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Corresponding author: Caroline Mueller ( ) Academic editor: Jane Molofsky
© 2018 Lisa Johanna Tewes, Caroline Mueller.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Tewes LJ, Mueller C (2018) Syndromes in suites of correlated traits suggest multiple mechanisms facilitating invasion in a plant range-expander. NeoBiota 37: 1-22.
Various mechanisms can facilitate the success of plant invasions simultaneously, but may be difficult to disentangle. In the present study, plants of the range-expanding species Bunias orientalis from native, invasive and naturalised, not yet invasive populations were compared in a field common garden over two years. Plants were grown under two nitrate-regimes and multiple traits regarding growth, defence, antagonist loads and reproduction were measured. A rank-based clustering approach was used to assign correlated traits to distinct suites. These suites were analysed for “syndromes” that are expressed as a function of population origin and/or fertilisation treatment and might represent different invasion mechanisms. Indeed, distinct suites of traits were differentially affected by these factors. The results suggest that several pre-adaptation properties, such as certain growth characteristics and intraspecific chemical variation, as well as post-introduction adaptations to antagonists and resource availability in novel habitats, are candidate mechanisms that facilitate the success of invasive B. orientalis in parallel. It was concluded that rank-based clustering is a robust and expedient approach to integrate multiple traits for elucidating invasion syndromes within individual species. Studying a multitude of traits at different life-history and establishment stages of plants grown under distinct resource treatments reveals species-specific trade-offs and resource sinks and simplifies the interpretation of trait functions for the potential invasive success of plants.
Glucosinolates, herbivory, invasion mechanisms, intraspecific variation, pathogens, nitrate allocation
To understand why plant species become dominant in novel habitats is one of the central aims of invasion ecology. Various pre-adaptations and post-introduction evolution events are considered as mechanisms for facilitating invasions in common hypotheses on this topic (
Several invasion hypotheses are substantively related but consider traits from different physiological contexts, whereas the choice of target traits for comparisons can be challenging. Moreover, species characteristics may be revealed in suites of multiple traits (
Clustering methods that structure datasets of multiple traits are commonly applied to determine behavioural dimensions and to test for consistency over time and within suites of correlated traits in animal individuals belonging to one species (
In this study, associations were investigated between multiple traits in plants from different populations of a range-expanding perennial, Bunias orientalis L. (Brassicaceae), to reveal candidate mechanisms facilitating invasion. This species grows natively in Southeast Europe and Western Asia, but was introduced to Central Europe in the 18th century as a fodder plant and spread due to accidental human transport (Birnbaum 2006). In parts of Central Europe, the species is classified as invasive, rapidly establishing in disturbed, fertile dispersal corridors and spreading into adjacent habitats (
Plants were grown from populations of native, invasive and naturalised status over two years in a field common garden in an area where B. orientalis does not occur. Plants were exposed to two nitrate-fertiliser treatments to investigate the influence of resource availability on various traits potentially facilitating successful establishment, regarding growth, defence, antagonist loads and reproduction. Suites of correlated traits were determined and it was hypothesised differential influences of population status and/or fertilisation on traits clustered in distinct consistent suites. When significantly affected by one of these factors, these suites were considered to express syndromes that might represent distinct invasion mechanisms. Furthermore, it was expected that plants from invasive populations reveal differential mechanisms that characterise those plants as more successful colonisers.
