Research Article |
Corresponding author: Petr Petřík ( ) Academic editor: Ingo Kowarik
© 2019 Petr Petřík, Jiří Sádlo, Martin Hejda, Kateřina Štajerová, Petr Pyšek, Jan Pergl.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Petřík P, Sádlo J, Hejda M, Štajerová K, Pyšek P, Pergl J (2019) Composition patterns of ornamental flora in the Czech Republic. NeoBiota 52: 87-109.
Ornamental plants are an important component of urban floras and a significant source of alien plant invasions to the surrounding landscapes. We studied ornamental flora across 174 settlements in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The aims of the study were to (i) identify clusters of sites that are defined as distinctive groups of ornamental taxa reflecting environmental or socioeconomic factors and (ii) apply the classification approach which is traditionally used for spontaneous vegetation in order to evaluate the potential of different settlement types to act as source sites of invasive species. The inventories were classified in a similar manner that is generally applied to spontaneous vegetation using the COCKTAIL method. Diagnostic taxa were classified in a repeatable manner into 17 species groups, forming five distinctive clusters with ~70% of sites attributed to one cluster. The species pools of the clusters differed in their representation of species with native or alien status and different life forms. The following clusters were distinguished, based on the prevailing type of settlement: (1) old villas neighbourhoods of towns, (2) upland settlements, (3) modern neighbourhoods, (4) old rustic settlements and (5) modern rustic settlements. Similar to spontaneous vegetation, the classification of ornamental flora reflects both basic natural gradients (i.e. altitude) and man-made factors (i.e. the preferences for certain plants and associated management practices). Alien taxa associated with modern neighbourhoods are characterised by a relatively higher invasion potential than those from, for example, old rustic settlements. This is especially true for woody species which can spread in ruderal habitats as a result of urban sprawl. Our results showed that the classification method, commonly used to analyse vegetation data, can also be applied to ornamental flora.
homegardens, invasion potential, urban, vegetation classification
The recent increase in the knowledge of alien floras in countries worldwide (e.g.
Ornamental plants represent an important component in the urban space (
The horticulture industry is a major pathway for introductions of alien plants worldwide (
As shown by
Bearing this complexity in mind, we tested whether some repetitive ornamental species assemblages occur in human settlements. The main aim of the study is to identify clusters of sites that are defined as distinctive groups of ornamental taxa reflecting environmental or socioeconomic diversity by applying a modern vegetation classification approach and to assess the composition of ornamental flora at different settlement types in relation to aliens, therefore acting as source sites for the invasive species.
We used our previous research data on the ornamental flora in the Czech Republic (
Map of sample sites in the Czech Republic. Phytogeographic regions, reflecting the climatic conditions, are indicated by three shades of grey. Thermophyticum includes warm areas with a thermophilous flora and vegetation. Mesophyticum harbours flora and vegetation typical of the central European temperate zone. Oreophyticum is a cold region with mountain flora and vegetation corresponding to forests of the boreal zone, with smaller areas above the timberline similar to habitats in the arctic zone (see
Alien status was assigned to each taxon based on
We examined the compositional variation of ornamental flora in sites using the supervised classification of the COCKTAIL method (
As a fidelity measure, we used the phi coefficient (
Lists of diagnostic taxa composed of 17 COCKTAIL species groups (i.e. five clusters). The numbers of sites selected by a species group are presented in brackets. Planted species (in bold), casual aliens (*), naturalised incl. invasive aliens (#).
