Research Article |
Corresponding author: Martin M. Gossner ( ) Academic editor: Deepa Pureswaran
© 2022 Irene Bühlmann, Martin M. Gossner.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Bühlmann I, Gossner MM (2022) Invasive Drosophila suzukii outnumbers native controphics and causes substantial damage to fruits of forest plants. NeoBiota 77: 39-77.
Impacts of biological invasions are diverse and can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems. The spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, is a major invasive pest of fruits, which negatively affects fruit and wine production. However, little is known about the ecological impact of this fly species on more natural ecosystems it has invaded, such as forests. In this study, we investigated the use of potential host plants by D. suzukii at 64 sites in different forest communities in Switzerland from mid-June to mid-October 2020. We examined more than 12,000 fruits for egg deposits of D. suzukii to assess its direct impact on the plants. We recorded symptoms of fruit decay after egg deposition to determine if D. suzukii attacks trigger fruit decay. In addition, we monitored the drosophilid fauna with cup traps baited with apple cider vinegar, as we expected that D. suzukii would outnumber and potentially outcompete native controphics, especially other drosophilids. Egg deposits of D. suzukii were found on the fruits of 31 of the 39 potential host plant species studied, with 18 species showing an attack rate > 50%. Overall, fruits of Cotoneaster divaricatus (96%), Atropa bella-donna (91%), Rubus fruticosus corylifolius aggr. (91%), Frangula alnus (85%) and Sambucus nigra (83%) were attacked particularly frequently, resulting also in high predicted attack probabilities that varied among forest communities. Later and longer fruiting, black fruit colour, larger fruit size and higher pulp pH all positively affected attack rates. More than 50% of the plant species showed severe symptoms of decay after egg deposition, with higher pulp sugar content leading to more severe symptoms. The high fruit attack rate observed was reflected in a high abundance and dominance of D. suzukii in trap catches, independent of forest community and elevation. Drosophila suzukii was by far the most abundant species, accounting for 86% (81,395 individuals) of all drosophilids. The abundance of D. suzukii was negatively associated with the abundance of the native drosophilids. Our results indicate that the invasive D. suzukii competes strongly with other frugivorous species and that its presence might have far-reaching ecosystem-level consequences. The rapid decay of fruits attacked by D. suzukii leads to a loss of resources and may disrupt seed-dispersal mutualisms through the reduced consumption of fruits by dispersers such as birds.
Alien species, drosophilid, ecological impact, frugivore, fruit decay, host plant range, insect
Biotic exchange and subsequent invasions by non-native species in natural and human-modified ecosystems are among the greatest threats to biodiversity worldwide (
Invasive non-native species may affect native species on the level of individuals (e.g. fecundity, mortality), populations (e.g. abundance, genetic diversity), communities (e.g. species richness and composition, trophic structure) and ecosystems (e.g. nutrient cycling, physical habitat, overall structure and function) (
Insects make up a large proportion of introduced species (DAISIE 2009;
For frugivorous insects, the most significant effect on plants is thought to be indirect, namely the reduction of seed dispersal far from the mother plant by vertebrates (
Drosophila suzukii exploits resources that usually consist of small separate units and are patchy and ephemeral, i.e. they support only one generation. The temporal and spatial constraints of these unpredictable resources may favour generalists (
Polyphagous herbivores (or generalists) are more impacted by plant toxicity than specialists (
Drosophila suzukii’s attacks on the fruits of agricultural crops cause considerable economic damage to fruit growers through yield losses and the need to take measures to prevent attacks and minimise damage (
In this study, we assessed the use of potential host plants in forests by examining egg depositions of D. suzukii, reflecting its direct effect on the plants. Since there is a diverse abundance and varying availability of host plants within a plant community, which affects the choice of host plants for D. suzukii, we selected different forest communities and forest edges as study sites. We addressed the following questions: (1) Are there differences in the potential host plants of D. suzukii growing in different forest communities? (2) To what extent are the potential host plants attacked by D. suzukii, and what are the factors influencing the attack rates?
Due to the large numbers of D. suzukii trapped in previous studies, we expected that this species would outnumber and potentially outcompete native controphics, especially drosophilids. To test this hypothesis, we trapped drosophilids during the study period and addressed the following questions: (3) What proportion of drosophilid individuals are D. suzukii? (4) Does the proportion of D. suzukii differ among forest communities? (5) Does the abundance of D. suzukii affect the abundance of other drosophilids?
