Research Article |
Corresponding author: Richard Mally ( ) Academic editor: Jianghua Sun
© 2021 Richard Mally, Samuel F. Ward, Jiří Trombik, Jaroslaw Buszko, Vladimír Medzihorský, Andrew M. Liebhold.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Mally R, Ward SF, Trombik J, Buszko J, Medzihorský V, Liebhold AM (2021) Non-native plant drives the spatial dynamics of its herbivores: the case of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in Europe. NeoBiota 69: 155-175.
Non-native plants typically benefit from enemy release following their naturalization in non-native habitats. However, over time, herbivorous insects specializing on such plants may invade from the native range and thereby diminish the benefits of enemy release that these plants may experience. In this study, we compare rates of invasion spread across Europe of three North American insect folivores: the Lepidoptera leaf miners Macrosaccus robiniella and Parectopa robiniella, and the gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae, that specialize on Robinia pseudoacacia. This tree species is one of the most widespread non-native trees in Europe. We find that spread rates vary among the three species and that some of this variation can be explained by differences in their life history traits. We also report that geographical variation in spread rates are influenced by distribution of Robinia pseudoacacia, human population and temperature, though Robinia pseudoacacia occurrence had the greatest influence. The importance of host tree occurrence on invasion speed can be explained by the general importance of hosts on the population growth and spread of invading species.
Black locust, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Macrosaccus robiniella, Obolodiplosis robiniae, Parectopa robiniella, Robinia pseudoacacia
Plants introduced to new, non-native habitats may have an advantage over the native flora by escaping herbivore pressure, allowing them to allocate more resources toward vegetative and reproductive growth, as formulated e.g. in the enemy release hypothesis (
Variables investigated for their influence on the spread of the three Robinia-specific herbivores in Europe A estimated distribution of Robinia pseudoacacia B human population C mean annual precipitation D mean annual temperature.
Although widely distributed, European populations of black locust were little affected by the few native generalist herbivores feeding on it, with generally marginal impact on the tree (e.g.
More recently, four additional Robinia herbivores were accidentally introduced from North America to Europe: In 1970, Parectopa robiniella Clemens, 1863, a Lepidoptera leaf miner of the Gracillariidae family, was recorded from Northern Italy (
Relatively little is known about how the range expansion of specialized non-native herbivorous insects is affected by the distribution of their native host plant in non-native regions. European Robinia pseudoacacia and its introduced specialist herbivores are a prime opportunity to study such a setting in more detail. In order to better understand the factors promoting the range expansion of these non-native herbivores and to better predict spread patterns in other parts of black locust’s non-native range, we analyze the three most well-documented Robinia herbivores present in Europe (P. robiniella, M. robiniella, and O. robiniae), their patterns of historical spread across the continent, and potential factors facilitating this spread. For this, we investigate and quantify different potential drivers of the spread of these herbivores: Robinia distribution, human population, mean annual temperature and precipitation, and proximity to previously invaded regions. We hypothesize that both the human population and R. pseudoacacia distribution would positively affect herbivore spread via effects on propagule pressure and habitat invasibility.
In order to avoid confusion among the similar species names, we will refer to the three species by their genus names, i.e., Parectopa for P. robiniella, Macrosaccus for M. robiniella, and Obolodiplosis for O. robiniae. In figures and tables, we state the full species names. We furthermore refer to Robinia pseudoacacia simply as Robinia, unless other Robinia species are mentioned.
Country and regional first records of the presence of Parectopa, Macrosaccus and Obolodiplosis across Europe were obtained from the published literature, online databases and in one case from a photographic record. Coordinates for the localities were obtained through Wikipedia’s GeoHack ( and Google Maps ( Suppl. material
Radial rates of spread were estimated for each species from European first records using the distance regression method (
In order to explore factors affecting spread of each species, we applied Cox Proportional Hazard analysis following the approach used by
where d is the distance (in km) between a given point i and each previously invaded point j. Thus, spatial proximity was estimated for each point in each year, while all other predictors did not change annually. Human population and Robinia distribution were log-transformed to reduce skewness.
In addition to locations of individual records for each species, the Cox proportional hazard model was fit using “pseudo-absence” points. These are locations falling outside of the invaded range of each species that were never invaded during the time span of records. Pseudo-absence records were generated in a 50 km grid across a 300 km buffer zone outside of the minimum convex hulls around each set of records for each species (see Fig.
European records for A Parectopa robiniella B Macrosaccus robiniella, and C Obolodiplosis robiniae. The first European record for each species is marked by a star, the subsequent spread is indicated by color-coded records in 5-year (A, B) or 2-year (C) intervals. The grid of black points around the distribution areas marks pseudo-absence locations in a 300 km buffer region formed by the minimum convex hull around the records for each species.
Given uncertainty about the identity of most relevant spatial scales of the predictor variables, all possible combinations of 10 km and 50 km scale predictors were fit in full models. The model with the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC;
We assembled 97 first record locations from 24 countries for Parectopa, 92 locations from 25 countries for Macrosaccus, and 75 locations from 33 countries for Obolodiplosis (Fig.