Cluster | Diagnostic taxa |
1 – Old villas neighbourhoods of towns | |
Asarum europaeum group (53): Asarum europaeum; Hepatica nobilis; Impatiens balsamina | Acaena spp., Antennaria dioica, Aquilegia flabellata*, Asarum europaeum, Asplenium trichomanes, Athyrium nipponicum, Carex muricata agg., Cymbalaria muralis*, Daphne arbuscula, Datura stramonium*, Erica cinerea, Euphorbia milii, E. pulcherrima, Hacquetia epipactis, Heuchera sanguinea, Impatiens balsamina*, Lilium martagon, Lysimachia nummularia, Matteuccia struthiopteris#, Parnassia palustris, Phyllitis scolopendrium, Robinia pseudacacia#, Rosa × centifolia* et R. damascena*, Sarracenia sp.* et hybr., Sedum hispanicum#, Verbascum thapsus |
Pseudofumaria lutea group (85): Asarum europaeum; Dryas octopetala; Lysimachia nummularia; Pseudofumaria lutea | |
Rhododendron group (170): Ligustrum vulgare; Rhododendron spp., Yucca filamentosa | |
2 – Upland settlements | |
Salix euxina group (28): Glebionis segetum; Papaver croceum; Salix euxina | Achillea ptarmica, Allium senescens, Arisaema spp., Artemisia abrotanum, Begonia × tuberhybrida, Callistephus chinensis*, Carex elata, Cymbalaria pallida*, Dianthus barbatus#, Digitalis purpurea#, Dryopteris carthusiana, Geranium ibericum et G. platypetalum et G. × magnificum, Glebionis segetum*, Hebe small-leaved spp. et hybr., Helianthus × laetiflorus#, Heuchera cylindrica, Hordeum jubatum#, Iris pseudacorus, Jovibarba globifera, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Lilium bulbiferum, Magnolia kobus, Mauranthemum paludosum, Miscanthus floridulus* et M. × giganteus*, Oxalis corniculata#, Papaver croceum*, Plectranthus forsteri, Primula denticulata, Pseudolysimachion spicatum, Salix euxina, Sedum anacampseros, S. forsterianum*, Sempervivum sp.* et hybr., Staphylea pinnata, Symphyotrichum dumosum*, S. novae-angliae*, Tradescantia × andersoniana* |
Aubrieta group (134): Aubrieta deltoidea; Gentiana acaulis et G. clusii, Saxifraga sect. Euaizoonia | |
Athyrium filix-femina group (113): Athyrium filix-femina; Helianthus × laetiflorus; Sedum anacampseros | |
3 – Modern neighbourhoods | |
Acer palmata group (131): Acer sect. Palmata; Campsis grandiflora; C. radicans et C. × tagliabuana; Magnolia × soulangeana; Salix matsudana cv. Tortuosa et S. × sepulcralis cv. Erythroflexuosa | Acer platanoides, A. sect. Palmata, Ailanthus altissima#, Aristolochia macrophylla, Asparagus densiflorus, Bambusoideae tall small-leaved taxa, Campsis grandiflora et C. radicans et C. × tagliabuana, Caryopteris × clandonensis, Catalpa bignonioides*, Cortaderia selloana, Hamamelis spp., Heuchera aff. americana, Hydrangea serrata, Jasminum nudiflorum, Koelreuteria paniculata*, Laburnum anagyroides# et L. × watereri#, Lathyrus vernus, Lonicera aff. sempervirens, Magnolia × soulangiana, Nepeta racemosa* et M. × faassenii*, Pennisetum alopecuroides*, Perovskia abrotanoides et P. atriplicifolia, Populus nigra, Prunus cerasifera# et P. × cistena#, Pyracantha coccinea#, Santolina chamaecyparissus*, Silene uniflora, Spiraea × cinerea, Syringa × prestoniae, Tradescantia pallida, Ulmus aff. minor, Viburnum rhytidophyllum* et V. × pragense*, V. tinus |
Pennisetum alopecuroides group (118): Hydrangea arborescens; Pennisetum alopecuroides; Pyracantha coccinea | |
Perovskia spp. group (71): Perovskia abrotanoides et P. atriplicifolia; Caryopteris × clandonensis; Jasminum nudiflorum, Santolina chamaecyparissus | |
4 – Old rustic settlements | |
Calendula officinalis group (162): Calendula officinalis; Callistephus chinensis; Echinacea purpurea; Tagetes erecta | Aconitum aff. napellus, Agrimonia aff. eupatoria, Anethum graveolens*, Asclepias tuberosa, Bassia scoparia#, Cleome hassleriana, Coreopsis basalis, C. rosea, Cosmos bipinnatus*, C. sulphureus, Cyclamen persicum, Dracaena sp., Eupatorium purpureum, Iris ensata, Leucanthemopsis alpina, Levisticum officinale*, Ligularia stenocephala, Limonium sinuatum, Lonicera fragrantissima et L. × purpusii, Malope trifida*, Malus spp.*, Mentha longifolia, Mentha × verticillata, Mimulus aurantiacus, Myrtus communis, Nigella damascena*, Pentas lanceolata, Polemonium caeruleum, Primula japonica, Rhodanthe chlorocephala, Sidalcea malviflora, Silene banksia, Skimmia japonica, Syringa × chinensis, Thladiantha dubia*, Vaccinium corymbosum*, Veronica virginica, Viburnum farreri et V. × bodnatense |
