Research Article |
Corresponding author: Erik A. Lehnhoff ( ) Academic editor: Elizabeth Wandrag
© 2021 Sherri L. Buerdsell, Brook G. Milligan, Erik A. Lehnhoff.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Buerdsell SL, Milligan BG, Lehnhoff EA (2021) Invasive plant benefits a native plant through plant-soil feedback but remains the superior competitor. NeoBiota 64: 119-136.
Plant soil feedback (PSF) occurs when a plant modifies soil biotic properties and those changes in turn influence plant growth, survival or reproduction. These feedback effects are not well understood as mechanisms for invasive plant species. Eragrostis lehmanniana is an invasive species that has extensively colonized the southwest US. To address how PSFs may affect E. lehmanniana invasion and native Bouteloua gracilis growth, soil inoculant from four sites of known invasion age at the Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch in Sonoita, AZ were used in a PSF greenhouse study, incorporating a replacement series design. The purpose of this research was to evaluate PSF conspecific and heterospecific effects and competition outcomes between the invasive E. lehmanniana and a native forage grass, Bouteloua gracilis. Eragrostis lehmanniana PSFs were beneficial to B. gracilis if developed in previously invaded soil. Plant-soil feedback contributed to competitive suppression of B. gracilis only in the highest ratio of E. lehmanniana to B. gracilis. Plant-soil feedback did not provide an advantage to E. lehmanniana in competitive interactions with B. gracilis at low competition levels but were advantageous to E. lehmanniana at the highest competition ratio, indicating a possible density-dependent effect. Despite being beneficial to B. gracilis under many conditions, E. lehmanniana was the superior competitor.
Below-ground interactions, black grama, invasion ecology, Lehmann lovegrass, plant competition, plant invasion, soil microbiota
Plant-soil feedbacks (PSFs;
Plant-soil feedback and competition are not always independent processes and should not be considered separately (
Eragrostis lehmanniana (Lehmann lovegrass), is an invasive, perennial C4 bunchgrass that reproduces both sexually and asexually. It was introduced into the United States from South Africa (
The expansion of E. lehmanniana in the southwestern United States is likely a result of several factors. In addition to the ability to increase tiller production in response to drought (
As yet, we lack an understanding of the role of plant-mediated soil biotic changes, such as PSF, and their effects on interspecific competition in E. lehmanniana invasions in native grasslands. Eragrostis lehmanniana invasion may be increasing in part because of PSF, and PSF mediated competition. However, little is known about E. lehmanniana PSF, so it is equally possible that these feedbacks could be negative and ultimately limit E. lehmanniana invasion. Interspecific competition may also play a role in E. lehmanniana invasion, but how PSF influences interspecific competition is not yet understood. Evaluating the influence of PSF on competitive interactions between E. lehmanniana and native grasses will enhance understanding of PSF effects on plant competition and supply information that may be invaluable for rangeland restoration in the U.S. southwest.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the roles of competition and PSF in E. lehmanniana invasion over an invasion chronosequence. To address this goal, we determined how E. lehmanniana PSFs vary over time since invasion and affect competitive interactions between E. lehmanniana and the native grass B. gracilis. Three questions framing this study were: 1) How does the age of established populations of E. lehmanniana affect the strength and direction of E. lehmanniana PSF on itself and on B. gracilis? 2) How do PSFs created by E. lehmanniana affect B. gracilis growth? 3) How do PSFs created by E. lehmanniana affect competition between E. lehmanniana and B. gracilis? We predicted: 1) PSF benefits of E. lehmanniana to itself and conspecifics would dissipate as time since invasion increased, 2) PSFs created by E. lehmanniana would reduce B. gracilis biomass production, and 3) PSFs created by E. lehmanniana would provide an advantage to E. lehmanniana in competitive interactions with B. gracilis.
The Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch (Fig.
Loamy upland sampling sites at Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch, Sonoita, AZ, USA. Inset shows location of Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch in Arizona, USA. Dates are the estimated dates of Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana) invasion. Map data 2021 Google.
