, naturalised, non-indigenous, non-native, or novel, were considered here as “non-native” in origin. For species classified as pests, we checked their origin in the literature. Species described as endemic, indigenous, native, or natural were considered “native” in origin. When the origin of the species was not clearly stated in the text, the classification was searched elsewhere or considered as “non-identified” when it was not possible to confirm.
A single study can perform more than one FR experiment under different contexts. Here, we recorded the number of different contexts used, as well as whether they are biotic (such as life stage, starvation period, and sex) or abiotic (for example, temperature and habitat complexity), and which treatments were tested within each context (a list of treatments for each context is available at Suppl. material
For each FR experiment, the FR type was identified through the text, tables, or figures according to the authors’ classification. If the paper did not explicitly classify into one of the FR types, it was identified by the equation used to model the curve. For example, Rogers’ random predator equation and Holling’s disc equation were considered Type II FR, whereas Hassell’s equation was considered Type III. Pearson’s chi-squared tests of independence were used to test for independence between the FR curve type and the type of interaction, or the habitat studied. All analyses were performed in R v. 4.1.0 (
The search yielded 785 documents and the first screening through title and abstract was more conservative, so all potentially relevant papers were selected for the next step, totalling 175 papers. The second screening through full-text reading resulted in 120 papers included in the systematic review (Suppl. material
The first paper published in our survey of FRs in invasion science dates from 1966; however, this study investigated a non-native consumer FR without clearly aiming to assess impacts or test invasion hypotheses. Likewise, publications were generally rare (i.e. one or none per year) and strictly related to biological control until 2003 (Fig.
Temporal trends of papers using Functional Response in invasion science (i.e. FR + NNS) and Functional Response in general (FR) A number of published papers per year (please note the different scale on the right) B the Activity Index (AI) in research output that used Functional Response in the context of invasion science relative to all studies about Functional Response in general in the same period.
Most of the studies were classified as impact assessment (62.5%), whereas 28.3% were categorised as biological control and 9.2% as biotic resistance. Studies investigating predator-prey interactions were by far the most common (76.7%), followed by host-parasitoid interactions (12.5%), herbivory (5.8%), and filter-feeding (4.2%), while plant-nutrient interactions were the least studied (0.8%). Therefore, the distribution of studies according to the type of interaction was not homogeneous (χ2 =245.2, df = 4, n = 120, p < 0.001), with predator-prey interactions predominantly featuring in impact assessment studies, and all studies of host-parasitoid interactions classified as biological control (χ2 = 47.1, df = 8, n = 120, p < 0.001; Fig.
The proportion of studies per category A regarding type of interaction B regarding habitat type. The numbers inside the bars indicate the total number of papers. The plant-nutrient interaction type was omitted in plot A to facilitate visualisation (only one study in the freshwater environment).
In general, insects and crustaceans were the most studied taxonomic groups, both as consumers (χ2 = 98.1, df = 7, n = 122, p < 0.001) and as resource (χ2 = 176.5, df = 7, n = 134, p < 0.001), followed by fish and molluscs as consumers and resources, respectively (Fig.
Frequency of studies for each taxonomic group considering the different study categories A regarding the consumer used B regarding the resource used. Studies that used species from different taxonomic groups were counted once for each case.
As some studies used more than one species as a consumer and/or resource, a total of 249 species were used in the FR experiments. Some species were used both as a consumer and as a resource, resulting in 147 species used as consumers and 112 as resources. Regarding consumer species, Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) (n = 15 studies) was most frequently used, followed by Dikerogammarus villosus (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) (n = 8), Gammarus duebeni celticus (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) (n = 6), and Hemimysis anomala (Mysida: Mysidae) and Neogobius melanostomus (Perciformes: Gobiidae), which were both used in five studies each. All other species were used in fewer than five studies. The species most commonly used as a resource was also G. pulex (n = 9), followed by Daphnia magna (Diplostraca: Daphniidae) (n = 8), and Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda: Asellidae) and Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), which were both used in five studies each. All other species used as a resource were employed in fewer than five studies. In 22 studies, the resource was not identified at the species level, with Chironomidae larvae being most frequently employed (n = 14).
