Corresponding author: Yu-Long Feng ( ) Academic editor: Ruth Hufbauer
© 2022 Ming-Chao Liu, Ting-Fa Dong, Wei-Wei Feng, Bo Qu, De-Liang Kong, Mark van Kleunen, Yu-Long Feng.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Liu M-C, Dong T-F, Feng W-W, Qu B, Kong D-L, van Kleunen M, Feng Y-L (2022) Leaf trait differences between 97 pairs of invasive and native plants across China: effects of identities of both the invasive and native species. NeoBiota 71: 1-22.
Many studies have attempted to test whether certain leaf traits are associated with invasive plants, resulting in discrepant conclusions that may be due to species-specificity. However, no effort has been made to test for effects of species identity on invasive-native comparisons. Here, we compared 20 leaf traits between 97 pairs of invasive and native plant species in seven disturbed sites along a southwest-to-northeast transect in China using phylogenetically controlled within-study meta-analyses. The invasive relative to the native species on average had significantly higher leaf nutrients concentrations, photosynthetic rates, photosynthetic nutrients- and energy-use efficiencies, leaf litter decomposition rates, and lower payback time and carbon-to-nitrogen ratios. However, these differences disappeared when comparing weakly invasive species with co-occurring natives and when comparing invasives with co-occurring widespread dominant natives. Furthermore, the magnitudes of the differences in some traits decreased or even reversed when a random subset of strongly to moderately invasive species was excluded from the species pool. Removing rare to common natives produced the same effect, while exclusion of weakly to moderately invasives and dominant to common natives enhanced the differences. Our study indicates that the results of invasive-native comparisons are species-specific, providing a possible explanation for discrepant results in previous studies, such that we may be unable to detect general patterns regarding traits promoting exotic plant invasions through multi-species comparisons.
Invasive plant species, leaf functional traits, multiple species experimental comparisons, native species, species identity, within-study meta-analysis
Thousands of plant species have established wild populations outside their native regions (
In order to disentangle the traits associated with invasive plants, many case studies have compared traits of invasive species with both native and non-invasive exotic species (
Many researchers have attempted to obtain a conclusion with universal significance for traits associated with invasiveness (
There are many reasons for discrepant conclusions among comparative studies between invasive and native species. For example, conclusions generated from reviews may be confounded by publication biases, which generally overestimate trait advantage of invasive species (
To address this problem, we compared 97 pairs of invasive and co-occurring native plant species at seven sites in six provinces from tropical to mid-temperate zones of China. The invasive species were divided into three categories according to their invasiveness (invasion status) in China, and the native species were also grouped into three categories according to their distribution and abundances in China. We focused on 20 leaf functional traits, which greatly influence plant resource capture ability and use-efficiency, and therefore plant growth and reproduction. We firstly determined the overall differences between the invasive and native species using a within-study meta-analytical approach, and then tested for the effect of species identity on the differences between the invasive and native species. We hypothesize that (1) the differences at least in some traits may be significant when the strongly to moderately invasive species are compared with their co-occurring natives, but not significant when the weakly invasive species are compared with their co-occurring natives. (2) Similarly, the differences may be significant when the rare to common natives are compared with their co-occurring invasives, but not significant when the widespread dominant natives are compared with their co-occurring invasives. (3) The magnitudes of the differences may decrease when we gradually exclude a random subset of strongly to moderately invasive species (also including the natives paired with them) from the species pool (97 pairs), while exclusion of weakly invasive species may enhance the differences. (4) Similarly, the magnitudes of the differences may decrease when we gradually exclude a random subset of rare to common natives from the species pool, while exclusion of widespread dominant natives may enhance the differences. (5) The magnitudes of the differences may be smaller when the invasives are compared with the natives that are invasive elsewhere than with the natives that are non-invasive elsewhere. To the best of our knowledge, no study has addressed the aforementioned issues, although many have compared traits of invasive and native species.