Silicles of the perennial plant B. orientalis were collected from 12 populations of the native, invasive and naturalised distribution range, following the status assignment of the regions by
Origin, invasion status and survival of Bunias orientalis populations. Populations were grouped by status according to their ecology, plant frequency or distribution in the origin region (
Code | City/region | Country | Latitude | Longitude | Status | Survival |
AL | Altai | Russia | 50°49.17'N, 86°16.41'E† | native | 10/12 | |
T3 | near Rize | Turkey | 40°43.97'N, 40°47.41'E | native | 12/12 | |
T4 | near Rize | Turkey | 40°44.33'N, 40°44.12'E | native | 10/12 | |
RO | Iaşi | Romania | 47°11.24'N, 27°33.44'E | native | 10/12 | |
LT | Mixed‡ | Lithuania | 54°54'N, 23°56'E‡ | invasive | 12/12 | |
CB | Beroun-Zavadilka | Czech Republic | 49°56.57'N, 14°4.08'E | invasive | 12/12 | |
JE | Jena | Germany | 50°52.42'N, 11°35.76'E | invasive | 11/12 | |
WU | Würzburg | Germany | 49°50.95'N, 9°51.94'E | invasive | 10/12 | |
DR | Drempt | The Netherlands | 52°0.39'N, 6°9.62'E | naturalised* | 12/12 | |
DI | Driel | The Netherlands | 51°58.07'N, 5°51.17'E | naturalised* | 9/12 | |
GO | Gondreville | France | 48°41.23'N, 5°57.9'E† | naturalised* | 12/12 | |
PA | Pasques | France | 47°21.98'N, 4°51.36'E† | naturalised* | 11/12 |
In April 2015, 30 seeds per population were sown in individual 50-mL pots on seedling soil (Archut Fruhstorfer Erde Typ LAT-Terra Standard Pickiererde; Hawita, Vechta, Germany) and kept in a greenhouse (14:10 h day:night, 15–20 °C). After three weeks, 15 seedlings per population were transferred to 2-L pots (11.3 × 11.3 × 21.5 cm) with poorly fertilised soil (C 710 with Cocopor, Stender, Schermbeck, Germany). The plant pots were arranged in 15 plots, each containing one plant per population, and were watered three times per week. Three weeks after re-potting, seven plots were assigned to a low and seven to a high fertilisation treatment to test for plant responses to nitrate availability. One additional plot received intermediate fertilisation. Each plant was fertilised by adding 50 mL of a mineral nutrient solution (modified after
Three weeks after start of the fertilisation (June 2015), all pots were transferred to a field common garden near Bielefeld University (Germany; latitude: 52°2.022'N, longitude: 8°29.718'E; 146 m a.s.l.). A total of 144 plants were arranged in 12 plots, each containing one plant per population with a random position within each plot (in total n = 6 plants per fertilisation treatment and population; for detailed experimental set-up see Suppl. material
The experimental area was located in North-Western Germany, where B. orientalis does not occur in the wild (
After five weeks of plant acclimatisation in the common garden, several traits regarding antagonist load were measured. Insect observations were repeated for every experimental plant ten times within six weeks until late August. Therefore, plants were first carefully approached to count and identify escaping insects and, afterwards, the leaves were searched for eggs, larvae and adults of herbivorous and predatory insects. Each observation was made between 1300 h and 1600 h on two consecutive days for all plots. Identifications were made on the family-level and related species recorded as morphotypes. As insect occurrence on B. orientalis was overall very low, insect count data were summed for every plant over the ten observations. Thus, insect counts might be biased by repeated counts of individuals, especially of immobile insects. However, a constant presence on a plant represents acceptance of, or even reproduction on, that plant.
During the last observation in the first year, plant damage from chewing-biting insects was monitored by estimating the consumed leaf area per plant using templates of various sizes. Leaf mines of identical morphs and infestation spots of (likely fungal) pathogens were counted. Furthermore, the numbers of rosette and offshoot leaves were counted and the length was measured of the longest leaf per plant (i.e. rosette expansion) as growth traits. Finally, ten leaf discs (12.7 mm diameter) were taken from the third youngest leaf pair per plant which showed no obvious visual damage, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at –80 °C for later analysis of defence traits (see below).
Early in the second year (April 2016), 10 of the 13 dead plants were replaced with plants of the same fertilisation treatment, where possible. All except three plants (from three populations) produced stems with small leaves from their rosettes and were scored daily for the first flower opening between early May and late June. In early July, rosette, offshoot and stem leaves as well as pathogen infestation spots per plant were counted. Due to the greatly differing plant growth form (i.e. number, type and size of leaves), comparable insect observations were not possible. Between late July and mid August, the reproductive output was measured as the number of silicles per plant. As reproduction-related growth traits, the stems and branches were counted and the lengths of the highest stem and the longest branch were measured. The experiment concluded at the end of August 2016.