Most studies used non-native consumers (39.2%), or compared native and non-native consumers (38.3%), whereas 22.5% used a native consumer only. Regarding the resources, the greatest number of studies used only non-native resources (40.7%), whereas 18.6% of studies used native resources and 17.8% compared native and NNS. For some studies, it was not possible to identify the origin of the resource used, either in the text or in other sources (22.9%).
Most studies (81.7%) considered context-dependency in their experimental design by modelling the FR under different biotic and abiotic treatments. From these, the majority tested biotic contexts (65.7%), followed by studies testing different abiotic contexts (20.2%), while just 14.1% used both biotic and abiotic treatments. Each study used from one to four different treatments, and because of that, the 120 papers yielded data from 735 FR curves. Among the biotic contexts, the most frequently used were consumer or resource origin (i.e. native or non-native), and life stage (Fig.
Different contexts used in experiments of the studies which derived Functional Responses under more than one treatment A regarding biotic contexts B regarding abiotic contexts. For biotic contexts, treatments used in two or fewer studies (alternative resource 2, invasion gradient 2, consumer experience 1, consumer source 1, resource exposition 1, and starvation period 1) were included in “other”. For abiotic contexts, treatments used in only one study (depth, disturbance, field versus laboratory, light regime, period of the day, and site) were included in “other”.
Most of the 735 FR curves recorded were classified by the study as Type II (87.7%). Those classified as Type III accounted for 7% of the FR curves, and only 25 (3.4%) were classified as Type I. One study classified the curve as Type IV, whereas four studies did not clearly define the FR type in the text or figures, nor the type of equation used to model the FR. The type of interaction and the FR type are not independent, as Type II FRs were more common for all types of interaction except filter-feeding (χ2 = 243.3, df = 6, n = 717, p < 0.001). Type II was also the most common type of FR regardless of the type of habitat studied (χ2 = 33.2, df = 4, n = 717, p < 0.001).
The Functional Response can be applied broadly to any consumer-resource interaction, despite being classically used to understand how predation affects population dynamics (
Despite rapid growth in the FR approach in the last decade, the first study investigating the FR of a NNS (
Among study types, it was revealed that studies using the FR approach to demonstrate the impact of NNS were more common than those with a biological control focus or investigating biotic resistance. However, it is important to highlight that our search string was focused on invasion science terminology. Despite many pests being NNS, their origin is often disregarded in purely biological control studies, whereas studies that investigate NNS ecological impacts generally clearly state the non-native origin of the species. Therefore, we do not expect to have captured all studies that used FR in the biological control context, largely because of a different terminology (e.g. “pest” or “weed” species). There is also a difference in journals that typically publish these study types. For instance, we found that Biological Invasions and Biological Control were the journals with a higher number of publications of FRs in invasion science; however, the former published proportionally more impact assessment studies than the latter.
We found important biases regarding study attributes, such as the type of interaction and habitat investigated. Studies on the FR of predators are numerous, and this was somewhat expected given that predators are long recognised as damaging NNS (
Another striking bias is the number of studies performed in the freshwater environment, given that the vast majority of NNS are in terrestrial ecosystems (
The bias in habitat types is also reflected in the taxonomic groups and species used in the experiments. Crustaceans and insects are significantly more employed, not only as resources but also as consumers, a trend also observed in the FoRAGE database (
The species most commonly used as both a consumer and a resource was Gammarus pulex, being already studied in a wide variety of contexts such as infection (
Despite the comparison of the FR of non-native and native analogue consumers being proposed as a practical tool to predict and quantify the impacts of NNS, just half (53%) of the impact assessment studies have performed such a comparison. We highlight that the comparative FR approach is a phenomenological rather than a mechanistic method to understand impacts of NNS and should be interpreted relative to native trophic analogue consumers. When native analogues are absent, it can still be used within species as a response to different relevant contexts. For example, four studies compared the FR of the same species from different populations of its native and introduced ranges (
Indeed, the possibility of incorporating different context-dependencies in FR experiments is taken as one of the main advantages of this methodology in NNS impact prediction (
Ecological interactions such as cannibalism, intra-guild predation, competition, and higher-order predator presence (
In addition to biotic variables, the most tested abiotic contexts across studies were temperature and habitat complexity. Temperature has well-known effects on metabolism of ectothermic organisms (