According to
Soil inocula were collected from four loamy upland sites (Fig.
Locations of loamy upland soil sample collection sites at Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch, Sonoita, AZ, USA.
Site | North American Datum 1983 | Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) | |
Latitude / Longitude | Easting | Northing | |
Uninvaded | 31.571065, -110.492825 | 547152 | 3495008 |
2003–2006 | 31.580104, -110.489865 | 545463 | 3494981 |
1985–2001 | 31.591461, -110.498605 | 547515 | 3495289 |
1949 | 31.575366, -110.492261 | 547712 | 3496438 |
One half of the soil samples from each of the four locations was randomly selected to be used as “live” inoculum. The remainder was sterilized by autoclave for use as “sterile” control inoculum for the PSF experiment. A local sandy loam soil collected from the Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center near Las Cruces, NM was used as the growing media. We collected 0–20 cm of the soil surface and then double steam pasteurized the soil in a Heavy Duty Pro-Grow Soil Sterilizer at 88–93 °C over 48 consecutive hours with mixing at 24 h. Soil was added to the soil sterilizer in layers, with each layer being wetted initially and at 24 h after the start of pasteurization, when soil was mixed for the second round of pasteurization.
We conducted a two-phase plant-soil feedback experiment (Fig.
In Phase 1, the conditioning phase, all pots were seeded with E. lehmanniana. Because a high amount of plant biomass was desired to facilitate the proliferation of soil microbes from minimal inoculum, E. lehmanniana was seeded at a high density (100–150 seeds per pot). This resulted in approximately 50 to 75 plants per pot. While there were different numbers of E. lehmanniana plants per pot, this likely did not affect biomass produced, as the density was high enough to ensure the effect of the law of constant final yield (
In Phase 2, we used a replacement series design (
In both phases, pots were watered daily to maintain a moist growth environment. Pots were fertilized once between Phase 1 and Phase 2 with 20 ml Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food (24-8-16).
Plant-soil feedback values were calculated using above-ground biomass per pot in each phase. We had six replicates for each level of competition, inoculum, and invasion age. Within each set of matching combinations of competition and invasion age, we randomly paired each of six sterile pots with one of the six live pots to calculate one PSF value for each pair of pots. This resulted in a total of six PSF values for each factor and treatment following
whereas biomass was the above-ground plant material in a single pot. This formula was chosen based on recommendations in
Relative yield (RY) and relative yield total (RYT) were calculated according to
where Yx is yield in mixture and Ym is yield in monoculture for relative yield and where i and j are E. lehmanniana and B. gracilis, respectively, for relative yield total. Relative yields instead of absolute yields were used because the biomass produced by the two species were qualitatively very different (
In the response phase, PSFs were analyzed as a function of species, site, and competition as fixed effects, block as random effect, and all two- and three-way interactions of fixed effects using a linear mixed-effects model with PSF as a normally distributed response variable. Conditioning phase biomass and crown circumference were evaluated as covariates but were not significant and were removed from the model. Data were subset for specific comparisons when an interaction term was significant. In addition, data from monocultures were analyzed as a function of species and site as fixed effects, block as random effect, and factorial interactions of all fixed effects using a linear mixed-effects model with PSF as the response variable. Data were then subset by species and analyzed as a function of site as a fixed effect and block as a random effect using a linear mixed-effects model with PSF as the response variable. When significant differences in mean PSF were detected among site and treatment, we used post hoc testing using Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (H.S.D., p < 0.05) to identify treatments with different effects.
Lovegrass-grama competition without PSF was analyzed using paired t-tests that tested the null hypothesis that the actual relative yield was equal to the expected relative yield at each competition ratio and for each species. To test if E. lehmanniana PSF provided an advantage to E. lehmanniana in competitive interactions with B. gracilis, we analyzed the significance of the difference between mean relative yield in sterile vs living soil for a given E. lehmanniana : B. gracilis ratio using the same linear mixed-effects model and Tukey H.S.D post hoc tests with relative yield as the gamma-distributed response variable.
