Corresponding author: James W. E. Dickey ( ) Academic editor: Jane Catford
© 2020 James W. E. Dickey, Ross N. Cuthbert, Josie South, J. Robert Britton, Joe Caffrey, Xuexiu Chang, Kate Crane, Neil E. Coughlan, Erfan Fadaei, Keith D. Farnsworth, Stefanie M. H. Ismar-Rebitz, Patrick W. S. Joyce, Matt Julius, Ciaran Laverty, Frances E. Lucy, Hugh J. MacIsaac, Monica McCard, Ciara L. O. McGlade, Neil Reid, Anthony Ricciardi, Ryan J. Wasserman, Olaf L. F. Weyl, Jaimie T. A. Dick.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Dickey JWE, Cuthbert RN, South J, Britton JR, Caffrey J, Chang X, Crane K, Coughlan NE, Fadaei E, Farnsworth KD, Ismar-Rebitz SMH, Joyce PWS, Julius M, Laverty C, Lucy FE, MacIsaac HJ, McCard M, McGlade CLO, Reid N, Ricciardi A, Wasserman RJ, Weyl OLF, Dick JTA (2020) On the RIP: using Relative Impact Potential to assess the ecological impacts of invasive alien species. NeoBiota 55: 27-60.
Invasive alien species continue to arrive in new locations with no abatement in rate, and thus greater predictive powers surrounding their ecological impacts are required. In particular, we need improved means of quantifying the ecological impacts of new invasive species under different contexts. Here, we develop a suite of metrics based upon the novel Relative Impact Potential (RIP) metric, combining the functional response (consumer per capita effect), with proxies for the numerical response (consumer population response), providing quantification of invasive species ecological impact. These metrics are comparative in relation to the eco-evolutionary baseline of trophically analogous natives, as well as other invasive species and across multiple populations. Crucially, the metrics also reveal how impacts of invasive species change under abiotic and biotic contexts. While studies focused solely on functional responses have been successful in predictive invasion ecology, RIP retains these advantages while adding vital other predictive elements, principally consumer abundance. RIP can also be combined with propagule pressure to quantify overall invasion risk. By highlighting functional response and numerical response proxies, we outline a user-friendly method for assessing the impacts of invaders of all trophic levels and taxonomic groups. We apply the metric to impact assessment in the face of climate change by taking account of both changing predator consumption rates and prey reproduction rates. We proceed to outline the application of RIP to assess biotic resistance against incoming invasive species, the effect of evolution on invasive species impacts, application to interspecific competition, changing spatio-temporal patterns of invasion, and how RIP can inform biological control. We propose that RIP provides scientists and practitioners with a user-friendly, customisable and, crucially, powerful technique to inform invasive species policy and management.
biological control, ecological impacts, functional response, invasive alien species, numerical response, propagule pressure, relative impact potential metric, risk assessment
In recent decades, the tourism, agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and pet trades, among others, have been boosted by new globalised transport networks (
The management of invasive species is challenging, with certain high-profile failed management programmes (
Here, we develop a suite of metrics based on the per capita effects and abundances of species (
Numerous studies have failed to find traits of species, spanning diverse taxonomic and trophic groups, that reliably predict invader ecological impact (
Following this “Parker-Lonsdale” equation,
Type I, II and III functional responses and hypothetical invader/native comparisons (see
Comparing the functional responses of native and invader consumers can highlight differences in the strength of consumer/resource interactions (Fig.
The comparative functional response approach (Fig.
Although the comparative functional response approach has been successful in characterising ecologically damaging invasive species by itself (e.g.
The combination of functional and numerical responses is consistent with the idea of the total response (TR) of a consumer (
Unlike the functional response, the rather nebulous numerical response has proven difficult to derive due, for example, to time lags in consumer population responses (see
An IP value by itself offers limited insight, but we relate the IP of an invasive species to the IP of a trophically analogous native (the baseline, or co-evolved relationship), giving the “Relative Impact Potential” of the invader (henceforth, RIP) as:
In Eq. 5, the functional response may be the maximum feeding rate, that is, the curve asymptote, or 1/h (where h is the handling time parameter:
RIP lends itself to data collection by experiment and/or survey, or information from already available/published results. Single estimates of the functional response and the numerical response proxy may be used in the RIP equation; alternatively, means, standard errors, variances, standard deviations or confidence intervals can allow the incorporation of uncertainty into RIP. To do this, it is assumed that the observed functional response and numerical response proxy are samples from underlying distributions of values (see
where ƒ() = the pdf.
As an example, we have functional responses for the Ponto-Caspian invasive amphipod D. villosus (killer shrimp) and the native analogue G. duebeni towards Asellus aquaticus prey (
We can then use the pdf, f (RIP), and report RIP and the confidence intervals (80% and 60%) and the probability that RIP is greater than 1, or any other figure (e.g. >10; see
The result can also be visualised using “RIP biplots”, with maximum feeding rate on the x-axis, and the numerical response proxy on the y-axis (e.g.