Habitat complexity is also an important abiotic context, given its capability of changing the FR curve type. Complex environments create barriers between the consumer and the resource, particularly at low densities, which favours the observation of a Type III FR; whereas in simpler habitats it is common to observe Type II FRs (
From our set of 120 papers, we obtained data from 735 FR curves, with Type II the most commonly reported form, and this is considered the simplest curve to model (
The pattern of Type I FR being typical for filter-feeders (
Our results highlight some challenges in FR analysis in general. The classification of FR types and the correct estimation of parameters is not trivial and depends on data quality (i.e. enough number of replications and optimised initial resource densities). Indeed, there is still a lot of discussion in the literature around how to achieve a more accurate result based on data from laboratory experiments that are often heteroscedastic (
This review shows that the use of FR in invasion science is increasing, particularly since the first paper conceptualising the comparative approach (
Examples of research topics and hypotheses related to non-native species (NNS) that could be explored using the comparative Functional Response (FR) approach. Further relevant hypotheses that could be explored can, for example, be found in
Topic | Application | Key references |
Trophic interactions | Classical concepts including prey switching, omnivory, multiple and non-lethal predator effects, interaction strengths, and trophic cascades, can be measured and compared under different experimental contexts using the FR. |
Non-trophic interactions and behaviour | The effects of key behaviours such as aggression, activity, and boldness can be quantified by the FR, yielding predictive information on NNS success and ecological impacts. Competitive interactions (e.g. of omnivores) can be revealed using combinations of stable isotope metrics to quantify shifts in trophic niche space and comparative FRs to quantify interaction strengths. |
Ecomorphology and ecophysiology traits related to ecological impacts of NNS | As the FR can be a phenomenological approach, integrating ecomorphological traits (e.g. body size, feeding structures), metabolic rate measurements, or immunoassay analysis can provide mechanistic explanations for differences in consumption impacts, thus improving predictive capacity. |
Spatiotemporal variation in the impacts of NNS | Impact prediction based on estimates from single populations can be misleading if per capita effects vary greatly across space and time. Studies comparing variation in FRs across conspecific populations have tested the importance of the environmental context and, in some cases, revealed predictable patterns. Largescale geographical comparisons, thus far rare, could test fundamental questions such as whether predation intensity (e.g. attack rate) is higher in the tropics. |
Differential impact of invasive species based on biogeographic origin | In some situations, native species are considered invasives. The FR can be applied to compare the differential impact of NNS, whether invasive or not, to invasive native species. |
How consumer population abundance affects trophic impacts | While the FR considers only per capita effects, consideration of numerical responses or associated proxies in combined metrics improve predictive efforts. Furthermore, the FR can be derived under different combinations of consumer density. |
Hypothesis | Prediction (in italics) and application | Key references |
Resource Consumption | Successful NNS are often more efficient at exploiting key resources than functionally-similar native species. Invasive and non-invasive NNS and trophically analogous native species could be compared with respect to per capita effects related to feeding efficiency and voracity (e.g. attack rate, handling time). |
Biotic Resistance | Diverse communities of native species (and previously established NNS) inhibit subsequent establishment, population growth, and impacts of subsequently introduced NNS through antagonistic interactions including competition and predation. FR experiments can be used to measure the magnitude of consumptive effects of native consumers on NNS. |
Invasional Meltdown | NNS can facilitate one another in various ways to increase colonisation success, abundance, or performance, thereby causing an acceleration in the rate of invasion and increasing the likelihood of synergistic impacts. FR experiments could compare interactions between NNS and native consumer-resource combinations, besides different combinations of NNS to reveal if impacts of co-occurring NNS are additive, antagonistic, or synergistic. |
Hypothesis | Prediction (in italics) and application | Key references |
Ecological Naïveté | NNS will be more impactful if the recipient community do not share an eco-evolutionary experience with functionally similar species, being naïve to the novel species. One can use the FR to test the prediction that prey exposed to novel generalist predators would be more likely to be destabilised by the interaction (i.e. FR Type II, with high maximum feeding rate), compared to prey that have experience with such predators. Similarly, comparisons of conspecific populations of NNS on islands and mainlands could be done to test the related hypothesis of increased susceptibility of prey in insular habitats. |
Enemy of My Enemy | A NNS co-evolved enemy has a stronger negative effect on resident native species, thereby reducing biotic resistance. The effect of parasites on per capita effects of NNS and natives could be used to evaluate competitive abilities with and without the presence of natural enemies. |