This study was conducted at seven sites in six provinces along the southwest-to-northeast axis of China. We selected two sites in Heilongjiang Province and one site in each of the other five provinces (Suppl. material
In each site (at least 2000 m2 with irregular shape), we first located as many invasive plant species (5–23) as possible, and then tried to select a taxonomically related (congeneric or confamilial) and/or functionally similar (with the same growth form, e.g. herb vs herb) native species near each invader (< 2 m), forming a comparable species pair (three replicates for each species). Taxonomically related and/or functionally similar natives may share more similar growth strategies with the invasives, and thus increasing the comparability. For some of the invasive species, however, taxonomically related and/or functionally similar natives were not found, in which case the invasives were compared with their nearby randomly chosen natives, respectively (14 pairs, see Suppl. material
In total we compared 97 species pairs, including 56 invasives (35 annual herbs, 13 perennial herbs, 2 shrubs, 2 trees and 4 climbers) and 60 natives (23 annual herbs, 24 perennial herbs, 2 shrubs, 6 trees and 5 climbers) (Suppl. material
For each of the 97 species pairs, we measured six individuals of the invasive and native species (582 individuals in total). Light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Pmax), stomatal conductance (Gs) and dark respiration rate (Rd) were measured in the morning on the youngest fully expanded leaves using a Li-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA). Leaf temperature was set to 30 °C, photosynthetic photon flux density to 2000 μmol m-2 s-1, and CO2 concentration in the reference chamber was 380 μmol mol-1. We recorded Pmax (μmol m-2 s-1) and Gs (mol m-2 s-1) when their values had become stable, then we switched off the light source and recorded Rd (μmol m-2 s-1) when its value had become stable. All the measurements were done in July and August, when the plants were at the vigorous growth stage.
For each leaf that was used for photosynthesis measurement, we measured its average thickness using a microcalliper at more than 10 points (avoiding veins), and single-side area using a Li-3000C Leaf Area Meter (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA). Then the leaf was oven-dried at 60 °C to constant weight, and weighed. Specific leaf area (SLA, cm2 mg-1) was calculated as the ratio of leaf area to dry mass, and leaf-tissue density (g cm-3) as the ratio of leaf mass to volume, i.e., leaf mass / (thickness × area). Mass-based Pmax (μmol g-1 s-1), Gs (mmol g-1 s-1) and Rd (μmol g-1 s-1) were calculated from their measured area-based values and SLA.
For measuring leaf-element concentrations, 6 to 30 mature leaves around the leaf used for measuring photosynthesis were also collected from each sample plant. Leaf-carbon (Cm, mg g-1) and nitrogen (Nm, mg g-1) concentrations were determined using an Elementar Vario MAX CN analyser (Elementar Analysensysteme, GmbH, Germany). Leaf-phosphorus (Pm, mg g-1) and potassium (Km, mg g-1) concentrations were determined using an IRIS advantage-ER inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometer (ICP-AES, Thermo Jarrell Ash Corp., MA, USA). Due to a limited amount of leaf material, Cm and Nm were not measured for seven of the 97 species pairs, and Pm and Km were not measured for 17 of the species pairs (Suppl. material
Leaf-construction cost (CC, g glucose g-1) was calculated as (5.39 × carbon concentration - 1191) / 1000, following
For measuring leaf-decomposition rate, we collected the remaining functional mature leaves of each sample plant and the mature leaves from nearby conspecific plants, which were oven-dried at 60 °C to constant weight and stored in desiccators until used. Enough leaf material for the decomposition experiment was available for 73 of the 97 species pairs. We weighed 1 to 2 g of dry leaves of each sample plant, and put the leaves into 15 × 20 cm nylon mesh bags that had 1 mm holes. In August (rainy season) the decomposition bags (438 in total) were put on the soil surface, after removal of natural litter, under a primary tropical rainforest in the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (21°41'N, 101°25'E, a.s.l. 570 m), Yunnan Province, southwest China. The three bags containing the leaves of each invasive species were put adjacent to the ones containing the leaves of its native counterpart species in order to decrease variation due to environmental heterogeneity. The pair-wise bags were placed randomly and at least 20 cm apart from one another. In September, the bags were collected, and the remaining leaves were washed gently, oven-dried at 60 °C to constant weight, and weighed. The concentrations of C and N were determined using an Elementar Vario MAX CN analyser. For 28 of the 73 species pairs, the remaining leaf material was insufficient for determination of Cm and Nm. Mass- (Loss-M; %), carbon- (Loss-C; %), and nitrogen-loss (Loss-N; %) rates of the leaves were calculated as (initial value - final value) / initial value.
