Research Article |
Corresponding author: Susana Clusella-Trullas ( ) Academic editor: Jianghua Sun
© 2022 Ingrid A. Minnaar, Cang Hui, Susana Clusella-Trullas.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Minnaar IA, Hui C, Clusella-Trullas S (2022) Jack, master or both? The invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis performs better than a native coccinellid despite divergent trait plasticity. NeoBiota 77: 179-207.
The plasticity of performance traits can promote the success of biological invasions and therefore, precisely estimating trait reaction norms can help to predict the establishment and persistence of introduced species in novel habitats. Most studies focus only on a reduced set of traits and rarely include trait variability that may be vital to predicting establishment success. Here, using a split-brood full-sib design, we acclimated the globally invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis and a native co-occurring and competing species Cheilomenes lunata to cold, medium and warm temperature regimes, and measured critical thermal limits, life-history traits, and starvation resistance. We used the conceptual framework of “Jack, Master or both” to test predictions regarding performance differences of these two species. The native C. lunata had a higher thermal plasticity of starvation resistance and a higher upper thermal tolerance than H. axyridis. By contrast, H. axyridis had a higher performance than C. lunata for preoviposition period, fecundity and adult emergence from pupae. We combined trait responses, transport duration and propagule pressure to predict the size of the populations established in a novel site following cold, medium and warm scenarios. Although C. lunata initially had a higher performance than the invasive species during transport, more individuals of H. axyridis survived in all simulated environments due to the combined life-history responses, and in particular, higher fecundity. Despite an increased starvation mortality in the warm scenario, given a sufficient propagule size, H. axyridis successfully established. This study underscores how the combination and plasticity of multiple performance traits can strongly influence establishment potential of species introduced into novel environments.
Acclimation, biological invasions, climate change, Coccinellidae, population growth, temperature tolerance
The establishment and spread of invasive species in novel habitats have been attributed to factors pertaining to human dimensions such as propagule pressure and how and where these propagules have been introduced or moved, and to natural drivers, including the invasibility of the habitat and the specific traits of the invasive species (
In plants, the extent of phenotypic plasticity can be greater in invasive alien species than native species, especially for key performance traits, but plasticity does not always translate into increased fitness (for a review see
Several abiotic and biotic filters are encountered during and following colonization of species into a new environment (
Studies that model the dynamics of insect invasions often focus on the establishment and spread stages. Typically, these studies integrate population growth, population size, dispersal rate (e.g.
The harlequin ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is a notorious invasive species whose establishment and spread has been associated with the rapid decline of native species in multiple countries, likely as a result of intraguild predation and competition for resources (
In this study, we first examine trait responses of H. axyridis and a sympatric and often syntopic native species, Cheilomenes lunata (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), to three ecologically relevant temperature regimes (cold, medium and warm). We test if the patterns of phenotypic response to temperature in these species are in line with the “Jack-of-all-trades”, “Master-of-some” or “Jack-and-Master” models as depicted in Fig.
Theoretical expectations for the fitness responses of the study species at three temperatures. The invasive species H. axyridis (solid circles) follows one of three patterns a Jack-of-all-trades: H. axyridis is able to maintain fitness in all environmental conditions, including sub-optimal or stressful ones (cold and warm). The native C. lunata (empty circles) may outperform the invasive in some conditions b Master-of-some: H. axyridis is better able to increase fitness in favourable conditions and, typically, more so than the native c Jack-and-master: H. axyridis is able to maintain fitness and perform better than its native counterpart. The medium regime is assumed to be the most favourable environment for both species but given the lack of literature for the native species, optimal temperatures for fitness could correspond to the medium or the warm regime since information about its thermal optimum is limited (see text). Diverse lines of reaction norms within species means that multiple trajectories are possible.