We conducted our study in the adjacent cantons of Zug (47.092440–47.218600°N, 8.407940–8.680231°E; elevation 400–1200 m a.s.l.) and Zurich (47.163290–47.365790°N, 8.424865–8.687711°E; 440–1165 m a.s.l.) in Switzerland from June to November in 2020 (Fig.
We considered any fleshy-fruited species, characterised by a high fruit water content, a potential host plant. We used the term “fruit” for all fruit types (i.e. berries, drupes, aggregate drupelets, aggregate nutlets and pomes), independent of the tissue of origin of the pulp. We also examined the aril of European yew (Taxus baccata) for egg deposition and included it under the term “fruit” below.
We carried out the field surveys in all plots during six observation sessions (interval of 20 days) over the study period, starting on 22/06/2020 and ending on 15/10/2020: 4 plant communities (3 forest communities + forest edge) × 4 study sites × 4 plots (64 plots) × 6 periods = 384 assessments.
We mapped all potential reproducing host plant species in each plot (25 m × 25 m or 12.5 m × 50 m = 625 m2) and noted its occurrence. We used an estimated dominance value to determine the area (m2) covered by a plant species, and used this value and the recorded height to calculate the plant species’ volume. For each potential host plant at each field survey per plot, we estimated the seasonal phenology and the number of ripe fruits present, assigning maturation stage between 0 and 2, corresponding to the majority of plant individuals: 0 = no ripe fruits, 0.25–0.75 = before main fruit maturity (some ripe fruits), 1.0–1.25 mainly ripe fruits, 1.5–1.75 = after main fruit maturity (more overripe, fermented fruits than ripe fruits), 2 = no more fruits. Since fruit ripening is usually associated with a change in colour, we used colour change as an indicator of the maturity of the examined fruits. In some species, such as European fly honeysuckle (Lonicera xylosteum), rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) or alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus), changes in fruit flesh firmness during ripening were not advanced at the time of colour change. We judged these fruits to be ripe when they also softened. After maturity, fruits enter senescence (the period during which chemical synthesis pathways give way to degradation processes). As an indicator of the “overripe” stage, we used loss of moisture, which becomes visible as a loss of turgor. At the end of the field survey, we calculated the maturity period with the unit of half a month and estimated the amount of fruit, both per potential host plant species per plot. The exact method used for these estimates depended on the species and was based on counts (e.g. all observed fruits, fruits per square metre, fruits per individual plant, or infructescence). We then extrapolated counts to the plot level. The number of fruits was likely underestimated by this approach and was thus a rather conservative estimate. Fruits that were removed, destroyed or lost due to drought stress near the end of the ripening process were not subtracted from the estimated numbers (see Suppl. material
Near the plots and in the same forest communities, we additionally examined native potential host plants that occurred in less than three plots (Lonicera alpigena, Taxus baccata, Prunus spinosa, Crataegus laevigata, Lonicera periclymenum, Viburnum lantana). We conducted this additional investigation to estimate the average attack rate of plants with infrequent occurrence on the plots, but we excluded these fruits from the statistical analyses.
European brambles (Rubus subg. Rubus) are taxonomically divided into three sections: Rubus, Corylifolii and Caesii (with one species, Rubus caesius). The most abundant species in our plots were R. hirtus agg. (sect. Rubus), occurring in the plots of forest community 19a, and R. villarsianus (sect. Corylifolii), occurring in the plots of forest communities 7a and 26f/g. Especially at the forest edges, but also in the forest communities 26f/g and 7a, more than one species of the sections Rubus and/or Corylifolii occurred in the plots. We did not identify the described and named species of the sections Rubus and Corylifolii in the plots and therefore used the term Rubus fruticosus corylifolius aggr. as the taxonomic unit.
We examined ripe fruits at an accessible height (up to 2 m) for egg deposition using a hand lens (10× magnification). If we observed at least one D. suzukii egg on the fruit, we considered the fruit “attacked”, regardless of the number of egg deposits or larvae (for literature on the number of eggs per host plant, see e.g.