Linear regression scatterplots of distance (in km) from first record in Europe over time, for A Parectopa robiniella B Macrosaccus robiniella, and C Obolodiplosis robiniae.
Macrosaccus mainly spread east- and northward in the first two decades after its introduction (Fig.
Results of the reduced Cox proportional hazard models are shown in Table
Results of the linear regression of distance over time for the three herbivore species. Radial rate of spread (km per year) is provided by the slope of the regression.
Intercept ± SE | Slope (radial rate of spread) ± SE | Multiple R-squared | |
Parectopa robiniella | -10.06 ± 201.60 | 35.37 ± 5.7 | 0.29 |
Macrosaccus robiniella | -354.72 ± 107.55 | 73.42 ± 5.0 | 0.71 |
Obolodiplosis robiniae | 270.69 ± 84.08 | 128.29 ± 8.12 | 0.77 |
Results of reduced Cox proportional hazards (CPH) models with lowest AIC and all predictors with p < 0.05.
Species | Predictor | Coefficient | SE | Z | p |
Parectopa robiniella | spatial proximity sp | 3.67 | 0.80 | 4.59 | <0.0001 |
human population (50 km) | 0.61 | 0.09 | 6.61 | <0.0001 | |
Robinia (10 km) | 0.59 | 0.07 | 7.89 | <0.0001 | |
temperature (50 km) | -0.61 | 0.08 | -8.10 | <0.0001 | |
precipitation (10 km) | -0.0032 | 0.0011 | -2.98 | 0.0029 | |
Macrosaccus robiniella | spatial proximity sp | 22.87 | 2.61 | 8.78 | <0.0001 |
human population (10 km) | 0.58 | 0.08 | 7.64 | <0.0001 | |
Robinia (50 km) | 0.40 | 0.06 | 6.76 | <0.0001 | |
temperature (50 km) | -0.58 | 0.09 | -6.37 | <0.0001 | |
Obolodiplosis robiniae | spatial proximity sp | 40.08 | 15.74 | 2.55 | 0.0109 |
human population (10 km) | 0.37 | 0.11 | 3.35 | 0.0008 | |
Robinia (50 km) | 0.44 | 0.06 | 7.05 | < 0.0001 | |
temperature (50 km) | -0.13 | 0.06 | -2.07 | 0.0382 |
The known global distribution of Robinia is shown in Fig.
The three herbivores show similar patterns of radial range expansion in Europe, although with substantially different annual spread rates. All three species were initially discovered in the same general region of south-central Europe with only ~200–400 km separating their sites of initial discovery. Strikingly, Parectopa, which was the first of the three investigated Robinia herbivores to be recorded from Europe over 50 years ago, has the smallest annual spread rate (about 35 km/year) and is reported from the fewest number of countries (24). Macrosaccus, first reported 13 years later in 1983, exhibits an average spread rate of 73 km/year, but spread much faster in Hungary with its abundant black locust stands, invading the entire country from west to east in two years (
Invasion spread is driven by population growth coupled with movement. Thus, any factors that affect either population growth or movement are likely to influence patterns of spread. It is likely that the differences in invasion patterns observed among these species (both within Europe and globally) can be attributed to their biological traits that influence their population growth rates or dispersal, either natural dispersal or accidental long-distance movement by humans. Obolodiplosis develops through three generations per year in the Czech Republic, and in up to four generations in more southern regions such as Italy, Hungary and Serbia (
Even though both of the two leaf miner species belong to the same Lepidoptera family (Gracillariidae), their biologies exhibit differences that potentially explain differences observed in their success and rate of spreading across Europe. Parectopa produces two to three generations per year, with two in more northern regions such as Belarus, and up to three in more southern regions like Transnistria (Moldova) and Croatia (
Pupation takes place in the leaf litter in the case of Parectopa, whereas Macrosaccus larvae pupate on the leaves (
The small adult body size and wing anatomy of the two leaf miners indicate that they likely spread passively with wind, but transport of hibernating or resting adults with trade cannot be excluded (
We find a negative correlation between mean annual temperature and the spread of the two leaf miners, meaning that colder temperatures promote the spread of these species. Considering the geographical setting in which the range expansion of these species occurred, this is not surprising: with their first records in Northern Italy resp. Northern Switzerland, range expansion would occur mostly north- and eastward, as expansion southwards is limited by the Mediterranean Sea. The negative correlation between temperature and spread might thus be a result of generally more sampling points in the north- and eastward direction of the points of first record, where annual mean temperatures are generally lower than those in Northern Italy (see Fig.