In our decomposition experiment, mature leaves instead of leaf litters were used as it was impossible to collect enough leaf litter for these species. Strong disturbance of the study sites, differences in progress of leaf senescence and abscission among the species, and the great distance among the study sites all obstructed leaf-litter collection. Several previous decomposition experiments also used oven-dried mature leaves, and found that decomposition rates are not significantly different between dried green mature leaves and senescent yellow leaves (
The overall differences between the invasive and native species in the 20 leaf traits were tested using within-study meta-analyses (
where X̄i and X̄n are trait means of the invasive and native species, respectively; S is the pooled standard deviation of the invasive and native species; and J is a weighting factor based on the number of replicates. S and J were calculated as:
where Ni and Nn are the numbers of the replicates of the invasive and native species (here 3 for all species), respectively; Si and Sn are the standard deviations of the invasive and native species, respectively. The sampling variance of Hedges’d was calculated as:
We then calculated the weighted mean effect size (d++) (using reciprocal of vd) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of each trait for all species pairs using the random-effects model of the function in R package metafor (
To determine whether the overall difference between the invasive and native species was affected by other factors besides sampling error, we tested for total heterogeneity in effect size of each trait among all species pairs (QT). If QT was significant (P < 0.05) for a trait, we conducted the mixed-effects multivariate models using the function to test for effects of other factors on the overall difference in this trait. In the mixed-effects models, QT was separated into two components: structural model (QM) and unexplained heterogeneity (QE), and all were tested using the Q-test (
To further determine the effects of the identities of both the invasive (invasiveness) and native (abundance) species on their overall differences, we compared invasive and native species separately from many subsets of species pairs. The subsets of species pairs were created by gradually and randomly removing invasives with different invasiveness (or natives with different abundances) from the species pool (4–10 pairs each time according to species number in each category; see Figs
Phylogenetic distance between the invasive and native species in each species pair, latitude and altitude of each study site, and the times for which each invasive species was compared with natives were used as random factors in our analyses. To obtain the phylogenetic distance, we constructed a phylogenetic tree using ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) from GenBank ( For 10 of the 116 species, the ITS sequences were not found in GenBank, and were substituted by those of their congeners, respectively: Axonopus compressus by A. capillaris, Bidens maximovicziana by B. cernua, Buxus megistophylla by B. microphylla subsp. Sinica, Clinopodium sp. by C. gracile, Pistia stratiotes by Pinellia ternata (confamilial), Plantago asiatica by P. major, Polygonum strigosum by P. thunbergii (syn. Persicaria thunbergii), Pueraria edulis by P. montana var. lobata, Rheum sp. by R. altaicum, Rorippa globosa by R. indica). This did not influence the results in such large-scale phylogeny. We first aligned the DNA sequences using MUSCLE in MEGA (version 6.06;
All analyses were performed in R 3.5.2 (
Based on our phylogenetically controlled within-study meta-analyses, the invasive relative to the native species on average had significantly higher leaf-nitrogen concentrations (Nm), light-saturated photosynthetic rates (Pmax), photosynthetic energy- (PEUE), nitrogen- (PNUE), phosphorus- (PPUE), and potassium-use (PKUE) efficiencies, leaf carbon- (Loss-C) and nitrogen- (Loss-N) loss rates (Fig.