Mahonia aquifolium group (166): Alcea rosea; Antirrhinum majus; Asparagus officinalis; Campanula persicifolia; Mahonia aquifolium | |
Agrimonia aff. eupatoria group (84): Agrimonia aff. eupatoria; Allium schoenoprasum; Anethum graveolens; Levisticum officinale; Rheum rhabarbarum, Vaccinium corymbosum | |
Nigella damascena group (67): Nigella damascena; Lavatera trimestris; Limonium sinuatum | |
5 – Modern rustic settlements | |
Rudbeckia laciniata group (144): Cosmos bipinnatus; Delphinium × cultorum; Heliopsis helianthoides; Rudbeckia laciniata; Salvia officinalis | Androsace sarmentosa* et A. sempervivoides*, Anemone sylvestris, Anthemis tinctoria, Antirrhinum majus*, Atriplex hortensis*, Campanula glomerata, Canna indica, Commelina communis#, Consolida ajacis#, Coreopsis grandiflora et C. lanceolata, Delphinium × cultorum, Eupatorium cannabinum, Euphorbia marginata*, Euryops spp., Festuca gautieri, Festuca glauca, Gaura lindheimeri et hybr., Geranium dalmaticum et G. × cantabrigiense, Glebionis coronaria, Humulus lupulus, Chasmanthium latifolium, Inula ensifolia, Ipomoea purpurea*, Iris pumila, Linum austriacum, Lunaria annua#, Malva sylvestris, Nicandra physalodes*, Oenothera missouriensis*, Opuntia spp., Portulaca grandiflora* et hybr., Prunus tenella, Pseudolysimachion incanum, Rudbeckia laciniata#, Ruta graveolens#, Santolina chamaecyparissus, Satureja hortensis, Sedum sarmentosum#, Sempervivum arachnoideum, Silene schafta, Stipa tenuissima, Streptocarpus saxorum, Tanacetum densum et T. haradjanii, Teucrium chamaedrys, Typha minima, Veronica austriaca et V. caespitosa et V. prostrata, Veronica cf. armena et V. pectinata |
Commelina communis group (81): Portulaca grandiflora et hybr.; Euphorbia marginata; Commelina communis | |
Anemone sylvestris group (87): Anemone sylvestris; Festuca gautieri; Pseudolysimachion incanum; Veronica austriaca et V. caespitosa | |
Centaurea dealbata group (115): Centaurea dealbata; Erigeron speciosus; Prunus tenella |
First, we started the clustering algorithm with initial diagnostic species. In most cases, however, the same species group is obtained irrespective of which species of the group is chosen to start the algorithm (
To describe gradients in environmental, social and economic traits, we used data from the Czech Statistical Office ( and the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute ( shown in Table
Basic environmental variables (mean ± SD) characterising each cluster type. The data were obtained from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute.
Cluster no., name and no. of cases | Altitude (m a.s.l.) | Annual mean temperature (°C) | Annual precipitation (mm/year) |
1. old villas neighbourhoods of towns (N = 14) | 358 ± 103 | 8.4 ± 1.1 | 724 ± 171 |
2. upland settlements (N = 11) | 612 ± 224 | 6.8 ± 1.2 | 901 ± 149 |
3. modern neighbourhoods (N = 28) | 312 ± 114 | 8.9 ± 0.9 | 610 ± 115 |
4. old rustic settlements (N = 26) | 395 ± 86 | 8.3 ± 0.7 | 683 ± 102 |
5. modern rustic settlements (N = 40) | 318 ± 112 | 8.7 ± 0.9 | 633 ± 139 |
6. unclassified sites (N = 55) | 398 ± 181 | 8.1 ± 4.2 | 710 ± 508 |
Three statistical tests were performed to assess the differences between the clusters: proportion of alien taxa and proportion of transient and core taxa. Statistical differences between the clusters were tested using arc-transformed values, ANOVA and multiple comparisons by Tukey’s test in R 3.2.1 for Windows ( Basic statistics on urban types were performed in STATISTICA 12 ( presented in Suppl. material
Using the COCKTAIL method, we defined 17 plant assemblages (i.e. species groups) across all sites. Based on the 17 plant species groups, five clusters were defined from the 119 sites using a logical operator, similar to classifying vegetation units. No reasonable pattern was found in the remaining cluster, which includes 55 sites (i.e. 32% of all sampled sites). This cluster was characterised as an unspecific ornamental flora, since no potential subgroup was sufficiently pronounced in its composition, habitat demands and cultural indication.