Enemy Inversion | Co-evolved enemies of NNS are less harmful for them in the non-native than in the native range, due to altered biotic and abiotic conditions. This hypothesis could be tested for predator-prey and herbivore-plant interactions in different biogeographic contexts using comparative FR experiments. |
Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability | The release or reduction of enemies that constrain a NNS population or performance in the native range can trigger the evolution of increased competitive traits in the introduced range. This hypothesis could be tested through a comparison of FR per capita effects of conspecific populations in invaded and native ranges. |
Evolutionary Imbalance | Successful and more competitive NNS are likely originating from geographic regions of high phylogenetic diversity. FRs can compare per capita effects, and thus competitive abilities, of functionally or phylogenetically similar consumers from regions of contrasting diversity. |
Environmental Heterogeneity | Spatiotemporal heterogeneity creates refugia against the impacts of NNS on native resources, thereby facilitating coexistence. FR experiments can incorporate multiple levels and types of habitat complexity to compare its effects on trophic impacts of NNS. |
Environmental Matching | The impact of a NNS is inversely correlated with the distance of the novel habitat conditions from the species’ environmental optimum. FRs can be used to measure variation in per capita effects across physicochemical gradients in the lab and in the field. |
Invasion Front | Individuals at the front of a spreading NNS population have higher resource consumption rates (leading to higher trophic impacts) than those from the well-established core population, owing to selection for reduced intraspecific competition at the core. The comparative FR approach could be applied to test intraspecific differences in per capita effects across an expanding population to account for variation in impact across space and time. |
Taxonomic Distinctiveness | NNS that belong to taxonomic groups (genera, families) that are not present historically in the invaded community are more likely to cause significant impacts on biodiversity, food webs, or ecosystem processes, owing to novel use of resources (see also Ecological Naïveté hypothesis). The comparative FR approach can be used to test differences in the impacts of conspecific NNS populations in invaded communities that contain genera shared with the NSS versus those communities in which the NNS belong to a novel genus. |
We have four primary recommendations to advance the use of the comparative FR approach in invasion science. First, invasion scientists should keep abreast of developments in the analysis of FR to refine their approaches. Despite the FR being a classical ecological concept, its application is still developing, with new studies proposing best practices, analysis protocols, and how parameters may be accurately estimated and interpreted (
Second, future studies should embrace the possibility of including context-dependencies to provide more realism to experimental results. For instance, species usually have more than one type of resource available in natural environments and will often not be foraging alone, thus facing competition for resources with conspecifics and other species. The presence of alternative resources leading to prey switching can effectively change the FR curve type (
Third, we recommend that future studies use FR-based metrics to improve impact predictions. Given that FR considers only per capita effects, consideration of numerical responses or associated proxies could improve predictive efforts (e.g. by accounting for the influence of field abundance or reproductive efforts on impact), such as with the RIP metric (
Our final recommendation is to unite disparate terminology in animal and plant research on FRs as well as between fields considering NNS (invasion science and biological control), as differences in nomenclature may impede us identifying patterns in NNS resource use among different taxa and study systems. This is an issue faced not only in ecology but in science in general (
There is still a long path to establish the comparative FR approach as a potential universal NNS impact assessment tool, but here we have aimed to advance this goal by revealing knowledge gaps and identifying potential fertile ground for research. We advocate that FR-based metrics can be included in official risk assessment protocols adopted by the IUCN, such as the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT). Although useful to categorise species regarding its impacts, EICAT depends solely on invasion history which is not available for all NNS. The incorporation of FR in this analysis would potentially allow proactive rather than reactive management, while supporting white and blacklists of NNS (
As NNS can cause impact at any moment after introduction before going through the various invasion stages (e.g.
We thank Laís Carneiro for her precious help in making Fig.
Flow chart
Data type: figure (.docx file)
Explanation note: Flow chart showing the steps followed to evaluate studies that used the Functional Response (FR) related to non-native species (NNS) included in the systematic review.
List of the data extracted from publications included in the systematic review
Data type: table (.docx file)
Journal trends analysis
Data type: figure (.docx file)
List of treatments used by the studies deriving Functional Response (FR) curves under different biotic and abiotic contexts
Data type: table (.docx file)
List of publications included in the systematic review
Data type: (.docx file)