Phylogenetically informed mean effect sizes (Hedges’d) and their 95% confidence intervals showing the overall differences in 20 leaf functional traits between the invasive and native species. The figures between brackets on the left indicate the number of the invasive species included and the number of species pairs compared, respectively. C:N, leaf-carbon-to-nitrogen ratio; CC, leaf-construction costs (g glucose g-1); Density, leaf tissue density (g cm-3); Gs, mass-based leaf stomatal conductance (mmol g-1 s-1); Km, leaf-potassium concentration (mg g-1); Loss-M, leaf-mass-loss rate (%); Loss-C, leaf-carbon-loss rate (%); Loss-N, leaf-nitrogen-loss rate (%); Nm, leaf-nitrogen concentration (mg g-1); Pm, leaf-phosphorus concentration (mg g-1); Pmax, mass-based leaf light saturated photosynthetic rate (μmol g-1 s-1); PEUE, leaf photosynthetic energy-use efficiency (μmol g-1 s-1); PKUE, photosynthetic potassium-use efficiency (μmol g-1 s-1); PNUE, photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (μmol g-1 s-1); PPUE, photosynthetic phosphorus-use efficiency (μmol g-1 s-1); PT, leaf-payback time (d); PWUE, photosynthetic water-use efficiency (μmol mol-1); Rd, mass-based leaf dark respiration rate (μmol g-1 s-1); SLA, specific leaf area (cm2 mg-1); Thickness, leaf thickness (mm).
For all 12 traits that showed significant differences between all invasive and native species, the overall differences were affected by other factors besides sampling error, as showed by the significant heterogeneities in the effect sizes of the 12 traits among the invasive-native species pairs (for QT, P < 0.05; Suppl. material
Invasiveness of the invasive species influenced the differences between the invasive and native species in Loss-N (QM = 8.99, P = 0.011), but not in other 11 traits (Suppl. material
Effects of invasiveness of the invasive species (
A) and abundances of the natives (B) on differences between invasive and native species, respectively. S, M and W indicate that strongly, moderately and weakly invasive species are compared with their co-occurring natives, respectively. D, C and R indicate that widespread dominant, common and rare natives are compared with their co-occurring invasives, respectively. The traits whose interspecific differences were not affected by those factors were not shown. See Figure
Effects of invasiveness of the invasive species on the differences between invasive and native species from a subsets of the species pairs in leaf-litter nitrogen loss rate (Loss-N). “All” on the right indicates that all measured species pairs were included in the analysis. Arrows upwards from “All” indicate that species pairs containing weak and moderately invasive plants were excluded gradually and randomly from the analyses; arrows downwards from “All” indicate that species pairs containing strongly and moderately invasive plants were excluded gradually. “S” indicates that only the strongly invasive plants were compared with their co-occurring natives; “SM” indicates that both strongly and moderately invasive plants were compared with their co-occurring natives; “W” indicates that only the weakly invasive plants were compared with their co-occurring natives; “WM” indicates that both weakly and moderately invasive plants were compared with their co-occurring natives; open circles indicate the differences when a random set of species pairs was excluded. The figures between brackets on the left of each panel indicate the numbers of species pairs included in the analyses.
Invasiveness of the invasive species also influenced the differences in other 11 traits between the invasive and native species (Suppl. material
Abundances of the natives significantly influenced the differences between the invasive and native species in C:N (QM = 18.66, P <0.001), Loss-N (QM = 6.00, P = 0.049), Nm (QM = 10.13, P = 0.006), and PKUE (QM = 7.01, P = 0.030), but not in other eight traits (Suppl. material
Effects of abundances of the native species on the differences between invasive and native species from a subset of the species pairs in leaf-carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N), leaf-litter nitrogen loss rate (Loss-N), leaf-nitrogen concentration (Nm), and photosynthetic potassium-use efficiency (PKUE). “All” on the right of each panel indicates that all measured species pairs were included in the analysis. Arrows upwards from “All” indicate that species pairs containing rare and common natives were excluded gradually and randomly from the analyses; arrows downwards from “All” indicate that species pairs containing widespread dominant and common natives were excluded gradually. “D” indicates that only the widespread dominant natives were compared with their co-occurring invasives; “DC” indicates that both widespread dominant and common natives were compared with their co-occurring invasives; “R” indicates that only the rare natives were compared with their co-occurring invasives; “RC” indicates that both rare and common natives were compared with their co-occurring invasives; open circles indicate the differences when a random set of species pairs was excluded. The figures between brackets on the left of each panel indicate the numbers of species pairs included in the analyses.