Leaf discs harvested in 2015 were lyophilised and weighed to calculate the leaf mass per area (LMA) as a mechanical defence trait. From the same leaf material, glucosinolates were analysed after conversion to desulphoglucosinolates using high performance liquid chromatography, as in
Statistical analyses were done with R (version 3.0.3;
Statistics for traits of Bunias orientalis plants. Populations of different status (native, invasive, naturalised, n = 4 populations each) were grown in a field common garden under two fertilisation treatments (low, high) (n = 5–6 per population and treatment). Traits were analysed using linear mixed-effect models (maximum likelihood approach, Chi² likelihood ratio tests) with status, fertilisation treatment and their interaction as fixed effects and population and common garden plot identity as random effects. Traits were grouped based on a cluster analysis of Spearman rank-correlations (Suite) and group ranks re-analysed with plant individual as an additional random factor. Transformations: a: no transformation; b: log-transformation; c: square root-transformation; +1: 1 added to whole dataset. P values < 0.1 and > 0.05 in bold and italic, P values < 0.05 in bold. no.: number; GS: glucosinolate; conc.: concentration.
Status | Fertilisation | Status×Fertilisation | |||||
Suite | Chi²2 df | P | Chi²1 df | P | Chi²2 df | P | |
First year | |||||||
Growth | |||||||
Total leaf no.b | A | 4.69 | 0.096 | 7.18 | 0.007 | 2.01 | 0.366 |
Length longest leafa | B | 4.46 | 0.108 | 4.79 | 0.029 | 0.02 | 0.992 |
Defence | |||||||
Leaf mass per areab | C | 5.69 | 0.058 | 0.38 | 0.537 | 0.06 | 0.973 |
Total GS conc.c | C | 4.54 | 0.103 | 1.46 | 0.227 | 1.98 | 0.372 |
GS diversitya | C | 2.50 | 0.286 | 0.40 | 0.528 | 3.40 | 0.183 |
Antagonist load | |||||||
Pathogen spot no.b | B | 6.64 | 0.036 | 0.40 | 0.526 | 0.83 | 0.661 |
Herbivore no.c | B | 4.00 | 0.135 | 0.21 | 0.651 | 1.82 | 0.404 |
Herbivore diversitya | A | 2.80 | 0.247 | 1.01 | 0.316 | 1.87 | 0.394 |
Leaf herbivoryb+1 | B | 2.45 | 0.294 | 2.18 | 0.140 | 1.73 | 0.420 |
Beneficial Insects | |||||||
Predator no.c | B | 3.21 | 0.201 | 1.22 | 0.269 | 0.53 | 0.769 |
Second year | |||||||
Growth | |||||||
Total leaf no.c | D | 7.57 | 0.023 | 0.11 | 0.740 | 3.72 | 0.156 |
Antagonists | |||||||
Pathogen spot no.b+1 | D | 2.47 | 0.291 | 0.06 | 0.802 | 4.57 | 0.102 |
Reproduction | |||||||
Flowering delayc | C | 0.66 | 0.720 | 3.50 | 0.061 | 5.24 | 0.073 |
Length highest stema | D | 4.75 | 0.093 | 1.23 | 0.267 | 0.59 | 0.743 |
Silicle no.b | D | 5.96 | 0.051 | 0.22 | 0.638 | 5.23 | 0.073 |
Rank-based clusters | |||||||
n | |||||||
Suite Aa | 12 | 3.70 | 0.158 | 5.27 | 0.022 | 2.48 | 0.290 |
Suite Ba | 30 | 7.20 | 0.027 | 3.34 | 0.068 | 0.10 | 0.953 |
Suite Ca | 20–24 | 3.28 | 0.194 | 0.49 | 0.485 | 1.14 | 0.565 |
Suite Da | 18–24 | 4.68 | 0.096 | 0.11 | 0.743 | 6.07 | 0.048 |
To test for correlations between traits, pairwise Spearman rank correlation tests were applied on the untransformed dataset. Therefore, a correlation matrix of Spearman’s rho and the corresponding P values using the ‘rcorr’ function (package Hmisc) were generated. To find potential associations between traits, an agglomerative cluster analysis (unweighted pair-group arithmetic average method, UPGMA) was performed using the ‘agnes’ function (package cluster) on a matrix of 1 minus the absolute Spearman’s rho values as rank-based distance measures. The actual number of groups within the dendrogram clusters was revealed based on the highest average silhouette width found in multiple silhouette plots generated, assuming different numbers of groups (package cluster).