RIP biplot from
The other classic functional response parameter “a”, the attack rate, is an alternative to the maximum feeding rate. This quantifies the initial gradient of the functional response curve, and gives insights into the critical impact a consumer exerts at low resource densities (
There may be difficulties in determining functional and numerical responses, for example, practicalities surrounding consumer and resource supply, or ethical issues. Hence, we now review proxies for both.
In some situations (e.g. large-bodied species in the wild) functional response experiments may prove difficult. For example, the functional responses of deer species are poorly described (but see
As per
Population abundance/density are backed theoretically and in practice as suitable proxies for the numerical response (
Where abundance/density data are not suitable, for example, due to large body size differences among species, biomass is a suitable proxy. For example, the invasive sharp-tooth catfish Clarias gariepinus reaches lengths of 148 cm (
Comparison of impact derived from use of Catch Per Unit Effort and biomass, whereby CPUE gives a misleading impact assessment of the extralimital predator. CPUE data were taken from
Often there is no known invasion history of a species, which will become increasingly common as new source pools of invaders are linked to human transport (
Invasive species success can be heavily dependent on propagule pressure, that is, the number, frequency and viability of individuals introduced (
PPP took two forms: one assessed availability of the species across 20 pet stores; the other surveyed classified advertisement websites for unwanted pets. Three dimensional triplots (i.e. x-, y- and z-axes) visualise relative invasion risk i.e. RIR (R script available therein).
The past four years have been the hottest on record (2015–2018: NOAA 2019), and such changing environmental conditions will affect the establishment and impact of invading species (
We thus propose that, for any invader, the effect of temperature increases (or other abiotic variables) on its ecological impact can be assessed by Eq. 8 as:
where ‘high temp’ could be the mean environmental temperature projected from climate models. Note that abiotic variables such as temperature may not affect functional response and numerical response proxies linearly (e.g. feeding parameters can show hump-shaped responses to temperature:
The rate of reproduction of the prey (or other resource e.g. plant growth and reproduction) will also likely be affected by the same temperature rise, thus either decreasing or increasing impact. For example, if reproduction by the prey increases at higher temperatures (e.g.
For example, if a prey species doubles its reproductive output at the higher temperature, then this will halve the RIP value as it is multiplied by ½; alternatively, a prey species that halves its reproductive output at a higher temperature will double the RIP value (i.e. multiply RIP by 1/0.5=2). Eq. 8 thus becomes:
For example, South et al. (in prep) demonstrate that lionfish Pterois volitans exert higher predation upon shrimp Palaemonetes varians at 26 °C (max. feeding rate of 8.34 ± 0.65 SE) than at 22 °C (4.34 ± 0.55 SE) and that lionfish have greater abundances at the higher temperature (28.80 ± 1.75 SD ha-1:
However, their prey is likely to increase in abundance by 5% between the two temperatures, meaning RRQ is:
Since more prey means the impact exerted lessens, this leads to a reduced RIP of:
However, we can see that the increased prey abundance due to temperature increase does not offset the increased feeding rate and abundance of the predator, leading to maintenance of an RIP value > 1.
RIP can thus be adapted with RRQ to include context dependencies like temperature, but also associated climate change conditions such as ocean acidification (
Functional and numerical responses of resident species towards invasive species may provide biotic resistance (see also
Taking the functional response data of
Therefore, resistance to the non-native C. pseudogracilis prey by the naturalised G. pulex is stronger than by native G. duebeni due to higher per capita feeding rate and abundance.
One possible issue of using functional response data to infer biotic resistance is the use of a single prey species, unlikely in the wild where alternative prey will occur. We thus suggest functional response experiments feature the target invasive prey and additional native prey, coupled with experiments that explore the other classic ecological concept of prey “switching” or “frequency dependent predation” (
There is a notable lack of evolutionary theory for invasive species (
There are, however, a very limited number of studies of functional and numerical response changes with range expansion, and we can only encourage collection of data to populate Eq. 12 to test these ideas. We discuss other aspects of RIP in spatio-temporal contexts below.
Finally, the use of RIP in the evolutionary context could assist with a still relatively untested conservation technique, genetic backburning (
Interspecific competition can reduce the abundances of interacting species and drive species exclusions and coexistence (
The Competition Spectrum, outlining how differential use of shared and limiting resources drives interspecific competition, with outcomes varying across trophic and taxonomic groups. For example, plants compete for resources lacking equivalents, preventing competing species from switching to analogous resources, while generalist predators have many relatively equivalent potential prey items and the reduction of one prey item by an invader could lead to little or no effect on interspecific competition. We propose that RIP (Relative Impact Potential) will be most useful towards the right, whereas the same metric might better be named RICP (Relative Inter-specific Competitive Potential) to the left.