We also detected the effects of the abundance of the natives on other eight traits through species exclusion approach (Suppl. material
Contrary to our expectation, whether the natives were invasive elsewhere did not influence the differences in the 12 traits between the invasive and native species (Suppl. material
Our phylogenetically controlled within-study meta-analyses showed that the invasive relative to the co-occurring native species had significantly higher leaf nutrient concentrations, photosyntheses, photosynthetic nutrients- and energy-use efficiencies, and higher leaf litter decomposition rates, but lower carbon-to-nitrogen ratios and shorter payback time of leaf construction cost (Fig.
For other traits, however, many multi-species comparisons and reviews reported inconsistent results with ours. For example,
Most importantly and interestingly, we found that identities of both the invasive and the native species influenced the differences between the invasive and native species, which may give another explanation for the inconsistencies in the results of previous and current studies.
Our study provided strong evidence that invasiveness of exotic species and abundances of natives influenced the differences between invasive and native species, and showed how they influenced the differences. As expected, strongly or moderately invasive species had higher leaf nitrogen-loss rates than co-occurring natives, while the difference disappeared when comparing weakly invasive species with co-occurring natives (Fig.
Our results indicate that it is most likely to detect significant difference between strongly invasive species and rare natives, and the magnitude of the difference is the greatest among the comparisons of strong to weak invasives and rare to dominant natives. In contrast, it is most unlikely to find trait advantage for invasives when comparing weakly invasive species with widespread dominant natives. In our study, a few strongly and weakly invasive species were occasionally compared with rare and dominant natives (four combinations). By analyzing the invasive-native differences, respectively, we found that strongly invasive species were significantly different to rare natives in a third of the traits, while no significant differences were found when comparing weakly invasive species with either rare or dominant natives, and comparing strongly invasive species with dominant natives (Data not shown). Weakly invasive species (especially for annuals) may not have trait advantages over natives, and their invasions may merely be due to vacant niche in recipient habitats (
Our study indicates that results of comparative studies, irrespective of the number of species included, may always be species-specific and environment-dependent. Discrepant results between our current and previous multi-species comparisons and reviews may be at least partially originated from the species-specific effects (
Overall, the invasive plants had significantly higher leaf nutrient concentrations, photosyntheses, photosynthetic nutrients- and energy-use efficiencies, and higher leaf litter decomposition rates, but shorter payback time of leaf construction cost and lower carbon-to-nitrogen ratios than co-occurring natives. More importantly and interestingly, the differences were affected significantly by identities of both the invasive and the native species. Furthermore, the magnitudes of the differences in some traits decreased or even reversed when gradually excluding a random subset of strongly to moderately invasive species from the species pool. Removing rare to common natives produced the same effect, while exclusion of weakly to moderately invasive species and dominant to common natives enhanced the differences. Our results provide a possible explanation for the discrepant results between our current and previous studies, and indicate that it may be unlikely to obtain general leaf traits (if any) for invasives through multi-species comparisons, which are species-specific and environment-dependent. In the future, we should compare invasive and native species at both species and community levels in different habitats, and account for possible influencing factors.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31971557, 32171666, 32171662 and 31670545) and the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFC1200101). We are grateful to Shu-Mei Jiang, Zhi-Dong Xu, Guo-Hua Ding, Dong-Ping Dong, Jing-Gang Zheng, Wen-Guo Wang and Zhan-Gen Lu for helpful assistance in field measurements.