We investigated the fruits of European holly (Ilex aquifolium) for egg deposition after the field surveys because they had not yet reached fruit maturity during the study period. To check the oviposition activity of D. suzukii, we simultaneously examined fruits of the European dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus) and brambles (Rubus fruticosus corylifolius aggr.) occurring near the European hollies under investigation. We did not examine European mistletoe (Viscum album) and common ivy (Hedera helix), which were also present in the plots, for D. suzukii attacks, as their fruit ripening period fell well outside our study period. The ripe fruits of the wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) often showed numerous feeding marks and damage, such that egg deposition by D. suzukii could rarely be detected. We therefore decided not to investigate attacks further and excluded wild strawberry from the analyses. We could confirm its use as a host, however, as adults hatched from collected fruits and we found numerous drosophilid larvae in otherwise intact fruits.
We compiled fruit traits of the investigated plant species from
Fruit decay is a complex natural phenomenon that is co-determined by numerous conditions. It occurs as a result of physical and chemical damage, enzymatic digestion, and especially microbial activity. The fruit skin, which serves as an external barrier, is damaged by the egg deposition of D. suzukii. We documented the fruit response to egg deposition, i.e. decay, to determine if attacks trigger fruit decay. We recorded the following symptoms of fruit decay: oviposition scar, denting, oozing of pulp, reduction of fruit substance/loss of shape, and colour change. We categorised the symptoms as mild (1), moderate (2) or severe (3).
At each site of the forest communities (including forest edges), we installed two baited (80–100 ml) transparent plastic cup traps covered by a red lid with 3 mm diameter entry holes (Profatec AG, Malans, Switzerland) to trap Drosophilidae including D. suzukii. As an attractant, we used a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (3:1; apple cider vinegar IP-Suisse, Denner AG, 8045 Zurich, Switzerland; acetic acid 50 g/l) with 1–2 drops of liquid soap (Oecoplan Abwaschmittel, Coop, 4002 Basel, Switzerland) per 5 dl. We positioned the traps at a height of 1.2–1.5 m on branches of plants that do not bear fleshy fruits, mostly beech (Fagus sylvatica), at a distance of 150–200 m from the field survey plots. We installed the traps from 22/06/2020 to 07/07/2020, during the first session of the egg deposition assessment. At the forest edges, we placed the traps approx. 3 m inside the forest (from the shrub belt). We kept the traps in the same positions throughout the experiment and visited them on the same dates as the egg deposition assessments. Therefore, each sampling period of adult drosophilids also lasted 20 days.
During each sampling session, we removed the contents of the traps and preserved them in ethanol, and we renewed the bait. We sorted the trap content into different taxa, which we identified to different taxonomic levels. We identified the non-native D. suzukii and other drosophilids to the species level using the identification key of
We carried out all statistical analyses using R version 4.0.2 (
To test whether the composition of the plant communities differed between the forest communities with respect to the plants with fruits relevant for D. suzukii, we conducted non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on a Bray-Curtis distance matrix (function ‘metaMDS’, package vegan;
We applied a binomial generalised mixed effects model (package glmmTMB; (
We simplified our model stepwise by excluding the factor with the highest p-value and comparing the two models with the anova function based on a CHI2-test. If the more complex model did not differ significantly in model performance from the simpler model, we used the latter. This procedure resulted in the exclusion of canton and elevation (height_NN) from the final model.
We calculated the attack probabilities (LS-means ± SE) of the different plant species in the forest communities and plotted them using the emmeans package (
We explored whether fruit traits could explain observed differences in attack rates. We first used NMDS to illustrate the fruit trait space of the 39 studied plant species. See the section “fruit traits” for a list of the fruit traits considered. We treated each plant species in each forest community separately to relate it to attack rate and phenology, which both differed between forest communities for a given plant species. We used the Gower dissimilarity coefficient (
We performed NMDS (with two axes) on the Gower distance matrix using the ‘metaMDS’ function in the vegan package (
We used a binomial generalised mixed effects model (package glmmTMB; (
We used a general linear model (‘glm’) with a Poisson distribution to test whether fruit traits determined the decay status of the fruits after the attack by D. suzukii. We used the sum of decay traits (see section “fruit and decay traits”) as the response variable and fruit traits (fruit diameter, pulp pH, pulp water, sugar, lipid and protein content) as predictors. We excluded fruit type and mass because of multicollinearity issues. We standardised all quantitative variables to zero mean and unit variance using the ‘decostand’ function in the vegan package (
To test for the effects of forest community and canton on the abundance of D. suzukii adults captured in traps, we used a binomial generalised mixed effects model (package glmmTMB; (
For all GLMs and GLMMS, we performed a type II Wald chi-square test using the R package car (
The composition of the potential host plants of D. suzukii differed among forest communities (PERMANOVA, F=5.432, R2=0.22, P=0.001). The effect of forest community in structuring the plant communities is illustrated by the clustering of the forest communities in the ordination plot, except for the plant community of the study site of a former alluvial forest (site 26_1), which was more similar to forest community 7a than to 26f/g (Fig.
Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on Bray-Curtis distances, showing the host plant composition with its estimated number of fruits for Drosophila suzukii at the study sites (four plots each) of the different forest communities. Different forest communities are indicated by different colours. Each dot represents the community in one plot. All the plots in a given site are connected by thick lines, and centroids are indicated by thin lines. The asterisks indicate the centroids of the forest communities. Stress=0.145 (k=3). Forest communities: 7a – GALIO ODORATI-FAGETUM TYPICUM, 19a – ABIETI-FAGETUM LUZULETOSUM, 26f/g – ACERI-FRAXINETUM MERCURIALIDETOSUM) (see
At the study sites of forest community 19a, 7 potential host plant species with an estimated 34,000 fruits were recorded. At the study sites of the forest community 26f/g, there were 30 potential host plant species and an estimated 60,200 fruits; in forest community 7a there were 21 potential host plant species and 140,500 fruits, and at the forest edge study sites 32 potential host plant species and 161,000 fruits were observed (Suppl. material
Of the 39 potential host plants investigated, attacks were observed on 31 species. Overall, fruits of Cotoneaster divaricatus (96%), Atropa bella-donna (91%), Rubus fruticosus corylifolius aggr. (91%), Frangula alnus (85%) and Sambucus nigra (83%) were attacked particularly frequently (Suppl. material
Attack probabilities of fruits of different plant species by Drosophila suzukii. Model-derived (for model results, see Table
Results of the binomial generalised mixed effects model (glmmTMB) testing the drivers of attack rates of fruits by Drosophila suzukii. Plot nested in study site was defined as a random term. Results of the Wald Chi-square test are given. For continuous variables the direction of the effect (+) is given.
Chi2 | Degrees of freedom | P | |
Forest community | 34.385 | 3 | <0.001 |
Plant species | 396.861 | 36 | <0.001 |
Number of ripe fruits | 7.513 | 1 | 0.006125 (+) |
Status of maturation | 69.353 | 1 | <0.001 (+) |
R2 conditional | 0.840 | ||
R2 marginal | 0.826 |
The fruit trait space covered by the studied fruits was quite large (Fig.
Left: Ordination plot of a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis illustrating the fruit trait space of the 39 studied plant species (stress-value 0.198). The centre of each circle represents the position of a plant species in the fruit trait space. Attack rates by Drosophila suzukii are represented by the size of the circles, and the maturation start month of a plant species in a forest community is illustrated by the colour. FT = fruit type, Col = fruit color, Cont = content of the pulp, Persist = persistence of individual fruits (days), AttackFrugi = “attacked by non-dispersal frugivores” (%). Right: Effect size plot of a generalised linear mixed effects model (binomial glmmTMB) testing the effects of fruit traits, including fruit density and maturation start and duration (both 0.5-month resolution), on the attack rate by D. suzukii. Please note that some traits shown in the figure were excluded from the model due to multicollinearity issues or a large number of missing values (see Materials and Methods). The asterisks indicate significance levels: *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
Results of a binomial generalised mixed effects model (binomial glmmTMB) testing the effects of fruit traits on the attack rates of fruits by Drosophila suzukii. Plot nested in study site, as well as plant species and an observation-level random factor, were included as random terms. Results of a Wald Chi-squared test are given. For continuous variables the direction of the effect (+) is given.