Consistency was tested across traits within the cluster-groups (suites) and across the entire cluster using Kendall’s coefficient of concordance W (package irr). As the corresponding significance test cannot handle negative correlations within groups, the ranks of one trait (LMA) were manually reversed. For one group consisting of only two traits, a pairwise Spearman rank correlation was used. To test if the suites of correlated traits reveal different syndromes, the raw data ranks were combined for individuals of all traits in each group separately and these datasets analysed using LMMs as described above. Therefore, plant identity was used as an additional random factor to control for multiple measures with individual plants and each incomplete dataset was reduced to individuals, in which at least two traits were measured.
The data underpinning the analyses reported in this paper are deposited in the Dryad Data Repository at
The total number of leaves differed depending on the population status, being lower in naturalised than in invasive and native populations (Fig.
. Growth and defence traits of Bunias orientalis plants. Twelve populations of native (green), invasive (red) or naturalised (yellow) status were grown in a field common garden under two nitrate-fertilisation treatments, low (light shade) and high (dark shade) (n = 6 per population and fertilisation treatment, n = 5–6 in (b); for population codes see Table
The LMA (first year) tended to be influenced by the population status (Table
The number of pathogen infestation spots in the first year was significantly influenced by the population status, being on average lowest in plants of native and highest in those of invasive populations (Table
Antagonist loads of Bunias orientalis plants. Twelve populations of native (green), invasive (red) or naturalised (yellow) status were grown in a field common garden under two nitrate-fertilisation treatments, low (light shade) and high (dark shade) (n = 6 per population and fertilisation treatment, n = 5–6 in (b); for population codes see Table
Reproduction traits of Bunias orientalis plants. Twelve populations of native (green), invasive (red) or naturalised (yellow) status were grown in a field common garden under two nitrate-fertilisation treatments, low (light shade) and high (dark shade) (n = 4–6 per population and fertilisation treatment; for population codes see Table
In the second year, highly fertilised plants tended to flower earlier, particularly those of invasive populations (Table
The agglomerative cluster analysis of selected plant trait ranks resulted in four suites of consistently correlated traits, A–D (Fig.
Rank-based correlations and clustering amongst individual traits of Bunias orientalis plants. Twelve populations were grown in a field common garden over two years. a Pairwise correlations of traits with heatmap shadings based on Spearman’s rho (n = 131–144 individuals in pairwise comparisons). Correlations are marked as positive (blue) or negative (red, hatched fields). Asterisks: significant correlations, P < 0.05; dots: tendencies, P < 0.1. b Agglomerative cluster analysis (coefficient 0.3) of traits based on 1 minus Spearman’s rho values as pairwise distances (UPGMA method). Dashed lines divide four suites of consistently correlated traits (Spearman’s rho; Kendall’s W, each P < 0.001), identified using silhouette plots (not shown). LeafMassArea: leaf mass per area; Hs: diversity of (Shannon index); 1, 2: year the trait was obtained. c Combined ranks of the four suites from (b), displayed over 12 populations of native (green), invasive (red) or naturalised (yellow) status grown under two fertilisation treatments, low (light shade) and high (dark shade); for population codes see Table
However, in all models, most of the variation was explained by the plant individual as a random factor (not shown), demonstrating high overall consistency within individuals. Accordingly, an overall consistency in individuals across all traits was revealed (W = 0.148, P < 0.001), although the W value was much lower than for trait ranks within groups.
