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Article title
Global trends in planted forests
Traditional and specialised types of plantations and introduced tree species in Europe
Plantations on disturbed land
Short-rotation forestry and short-rotation coppice
Mediterranean plantations and sand dune stabilisation
Genetically improved and genetically modified alien trees
The Council of Europe’s policy on invasive alien species and pathways
Target audience for the Code of Conduct
The principles of the Code of Conduct on planted forest
1.1 Be aware of regulations concerning invasive alien trees
1.2 Be aware of which alien tree species are invasive or that have a high risk of becoming invasive, and of the invasion debt
1.3 Develop systems for information sharing and training programmes
2.1 Promote – where possible – the use of native trees
2.2 Adopt good nursery practices
2.3 Modify plantation practices to reduce problems with invasive alien tree species
2.4 Revise general land management practices in landscapes with planted forests
2.5 Adopt good practices for harvesting and transport of timber
2.6 Adopt good practices for habitat restoration
3.1 Promote and implement early detection & rapid response programmes
3.2 Establish or join a network of sentinel sites
4.1 Engage with the public on the risks posed by invasive alien trees, their impacts and on options for management
5.1 Consider developing research activities on invasive alien trees species and becoming involved in collaborative research projects at national and regional levels
5.2 Take global change trends into consideration
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