Chi2 | Degrees of freedom | P | |
Amount of ripe fruit | 0.375 | 1 | 0. 5404119 |
Maturation start | 11.334 | 1 | <0.001 (+) |
Maturation duration | 8.967 | 1 | 0.0027495 (+) |
Fruit colour | 16.944 | 3 | <0.001 |
Fruit size Ø | 5.024 | 1 | 0.0249951 (+) |
Pulp sugar content | <0.001 | 1 | 0.9955224 |
Pulp pH | 11.090 | 1 | <0.001 (+) |
R2 conditional | 0.678 | ||
R2 marginal | 0.461 |
Of the studied fruit traits, only pulp sugar content affected fruit decay status after an attack by D. suzukii, with a higher sugar content leading to more severe symptoms of decay (Table
Results of a generalised linear model (poisson glm) testing for the effects of fruit traits on fruit decay status after an attack by Drosophila suzukii. Results of a Wald Chi-squared test are given.
Chi2 | Degrees of freedom | P | |
Fruit size Ø | 0.108 | 1 | 0.742903 |
Pulp water content | 1.0408 | 1 | 0.307632 |
Pulp sugar content | 7.967 | 1 | 0.004763 (+) |
Pulp lipid content | 1.004 | 1 | 0.316309 |
Pulp protein content | 2.591 | 1 | 0.107493 |
Pulp pH | 0.655 | 1 | 0.418313 |
R2 Nagelkerke | 0.547 |
During the investigation period, the traps captured 99,366 insects from four orders, each with at least 75 individuals (97,965 Diptera, 751 Hymenoptera, 552 Coleoptera, 75 Dermaptera) (160 traps). Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Blattodea and Thysanoptera occurred less frequently. Within the Diptera, species from 27 families were found, with Drosophilidae accounting for almost all observed individuals (97%; 94,624 individuals), followed by Anisopodidae (1%; 1399), Heleomyzidae (<1%; 486), Mycetophilidae (<1%; 310), Phoridae (<1%; 278), Scatopsidae (<1%; 247), Sciaridae (<1%; 127), Chloropidae (<1%; 118), and Dryomyzidae (<1%; 103) etc. Drosophila suzukii was by far the most abundant species (82% of all trapped insects, 81,395 individuals) and accounted for 86% of all drosophilids (Suppl. material
The species composition of drosophilids in the different forest communities differed, e.g. D. alpina was only found in forest community 19a and species of the genus Amiota were mainly caught in forest community 26f/g. However, the drosophilid assemblages were dominated by D. suzukii, independent of forest community (Fig.
Ratio of Drosophila suzukii to native Drosophilidae species adults captured in traps in different forest communities. The boxplots (median, 25%/75% quantiles, min and max values) show raw values for the cantons Zug (orange) and Zurich (blue). Model-derived predicted estimates are shown in purple (LS-means ± 95% CI, back-transformed from the logit scale to the original probability scale). Forest communities: 7a – GALIO ODORATI-FAGETUM TYPICUM, 19a – ABIETI-FAGETUM LUZULETOSUM, 26f/g – ACERI-FRAXINETUM MERCURIALIDETOSUM) (see
The abundance of D. suzukii significantly affected the abundance of native drosophilids captured in the traps (Wald Chi-squared Test, Chi2=74.072, DF=1, P<0.001). The higher the abundance of D. suzukii, the smaller the abundance of native drosophilids predicted (Fig.