The clusters were named according to the prevailing type of settlement: (1) old villas neighbourhoods of towns, (2) upland settlements, (3) modern neighbourhoods, (4) old rustic settlements and (5) modern rustic settlements. The taxa, reported below, represent examples of typical taxa (see Fig.
This cluster is characterised by (i) woodland understorey taxa, often growing semi-spontaneously in the shadow of trees and includes both native (e.g. Asarum europaeum, Convallaria majalis) and alien species (e.g. Helleborus spp., Matteuccia struthiopteris); (ii) nutrient-demanding taxa domesticated on stone walls or in rockeries (Asplenium trichomanes, Cymbalaria muralis, Pseudofumaria lutea and Sedum spurium); (iii) indoor plants kept in the garden over the summer (Erica cinerea and Euphorbia milii) and (iv) ornamental shrubs (Rhododendron spp. and Rosa × centifolia). These gardens were created around large villas built in wealthy residential areas between ~ 1870–1940. Their common style of an English garden is linked with the dominance of shrubs and trees along with lawns. Later, the need for easy and cheap upkeep of spacious gardens resulted in a selection of long-lived, undemanding and low-maintenance taxa (such as trees), persisting through clonal reproduction (such as shrubs) or even forming stable generative populations. Yet, these gardens harbour the lowest number of aliens amongst all the clusters.
This cluster is rich in taxa tolerating cold climates and less fertile soils and demanding higher air moisture (e.g. Primula denticulata, Papaver croceum, Begonia × tuberhybrida, Athyrium filix-femina). Extensive rockeries, rich in taxa from genera such as Saxifraga, Sedum and Sempervivum, are specific to these sites. Many of these uncompetitive and stress-tolerant taxa are of alpine or boreal origin and their local cultivation is enabled by nutrient poor soils, which are only rarely colonised by fast-growing competitive weeds, such as Elymus repens or tall annuals. Many alien taxa found in gardens maintain stable self-sowing or clonal populations (e.g. Achillea ptarmica, Dianthus barbatus). On the other hand, some taxa, which had been traditionally associated with this cluster (e.g. Calystegia pulchra, Myrrhis odorata, Aconogonon polystachyum), are infrequently planted in recent times. In dispersed mountain settlements, ruderal and semi-natural habitats bordering on gardens, these especially often comprise resistant and hardy herbs such as Helianthus × laetiflorus, Hemerocallis spp. or taxa invading surrounding natural vegetation, such as Digitalis purpurea, Lupinus polyphyllus and Telekia speciosa.
This cluster includes many woody taxa which constitute ~70% of the local diagnostic taxa. Shrubs and trees are popular owing to their representative appearance and low maintenance. They include taxa with evergreen leaves (e.g. Pyracantha coccinea and many conifers), cultivars with columnar (Populus nigra) or tortuose habitus (Corylus avellana, Salix matsudana), coloured branches (Cornus alba) and variegated (Salix integra cv. Haruko-Nishiki) or dark leaves (Prunus cerasifera cv. Pisardii). Lianas (Aristolochia macrophylla, Campsis radicans, Wistaria sinensis), tall grasses (Bambusoideae family, Cortaderia spp., Pennisetum spp.) and virgate low shrubs and semi-shrubs (Caryopteris × clandonensis, Cotoneaster spp., Jasminum nudiflorum, Perovskia spp.) are also very popular. On the contrary, ornamental annuals, dependent on sowing and weeding, are entirely absent amongst the diagnostic taxa of this cluster. Gardens are typical of modern detached houses.