Our findings of colder annual mean temperatures promoting the spread of both leaf miners are in contrast to published information at least of Parectopa, which is reported to be “more thermophilous” than Macrosaccus (
Both leaf miner species are often reported to exhibit high population densities during their initial colonization phase following establishment in a new region, while subsequently becoming much rarer (
Parasitization might play an important role in the speed of spread. Since their establishment in Europe, the two leaf miners have accumulated a large number of generalist parasitoids (summarized in
Our quantitative analysis indicates local Robinia density to be the single factor having the strongest impact on the spread of Parectopa, Macrosaccus and Obolodiplosis across Europe.
The fact that Robinia is itself an invasive species has interesting implications regarding the positive effect of Robinia density on spread of these folivore species. It has been noted that at a global scale, plant invasions or widespread planting of non-native plants promote invasions by herbivore species that use these plants as hosts (
Previous studies have also identified human population density to be related to the spread of invading insect species (
Similar to human population, annual mean temperature was found to have a significant influence on the spread of the two leaf miners, but less so for the gall midge. This result is in concordance with the wider climate spectrum of invaded regions of Obolodiplosis: in Europe, the gall midge is now distributed from the hot-summer Mediterranean climate of Portugal, Sicily and Greece to the humid continental climate of Southern Sweden and the Baltic states. On the global scale, it has been recorded from Vancouver Island, Canada (
Our results indicate that spatial proximity to previously invaded regions plays an important role for the spread of Parectopa and Macrosaccus, but much less so for the gall midge Obolodiplosis. Obolodiplosis showed an extremely fast spread across most of Europe in the 18 years since its first record in Europe, now occupying a considerably larger area than the much earlier established leaf miners. The results of
None of the scatterplots of the three herbivore species (Fig.
In addition to these three species that utilize Robinia as a host,
Specialist herbivores are crucially dependent on the presence of their host plant. Our results show that the widespread presence of Robinia in Europe, especially in human-influenced environments, greatly facilitated the spread of the introduced North American herbivores. The excessive proliferation of Robinia increases the likelihood of establishment and spread of non-native specialist herbivores, thus creating a negative feedback where the initial beneficial effects of enemy release on Robinia are diminished, and Robinia populations are potentially reduced.
With Robinia having been introduced to most regions of the world with a suitable temperate climate, conditions are thus beneficial for the establishment of these insects, and potentially other specialist herbivores from black locust’s native range. Obolodiplosis has already become established in East Asia and New Zealand, where it has exhibited rapid spread similar to that in Europe. Its success can be attributed to the ability for long-distance jumps as well as to life history traits, such as high reproduction rates, and a presumably small guild of parasitoids. For the two leaf miner species, spatial proximity to previously invaded areas is another important factor affecting range expansion, reflecting the ability of these species to disperse into adjacent uninvaded areas following initial colonization. Although the three investigated herbivores invaded Europe under similar conditions, there are pronounced differences in their invasion success, which can be explained with species-specific life history traits. Furthermore, pan-European cargo traffic has increased over the past decades, increasing the likelihood of long-distance spreading.
We are grateful to Lenka Pešková (ČZU library), Josep Ylla (Gurb (Barcelona), Spain), Elisenda Olivella (Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain), Ivan Bacherikov (Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University, Russia), Jan Havlíček (Karolinum Press, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic), Valentyna Meshkova (Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration, Kharkiv, Ukraine) and Hana Šefrová (Mendel University Brno, Czech Republic) for help with literature search and acquisition. Nico Schneider (Ministère de l’Education nationale, Luxembourg), Erik van Nieukerken (Naturalis Leiden, the Netherlands), Vladimir Krpach (State University of Tetova, North Macedonia), Charles Eiseman (Northfield, Massachusetts, USA) and Francesca Vegliante (Museum für Tierkunde Dresden, Germany) helped with information on distribution records.
This research was supported by the grant “Advanced research supporting the forestry and wood‐processing sector’s adaptation to global change and the 4th industrial revolution,” No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000803 financed by OP RDE, as well as by the IGA A_21_21 project of the Czech University of Life Sciences internal grant agency.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
Table S1. First record locations of Parectopa robiniella, Macrosaccus robiniella and Obolodiplosis robiniae from Europe.
Data type: occurrences
Explanation note: An XLSX worksheet containing three tabs, one for each of the three investigated black locust herbivores Parectopa robiniella, Macrosaccus robiniella and Obolodiplosis robiniae, with the first locations (with country, administrative area, city and specific locality, where available), longitude, latitude, observation year and reference of the record.
Tables S2–S9
Data type: docx. file
Explanation note: Table S2. Results of full Cox proportional hazards (CPH) models for all predictors with p < 0.05. Table S3. Results of full Cox proportional hazards (CPH) models with Robinia distribution removed as predictor, with p < 0.05. Table S4. Correlation matrix of predictors for best-fitting model for Parectopa robiniella. Table S5. Correlation matrix of predictors for best-fitting model for Macrosaccus robiniella. Table S6. Correlation matrix of predictors for best-fitting model for Obolodiplosis robiniae. Table S7. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) values for Parectopa robiniella. Table S8. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) values for Macrosaccus robiniella. Table S9. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) values for Obolodiplosis robiniae.