Drosophila suzukii, an invasive parasite of forest fruits, attacked 31 species from 15 different plant families (79% of all potential host plants investigated) in the forests of cantons Zug and Zurich. This not only confirms the broad host plant spectrum described in previous studies, but points towards a broad host use for reproduction. A broad host plant spectrum was to be expected, as D. suzukii is specialised on fruits and not on plant species per se. Furthermore, D. suzukii has been shown to have high plasticity in its host choice (
The observed broad host plant spectrum raises the question of what limits the host spectrum. Species of Rosa or Sorbus, which bear rather hard fruits, were hardly infested. We assume that the pulp and skin firmness act as a barrier to egg deposition, as insects have a limited ability to penetrate the skin of the fruit and to lay an egg in hard fruit flesh. It has been reported that the probability of oviposition increases as the force required to penetrate fruit skin decreases (
The fruits of our 39 potential forest host plants differed in several characteristics that affect host location and oviposition site selection (
Our non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) indicated high variability in fruit traits and phenology in relation to attack rate. The attack rate varied among fruit colours, with black fruits being most frequently attacked. Drosophila suzukii has previously been shown to use colour as visual cue, but that colour contrast rather than colour appearance may be of greater importance (
Host preferences are considered evidence of specialisation (
Plant communities differ floristically and phytophysiognomically (
Our results further show that a longer fruit duration of fruits present increased the attack rate. Plants with more fruits, and especially plants such as brambles that produce ripe fruits over a long period, ensure continuous availability of resources without the need to search for new hosts, thus promoting the presence of overlapping generations of D. suzukii on the same host, further increasing attack rate. In Switzerland, between four and eight generations of D. suzukii per year are expected (
The high fruit attack rate observed in our study was also reflected in a high abundance and dominance of D. suzukii in trap catches, independent of forest community and elevation. This indicates the broad environmental tolerance of the fly. However, frequent occurrence in mountainous regions does not necessarily mean that D. suzukii inhabits these regions year-round, as studies from Japan and the Italian Alps suggest that the fly exhibits extensive movements between low and high elevations (
Although our forest communities differed significantly in host composition, there were no differences in the proportion of D. suzukii between the forest communities. Drosophila suzukii accounted for 86% of the drosophilids caught during our study period. Recent snapshot studies of trap catches in forests also showed a high proportion of D. suzukii. In a survey in native riparian and non-riparian chestnut forest patches in northwestern Spain in August, D. suzukii accounted for 30% and 27% of the drosophilids caught in beer traps (
Unlike in our study, surveys of drosophilid assemblages from trapping studies in various habitats in Asia, where D. suzukii is native or has been established for many years, do not show D. suzukii to be a dominant species: its proportion in relation to other drosophilids is reported to be up to 0.02 (e.g.
Our trap catches revealed that the abundance of D. suzukii was significantly negatively associated with the abundance of other drosophilids. Its dominance indicates a superiority over the native species. The heavily sclerotised, serrated ovipositor serves as a competitively unique trait (
Furthermore, D. suzukii may outcompete native drosophilids, due to different development times. This might lead to different competitiveness in forests and agriculture. Cold adaptation in Drosophila to colonise temperate climates appears to be associated with longer development times (
Piercing of the skin of undamaged fruit by D. suzukii provides an entry point for infestation by pathogens, and inoculated microbes can act as a jump-start for decay. Microbes that infect fruits have been hypothesised to make fruits unattractive to vertebrate frugivores that potentially compete for fruit pulp (
In the field, when we observed symptoms of fruit decay after D. suzukii attacks, we noticed that fruit decay progressed at very different rates among plant species, which may be due to their different compounds and compositions. For example, the bright red fruits of Lonicera alpigena were found to change into dry, brown fruit mummies (rotten fruits) within a short time, while fruits of Prunus padus had hardly any symptoms of decay and hung intact on the bushes for more than 40 days without decaying. On Prunus padus, a significant reduction in the number of emerged D. suzukii adults and a significant delay in the larval-pupal development time was detected when compared with Prunus avium (
Almost half of the 39 studied forest plant species showed attack rates by D. suzukii of > 50%, with a high percentage showing severe symptoms of fruit decay after egg deposition. This may lead to reduced fruit consumption by vertebrate seed dispersers. Drosophila suzukii is a damaging agent for plants, and if the fly reproduces in large numbers, dispersal agents and host plants may both suffer. Besides the direct effect of parasitism of forest fruits by D. suzukii, leading to competition with other frugivorous species, the indirect effect of disrupting seed-dispersal mutualisms can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems. With ongoing climate change, these potentially severe ecological impacts might be amplified in temperate forests, as higher average and winter temperatures will most likely lead to shorter generation times and lower winter mortality, which will eventually further increase the pressure on forest fruits and the competitiveness of D. suzukii over native drosophilids.
We are grateful to Gerhard Bächli for his helpful input and comments, Lea Bernath, Martin Ziegler and Urs Kamm for their continuous support of the study, Melissa Dawes for English editing, and the Cantons of Zug and Zurich for their financial support. MMG was supported by the HOMED project (, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 771271.
Tables S1, Figure S1
Data type: Docx file.
Explanation note: Supplementary information on potential host plant species of Drosophila suzukii in the study plots and Boxplots of proportions of fruits attacked by Drosophila suzukii per species, including fruits outside the plots, separated by forest community.
Table S2
Data type: Xlsx file.
Explanation note: Abundances of sampled insect taxa, based on catches from cup traps with 3 mm diameter entry holes baited with apple cider vinegar in different forest communities.