This spectrum perhaps explains why animal ecologists have simply not used functional responses in competition studies, while plant ecologists have done so for decades (see also
For example, using the uptake rates of NH4+ of two grass species, the invasive Andropogon gayanus and the native Eriachne triseta (
This large RICP value is congruent with the much greater general impact of the invasive species than the native analogue, particularly in terms of out-competing native plants.
Alternatively, it may be that the less commonly used functional response metric of attack rate offers greater insights into competition, since this captures the ability to effectively consume resources at low resource densities, reflective of Tilman’s R* theory (
RIP as originally formulated assumed complete replacement of the native by the invader, for example, the invasion of G. pulex leading to the replacement of G. duebeni celticus by intraguild predation (
In a hypothetical example:
Zone 2 (point b1, native + invader)
An alternative scenario could result from one-sided intraguild predation, whereby the invader consumes the native and converts native abundance into its own. In this situation, the presence of the native species may lead to a greater abundance of invader than if the native had been extirpated:
Most studies fail to account for these potential changing impacts of an invader over time, and while there is a need to study the often acute initial effects of the invader, subsequent effects also need focus (
Conceptual spatio-temporal patterns of invasion impact across four invasion stages. In Zone 1, the “Pre-invasion” baseline impact is driven by the native species before the invader arrives, and at point “a” the invasion takes place. In Zone 2, additional impact is exerted by the “Arrival” of the invader, that is, impact is driven by invader and native combined, up to a temporary impact peak, which might vary in magnitude, denoted “b1–b3” in Zone 2. Following these peaks, impact declines as the invader replaces the native, with the point of complete “Replacement” denoted “c”. In Zone 3, with only the invader now present, the impact level may remain higher than the native species baseline. Further, in Zone 4, after point “e”, “Proliferation” of the invader may occur with consequent heightened impact. This scheme does not assume all stages will occur (e.g. partial replacement may persist) but outlines all likely scenarios.
Biocontrol agent selection targeting native or invader pests has commonly examined the functional responses of agents toward target organisms (
Proxy selection for this metric can additionally be adjusted to suit the nature of biocontrol in respect to the method of release. Inoculative agent releases that seek to induce self-sustaining populations from a single introduction may be best to incorporate fecundity estimates, whilst temporary, inundative releases may be better suited to apply a proxy such as agent longevity. For example,
Here, the Relative Control Potential value is substantially above 1, and thus M. albidus (agent A) is a much more efficacious agent of target mosquito prey than M. viridis (agent B). This corroborates with the demonstrated effectiveness of M. albidus in biocontrol applications aiming to reduce mosquito populations (
To exemplify the influence of context dependency on biocontrol agent efficacy using Relative Control Potential,
Here, at 12 °C (RCP12), efficacies between agent A and agent B are relatively similar; however, as temperature increases to 20 °C (RCP20), differential efficacies in favour of agent A emerge. Thus, environmental context dependencies which alter the efficacy of biocontrol agents can be explicitly integrated into the Relative Control Potential metric.
The Relative Impact Potential (RIP) metric addresses the lack of consistent quantification and representation of “ecological impact” in invasion ecology. Indeed, research has often focused on only one of the three components of the Parker-Lonsdale equation (
We also recognise that RIP has to this point assumed linearity by assessing impact as the product of per capita effects and the numerical response (or proxy). We have hence assumed intraspecific interactions are neutral, rather than antagonistic or synergistic. We also note similarities with the “Density-Impact curve”, which assesses non-linear effects of invasive species abundance with economic impact (
Until now, quantitative evaluations of impact have not been satisfactorily included in risk assessments (
Currently, successful implementation of RIP for real-world decision making is constrained by the lack of data on functional and numerical responses and their proxies. However, with university research laboratories and dedicated research facilities worldwide (e.g. CABI), and databases such as FoRAGE (Functional Responses from Around the Globe in all Ecosystems), there are growing opportunities to compile functional and numerical response data across a wide range of taxa, trophic levels and ecosystems (
This project was supported in part by funding from Inland Fisheries Ireland to J. W. E. Dickey, Department of the Economy Northern Ireland to R. N. Cuthbert, DAERA to C. L. O. McGlade and Environmental Protection Agency to N. E. Coughlan and J. T. A. Dick. J. South and O.L.F. Weyl thank the NRF-DSI Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology (CIB) and the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (Inland Fisheries and Freshwater Ecology, Grant No. 110507) for their support. Thanks also to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). All authors contributed to the intellectual development and writing of this manuscript, which was led by J. W. E. Dickey and J. T. A. Dick. Silhouette images in Fig.