Joint cultivation of ornamental and utility plants in hoed beds characterise this cluster. Crops such as Levisticum officinale and Rheum rhabarbarum partly hold an ornamental function. Anethum graveolens is often combined with roses to grow under their protection. Some native taxa (e.g. Agrimonia eupatoria, Rosa canina and Sambucus nigra) often establish spontaneously and are tolerated both for ornamental and practical purposes. Hoeing, sowing and weeding are suitable management practices for cultivation of annuals (i.e. Cosmos bipinnatus, Nigella damascena or Tagetes spp.) or geophytes which are easily replanted (e.g. Aconitum napellus). Carnations (Dianthus spp.) along the edges of garden beds are another widely shared tradition. Amongst trees, taxa planted for fruits entirely prevail over ornamental trees. Low numbers of ornamental taxa and their arrays follow local tradition since the 19th century (e.g. Polemonium caeruleum, Alcea rosea and Phlox paniculata). However, cultivation of, for example, Syringa × chinensis and Vaccinium corymbosum is of modern origin.
This cluster shares many taxa with cluster 3, but it has its own group of diagnostic taxa, such as (i) lianas (Humulus lupulus, Ipomoea purpurea), covering garden fences; (ii) taxa of rockeries, often robust and drought-resistant chamaephytes (genera Iberis, Opuntia, Oenothera missouriensis, Ruta graveolens, many taxa from the Lamiaceae family); (iii) self-spreading native taxa of dry grasslands (Iris pumila, Anemone sylvestris, Linum austriacum, Prunus tenella); (iv) annual self-sowing alien taxa (Euphorbia marginata, Portulaca grandiflora, Commelina communis, Consolida ajacis); and (v) tall nutrient-demanding perennials (Canna indica, Rudbeckia laciniata). These gardens usually border recently-built family houses.
The clusters significantly differed in the proportion of alien taxa, ranging from 73% (upland settlements) to 93% (unclassified cluster; Fig.
Differences in the percentages (i.e. median, 25th and 75th percentile and min/max values) of aliens amongst all ornamental taxa within clusters of the classified settlement types and within the unclassified cluster. Same letters above the boxes indicate insignificant differences between clusters (ANOVA F = 5.35, df (5, 168), p < 0.001).
The proportion of the transient taxa was not statistically different amongst the individual clusters. The lowest mean proportion of transient taxa was 29.7%. In addition, the clusters differed in the proportion of alien core (persistent) taxa (Fig.
Differences in the percentages (i.e. median, 25th and 75th percentile and min/max values) of core alien ornamental taxa (i.e. frost-resistant cultivated plants that persisted for a long time after abandonment or taxa that occur at many sites) within clusters of classified settlement types and within the unclassified cluster. Same letters above the boxes indicate insignificant differences between clusters (ANOVA F = 5.69, df (5, 168), p < 0.001).
We based the categorisation of the ornamental flora on our field experience and used a formalised statistical approach to demonstrate that our assumptions about the assemblages of garden plant species can be expressed in a way that is usually applied to vegetation studies (see statistical forming of sociological species groups by
The concept of transient and core species, used in the analyses, shows the differences between established species, both naturalised aliens and native, and casual alien species. Both groups represent different levels of risk in the future. The core species have been present for a long time and many of them have the potential to spread after a lag phase; however, the transient taxa represent a larger pool of species waiting for opportunities to invade (
The information on the structure of settlements was not collected systematically. Therefore, we cannot provide percentage cover accounted for by individual clusters; however, such information is clearly visible in the remote sensing images. Preliminary delimitation of individual clusters was therefore based on the structure of recorded sites that were chosen to cover relatively homogenous areas in the villages or in towns and cities. The clusters thus represent the structure of buildings and were mainly defined by expert knowledge.