All data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 (IBM, 2018). Validity of models was assessed with plots of fitted vs. residuals to check for constant variance and to ensure there were no negative fitted values. A Levene test and visual assessment of residuals were used to ensure homoscedasticity. Normal probability (Q-Q) plots were used to ensure the random effects were normally distributed. Wald chi-square statistics were calculated for linear mixed models using SPSS MIXED (IBM, 2018).
While conditioning biomass showed a weak, positive correlation to inoculum source-plant crown circumference (r = 0.129, p =0.016), there was no evidence of relationship between source-plant crown circumference and above-ground biomass produced in the response phase. Therefore, crown circumference was excluded as a covariate for subsequent analyses. Neither E. lehmanniana nor B. gracilis response phase biomass was affected by E. lehmanniana conditioning phase biomass. Conditioning phase biomass was not correlated with response phase PSF for either species. Therefore, conditioning phase biomass was not included as a covariate for response phase analysis.
Plant soil feedbacks on B. gracilis in soil from the uninvaded area were significantly different from PSFs on B. gracilis in invaded soils (F3,20 = 9.488, p < 0.001, Fig.
. Plant-soil feedbacks for A Bouteloua gracilis and B Eragrostis lehmanniana monocultures grown in soils conditioned for 12 weeks by E. lehmanniana. Plants were grown for 12 weeks prior to harvesting in the response phase. Soil inoculum collected from sites of known lovegrass invasion times on Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch, Sonoita, AZ. (n = 6). Similar letters over the bars indicate no difference in plant-soil feedbacks between invasion times. The boxes represent 25–75% interquartiles. The bold black lines inside the box represent the medians. Top and bottom whiskers indicate the maximum and minimum values, respectively. Values greater than zero indicate that a species performed better on live soil than on sterile soil, and vice versa.
To evaluate competition independently of PSF, mean above-ground biomass per plant was evaluated across competition ratios for sterile treatments (Fig.
Median per plant above-ground Bouteloua gracilis and Eragrostis lehmanniana biomass (grams dry weight) produced in a replacement series competition experiment in soils conditioned for 12 weeks by E. lehmanniana with sterile inoculum. Plants were grown for 12 weeks prior to harvesting. Within species, significant differences among E. lehmanniana (F3,89 = 10.932; p < 0.001) and B. gracilis (F3,90 = 12.475; p < 0.001) biomass are represented by letters, with similar letters over the bars indicating no difference in mean biomass between competition ratios. The boxes represent 25–75% interquartiles. The bold black lines inside the box represent the medians. Top and bottom whiskers indicate the maximum and minimum values, respectively.
Data were pooled for each site because relative yield competition outcomes for each ratio did not vary across sites (p > 0.05). Live inoculum had little effect on relative yield of either species (Fig.
Replacement series competition study of relative yields of B. gracilis and E. lehmanniana across competition ratios grown in soil cultured with A sterile and B live inoculum. Soils were conditioned for 12 weeks by E. lehmanniana. Plants were grown for 12 weeks prior to harvesting in the response phase. Soil inoculum collected from sites of known lovegrass invasion times on Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch, Sonoita, AZ. The expected (hypothetical) lines represent the relative yield that would be expected if species did not compete with one another (e.g., the relative yield for a species A, planted with a competitor B, at A:B planting ratios of 0:4, 1:3, 2:2, 3:1 and 4:0 are 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1, respectively). If one species is outcompeted, it will yield less than expected and its curve will shift to below the expected line. The line for relative yield total will be convex for facilitation or concave for competition. The superior competitor will yield more than expected and its curve will shift to above its expected line. The asterisk indicates the proportion of E. lehmanniana at which plant soil feedbacks increased E. lehmanniana yield relative to yield in the sterile soil pots.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the roles of PSF and competition in E. lehmanniana invasion into B. gracilis communities over time. We estimated net plant-soil feedbacks to determine the influence of E. lehmanniana invasion age on B. gracilis growth and competitive outcomes between the two species. Our results showed that E. lehmanniana invasion created interspecific PSFs that benefited B. gracilis. However, this effect was only present when B. gracilis was grown in soils conditioned with inocula from E. lehmanniana invaded communities. Bouteloua gracilis growth was inhibited when grown in soil conditioned by E. lehmanniana with inoculum from the native B. gracilis community, indicating that during the initial phases of an invasion, B. gracilis would suffer a negative PSF. Plant-soil feedbacks on E. lehmanniana were not significantly different from zero. Despite being beneficial through PSF to B. gracilis under many conditions, E. lehmanniana outcompeted B. gracilis over all competition levels. We found no significant differences in competition outcomes between live and sterile inoculum from E. lehmanniana populations of four invasion ages that would indicate PSF influences competition, apart from the highest ratio of E. lehmanniana to B. gracilis.