Harmonia axyridis was first recorded in the south-western region of the Western Cape Province, South Africa, in 2001 (
Individuals of H. axyridis and C. lunata were collected from 10 different locations around Stellenbosch, South Africa, between February and May in 2014 and 2015 (Suppl. material
For each species, stock populations (n = 200) were maintained in temperature-controlled chambers (SANYO MIR-254, SANYO Electric Co., Ltd; Osaka, Japan) with a summer photoperiod of 14L:10D, and a temperature cycle of 25.5 ± 0.1 °C for 18 h (day), 18.5 ± 0.1 °C for 6 h (night) (mean temperature of 23.8 ± 3.0 °C). This regime resembles microsite temperature profiles experienced in Stellenbosch during peak ladybird beetle abundance (i.e. March to June;
Stock populations (F0) of each species were kept in 2-L plastic containers covered with mesh for ventilation (< 50 individuals per box to avoid crowding). Beetles were given live aphids ad libitum (~30 individuals/beetle from rose aphids M. rosae, oak aphids Tuberculatus annulatus (Hartig, 1841) and Russian wheat aphids Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov, 1913)) every three days and 1:10 honey:distilled water solution ad libitum, and left to reproduce for one generation. F1 beetles were then reared in separate containers from field populations. Once mature, F1 females and males were chosen at random to form families (n = 50–60 unique pairs per species). Twenty-five to 30 F1 mating pairs (or families) were placed in individual 9-cm Petri dishes and fed 20 live aphids daily (as described above) with honey solution ad lib. When an egg clutch was laid, parents were moved to a different Petri dish to avoid cannibalism. At hatching (~3 days), F2 larvae were divided as < 10 individuals per Petri dish. Larvae were given frozen rose aphids and honey solution daily. Rose aphids were collected in the field but frozen at -80 °C prior to experiments to have high quantities of consistent food during development. Pilot trials showed that larvae from both species readily consume frozen aphids. Larvae were moved to individual Petri dishes when pre-pupae first appeared to prevent cannibalism. At emergence from pupae (~5 days), adults were placed in individual dishes and given honey solution ad lib. Adults were weighed 24 h after emergence and then fed 10 frozen rose aphids (see experimental design in Suppl. material
F2 adults from each family (full-sibs) were then equally spread across three temperature treatments: cold (20.5 ± 0.1 °C for 18 h and 13.3 ± 0.1 °C for 6 h; mean temp = 18.7 ± 3.1 °C), medium (25.5 ± 0.2 °C for 18 h and 18.5 ± 0.1 °C for 6 h; mean temp = 23.9 ± 3.0 °C) and warm (30.5 ± 0.1 °C for 18 h and 23.3 ± 0.1 °C for 6 h; mean temp = 28.8 ± 3.1 °C) two days after pupal emergence, which is when beetles are capable of flight (
Sex was determined for H. axyridis following
Two days post-emergence, distilled water was provided, all food removed and beetles assigned to temperature treatments by splitting siblings equally across treatments (H. axyridis: n = 36 (cold), n = 41 (medium), n = 35 (warm); C. lunata: n = 43 (cold), n = 37 (medium), n = 53 (warm)). Beetles remained in treatments until they succumbed to starvation. Mortalities were checked twice daily (09:00, 18:00) and when found, body mass was measured within 30 min, and sex determined. Starvation resistance was measured as the number of days in the treatment until death, and the percentage of mass loss between the start and end of starvation trials recorded.
Beetles were kept in temperature treatments for 7–9 days prior to thermal tolerance trials. This acclimation period was chosen as it induces plastic effects in most insects (
After 7 days in respective temperature treatments, F2 females (H. axyridis: n = 21 (cold), n = 19 (medium), n = 24 (warm); C. lunata: n = 17 (cold), n = 19 (medium), n = 21 (warm)) were paired up with F2 males (that originated from different families but that had been exposed to the same temperature regime) to create mating pairs. The pre-oviposition period (i.e. number of days from pairing to first egg clutch) and number of eggs laid were recorded for 2 weeks.
Three randomly-chosen clutches per mating pair, maintained at the same temperature regimes as their respective parental F2 pairs, were checked twice daily for hatched larvae (fully emerged from egg casings) until a day after eggs started hatching. In addition, the number of yellow and black eggs were recorded. Yellow eggs are assumed to be trophic (unfertilised) eggs while black eggs are typically fertilised eggs that did not hatch (
Larvae (F3) were placed in individual Petri dishes and monitored until emergence from pupae with developmental time set as the number of days from egg (Day 0) to successful emergence from pupae. Mating pairs had to at least produce three live larvae to be included in analyses which resulted in the exclusion of a single pair. Beetles (F3) were given honey solution, weighed 24–36 h after eclosion, and sex determined five days after eclosion to allow for hardened elytra. The percentage of adult beetles that successfully emerged from pupae was calculated per mating pair as the total number of successfully emerged adults over the total number of pupae monitored.
Larvae that died within a day of being transferred to Petri dishes were assumed to have died from the transfer process and were discounted from calculations (<3%). Mating pairs and larvae were fed 20 live aphids daily (rose, oak or Russian wheat aphids) and provided with honey solution. To ensure that mating adults had not lost body condition, body mass was recorded before and after mating periods.