We interpreted each cluster in terms of urban typology and environmental gradients (see Table
During our field assessment, we also evaluated some distinctive urban structures (see Suppl. material
A modern style of garden design brought new practices, such as the use of bark chips or gravel (i.e. mulch). The activities of landscape architects and commercial gardening companies brought further radical changes to the local species composition. Old rustic settlements are characterised by cottage gardens in villages or peripheral parts of towns comprising a large number of farmhouses. Traditional rustic architecture is often replaced by modern single-family houses. However, the structure, composition and management of their gardens adheres to traditional habits (e.g. hoed patches, common cultivation of annuals, mixed plantations of ornamentals together with vegetables and a conservative selection of species). Some cemeteries were included because of the presence of folkish ornamental plants. Most sites are situated in lower altitudes. Modern and old rustic settlements share the same tradition of garden designs and gardening methods, except for the use of modern tools. Local fertile soils (often in lowland chernozem areas) and a warm climate allow for the development of species-rich and floriferous front gardens. Their structure is evidenced, for example, by luxuriant combinations of species, ranging from ornamental vines covering walls, unfenced gardens serving a semi-public function to narrow accessorial patches and lining pavements outside garden fences. Local emphasis on the representative role of these gardens is obvious. Most sites are villages or small towns with a significant proportion of new or renovated detached houses with front gardens and public green belts.
During our fieldwork, we identified other potentially important structures, besides the urban and rural structures listed above. Amongst others, these structures include cemeteries, public allotments, cottage colonies and crofts or gardens. We included public spaces such as cemeteries if these grounds were encountered during our urban district surveys. Therefore, these structures were included in all clusters but did not form an individual cluster. It was impossible to distinguish between private gardens and green public spaces in many cases, for example, green spaces in front of private houses. Surprisingly, none of these structures was differentiated as a unique cluster or species group. This may be due to their small size, floristic variability (i.e. cemeteries) or rather unspecific composition (i.e. allotments). However, it could also be that private gardens are over-represented in comparison to other “urban types” such as cemeteries, garden allotments or public parks.
The observed patterns suggest possible shifts in regional species pools which may correspond to the recent global shifts (
Gardens in modern neighbourhoods and modern rustic settlements are very rich in taxa which were not present before the 1990s. Many of these escape, especially into novel habitats via interlocking concrete pavements or beds mulched with pebbles. For example, locally escaping populations of Linaria purpurea, Pennisetum alopecuroides, Perovskia hybr. and Thymophylla tenuiloba have been observed during the surveys. In addition, these habitats also support the escape of some species that were traditionally cultivated but never escaped in the past, such as Lavandula angustifolia.
Many escaping aliens are already classified as invasive (
In this study, we classified human-made assemblages of ornamental taxa. The results show that human-made assemblages of ornamental taxa can be classified using this method, which has been conceived for natural vegetation, formed by basic ecological gradients.
The detected variation of ornamentals mainly follows (i) altitude, associated with climatic or soil gradients and (ii) differences in local traditions, given by the socioeconomic drivers and cultural history. Similar compositional patterns can be expected in other countries, although particular clusters may differ substantially in their delimitation.
In view of the results, new neighbourhoods represent the greatest potential threat for future invasions. These gardens are species-rich, particularly in woody aliens and many of their taxa have been rarely cultivated or even absent until recently. Furthermore, these neighbourhoods are often constructed in peri-urban belts in which the abundance of newly disturbed habitats is suitable for new local escapees and invasions.
We thank Z. Chocholoušková, D. Láníková, R. Paulič, J. Rydlo, M. Severa, M. Štech and R. Višňák for their help with the field surveys; V. Řehořek, R. Businský and J. Uher are acknowledged for their taxonomic expertise, allowing for the correct identification of some problematic taxa. We thank Z. Sixtová for technical support and Desika Moodley with Mike Skinner for language editing. The work on this paper was supported by the project ‘Biotic threats to monuments of garden art: algae, cyanobacteria and invasive plants’ (DG16P02M041), carried out in 2016–2020 within the framework of the programme of applied research and development of national and cultural identity (NAKI II) of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic We thank Ingo Kowarik, Josep Padullés and other anonymous reviewers for helpful comments during the revision of the manuscript.
Sampling methods described in
Data type: species data
List of characteristics for individual sites: architecture structure and socio-economic and environmental factors
Data type: measurement
Box plots for selected six clusters with subjectively recognized urban types
Data type: statistical data