The addition of fertilizer in our experiment may have ameliorated negative PSF (
Though the mean E. lehmanniana PSF values indicated the potential for PSF to become more positive over time, the ages of established populations of E. lehmanniana did not significantly affect the strength and direction of E. lehmanniana PSF. Plant-soil feedbacks effects on grasses are predominantly negative and 70 % of 329 experiments have resulted in negative PSF effects (
Many previous studies have shown that plants tend to perform better in soils conditioned by heterospecifics (
Though PSF can modify competitive interactions and vice versa (
Eragrostis lehmanniana PSFs affected competition only when at 75% E. lehmanniana density. At lower densities, the effects of competition were much greater than PSF effects. Apart from the highest ratio of E. lehmanniana to B. gracilis, we found no differences in outcomes of competition between live and sterile inoculum from E. lehmanniana populations of four invasion ages that would indicate PSF influences competition. Similarly, when investigating how community context altered plant–soil feedback between the non-native invasive forb Lespedeza cuneata and co-occurring native prairie species,
Wubs and Bezemer (2017) found that competitive hierarchies are altered by PSF if conditioned by a single species. However, if multiple species have conditioned the soil, plant evenness increases due to the PSF-induced similarity of competitive ability across species (Wubs and Bezemer 2017). Future research in this system should include individual and combined conditioning by B. gracilis as well as E. lehmanniana and should investigate the resultant competitive outcomes between the two species. Our results differ from
Based on previous understanding (
To further elucidate the function of PSFs in plant invasions, future research should include growth of E. lehmanniana in soil conditioned by heterospecific and conspecific individuals at varying plant densities. The mechanisms by which E. lehmanniana interacts with specific soil microorganisms also needs investigation. In addition, differences in biomass allocation resulting from soil conditioning by conspecifics and heterospecifics may influence reproduction and competitive ability, influencing range expansion (
We rejected our prediction that PSF benefits of E. lehmanniana to itself and conspecifics would dissipate as time since invasion increased. Plant-soil feedbacks provided no benefit to E. lehmanniana, nor did this change over time. With respect to our prediction that E. lehmanniana PSFs would inhibit B. gracilis biomass production, we determined that contrary to our prediction, B. gracilis benefited from PSFs under all conditions except uninvaded. Our third prediction that E. lehmanniana competition would be enhanced by PSF was only partially confirmed. Plant-soil feedback did not provide an advantage to E. lehmanniana in competitive interactions with B. gracilis at low competition levels but were advantageous to E. lehmanniana at the highest competition ratio, indicating a possible density-dependent effect.
Plant and soil-microbial communities are responsive to biotic and abiotic conditions that affect associated plants (
We thank Kirsten Romig of the Jornada Experimental Range for seedling identification, the Jornada Basin LTER for graduate student support, and Darren James of the Jornada Experimental Range for statistical advice. We are grateful to Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch for allowing us access for sampling, to Linda Kennedy for helping us to locate appropriate sampling sites on the ranch, and Cristina Francois for additional information regarding the ranch. This work was partially supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch project NMLehnhoff-17H.