This study revealed four suites of correlated traits in B. orientalis, which were differentially affected by the invasion status of populations and nitrate-fertiliser supply. The resulting syndromes may be considered as alternative strategies for successful establishment. The response of the individual traits is discussed within the syndromes to which they contributed.
As syndrome in suite A, vigorous leaf production of B. orientalis was enhanced by fertilisation and associated with high herbivore diversity. As high herbivore diversity overall corresponded to low infestation by chewing-biting herbivores (Suppl. material
The syndrome of the traits in suite B suggests that plants of non-native populations were more attractive than those of native populations to generalist antagonists, especially pathogens. However, they may tolerate the overall moderate antagonist attacks in non-native habitats, for example, by expansive rosettes, offering putative advantages in plant competition. In contrast, plants of native populations produced many leaves with high resistance, indicated by a low number of pathogen infestation spots on those plants. The infestation by fungal pathogens mainly depends on physico-chemical characteristics of the plant surface (
Interestingly, glucosinolates appeared not to be involved in the proposed changes in resistance upon invasion, as they clustered in another suite. However, higher concentrations of other low-cost toxic compounds might largely prevent non-native B. orientalis plants from antagonist attack, while some costly defences seemed to be decreased, as proposed by the SDH (
Finally, a strong correlation between herbivore and predator counts suggests that predators such as Chrysoperla carnea (Diptera: Syrphidae), Episyrphus balteatus (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and ichneumonids effectively controlled the herbivores on B. orientalis. These interactions may be partly mediated by plant volatiles that can attract these organisms (
Suite C combined defence by glucosinolates trading-off with defence by LMA and early flowering in the second year, which did not differ between plants of different status and fertilisation. A slightly higher LMA in plants of naturalised populations (Fig.
The high variation in glucosinolate concentration and diversity within populations found in the present field experiment is in accordance with an earlier study including the same B. orientalis populations kept under laboratory conditions (
The combination of high glucosinolate concentrations and late flowering, revealed in this study, has likewise been found in Brassica rapa in response to stress (
Suite D suggests that the full potential of invasive B. orientalis as successful colonisers is revealed in the second reproductive year, in which well-fertilised soils are effectively exploited, maximising plant performance. Particularly, highly fertilised plants of invasive populations stood out by, on average, high silicle and leaf numbers (Figs
Interestingly, plants of naturalised populations differed from the invasive ones in essential traits within this suite, highlighting the importance of examining interactions of non-native species and their environment in different establishment stages (
It could be demonstrated that regarding differential suites of traits within one invasive species, a variety of pre-adaptations and post-introduction evolution mechanisms, potentially beneficial for invasion, was revealed. Forming rank-based suites of functional traits over the life-history is a promising, integrative approach to identify syndromes displaying potential invasion strategies within species. More research on multiple mechanisms (and their interactions) facilitating individual migrating species in parallel should enhance the mechanistic understanding of novel ecological pattern. Thereby, a high number of traits should be monitored to discover species-specific trade-offs and to avoid misinterpretation of single trait functions. Finally, specifically in studies, in which bi- or perennial species are investigated, approaches that capture traits from different life-history stages are highly recommended.
This work was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MU 1829/16-1). Seeds were kindly provided by T. Fortuna, A. Kania, A. Opera, Y. Pauthier, H. Skálová, G. Vogg and D. Žvingila. We thank M. Behrendt, V. Biela, M. Bultmann, N. Jäckel, A. Kerim and J. StalLMAnn for support in the field experiment; K. Djendouci and F. Ziegler for glucosinolate analysis; K. Schrieber and R. Schweiger for statistical support; the gardeners of Bielefeld University, especially G. Sewing.
Methods S1: Details for plant treatment and data analysis
Data type: method
Figure S1. Design of the common garden field experiment
Data type: image
Figure S2. Growth traits of Bunias orientalis plants
Data type: image
Figure S3. Herbivore loads of Bunias orientalis plants
Data type: image
Figure S4. Reproduction traits of Bunias orientalis plants
Data type: image
Figure S5. Pairwise correlations between individual traits of Bunias orientalis plants
Data type: image