Intrinsic rate of population increase (r) was determined as r=(lnR0)/Tg, where the net reproductive rate (R0) (
where x is the age of the female in days from the day of emergence from pupa until the end of data collection at x = 23 days, lx is the probability (0 to 1) of being alive at age x , and mx the number of females produced by each female at age x. Since only those females that survived the trial were used in the analysis, lx was set to 1 for all values of x (
For the analysis of starvation resistance, we first drew Kaplan-Meier survival curves to illustrate survival probability over time (in days) (survival package;
For all other traits (CTmin, CTmax, preoviposition period, total eggs produced, hatching success, developmental time, pupal emergence success, and intrinsic rate of increase), we constructed full general or generalized linear mixed effects models comprising mass, sex, species, treatment and their interactions as predictors, and a random effect of family ID. We compared each full model with a model without the random effect using the nlme package (
In addition, for each trait, candidate models that had a ΔAICc value of < 2 were used in model averaging (
Using R, we simulated the effect of trait combination on population size for each species using an invasion framework that includes the transport and establishment stages. We assumed that starvation resistance, life-history traits and upper thermal tolerance shaped individual persistence through transport and establishment. The model simulated the case where a number of individuals were transported to a new habitat with starvation resistance shaping the number of survivors through time. These survivors could establish in the new habitat and produce a new generation. Temperature scenarios (cold, medium or warm) were assumed to be fixed across transport and establishment stages.
We used experimental data to model survival numbers at each stage of the journey. We calculated the proportion of individuals that survived transportation based on the starvation resistance data. Specifically, we counted the number of individuals that died each day from 1 to 20 days at 0.5-day increments (the resolution of the starvation resistance data), with all individuals surviving on day 1 and all succumbing to starvation in 20 days. We fitted a Gompertz sigmoid growth function (
Supplementary material is available at and original data can be requested from the corresponding author.
Parental family affiliation was important for traits of temperature tolerance, starvation resistance and life history (ΔAICc > 2 for models with versus without Family ID as a random effect) except for hatching success, pupal emergence success and intrinsic rate of increase.
Starvation resistance of both species increased as the temperature of treatments decreased (p < 0.0001; Fig.
Starvation resistance of the invasive Harmonia axyridis and native Cheilomenes lunata kept at three temperatures. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were used to plot survival times of H. axyridis (top) and C. lunata (bottom) maintained at the cold (right - blue), medium (middle - green) and warm (left - orange) temperature treatments. Dotted lines represent 50% survival probability per treatment and corresponding numbers of days.
The critical thermal minimum, CTmin, did not differ between species. Overall, CTmin was higher in beetles maintained in the warm (1.0 ± 1.4°C, n = 85) than cold treatment (0.3 ± 1.6°C, n = 91) (p < 0.001), and larger beetles had a lower CTmin (p = 0.004).
For CTmax, there was a significant interaction between mass, sex, and species. In H. axyridis, the CTmax of males and females increased with body mass, whereas, for C. lunata, CTmax of females did not vary with mass, but larger males had a higher CTmax than smaller males (mass × sex × species interaction, Fig.
Contrasting responses of Harmonia axyridis and Cheilomenes lunata maintained at three temperature treatments. a critical thermal maxima (CTmax) of female and male H. axyridis (top row) and C. lunata (bottom row) as a function of body mass. Slopes are based on the best model parameter estimates b total number of eggs laid by H. axyridis (left) and C. lunata (right) at each temperature treatment c adult mass (mg) of H. axyridis (left) and C. lunata (right) in each treatment. In b and c different letters indicate significant differences between groups. Values are based on the best model parameter estimates and standard errors.
For both species, the preoviposition period decreased with temperature treatment (p < 0.05) but H. axyridis (3.9 ± 2.0 days, n = 64) had a shorter preoviposition period than C. lunata (5.5 ± 4.7 days, n = 57) (p < 0.0001; Suppl. material
The relationship between total number of eggs and the mass of females differed across treatments and between species, which explains some of the variation in the total number of eggs produced (species × treatment × female mass interaction; Suppl. material
Hatching success did not differ between species or treatments. The developmental time (from egg to pupal emergence) decreased with temperature (p < 0.0001 for all comparisons), but H. axyridis had a steeper change in developmental time between the cold and medium, and between the cold and warm treatments than the native species (species × treatment interaction; Suppl. material
The mass of adults of C. lunata remained constant across treatments (p > 0.28 for all comparisons), while that of H. axyridis decreased with the treatment temperature (p < 0.0001 for all comparisons; species × treatment interaction; Fig.
Harmonia axyridis had a higher intrinsic rate of increase (i.e. per capita change in the population per generation) than C. lunata overall (0.10 ± 0.03 (n = 40) and 0.09 ± 0.04 (n = 37), respectively; p = 0.02), but there was no significant effect of treatment (see Suppl. material
Once individuals survived transport and successfully arrived in the new area, more offspring of H. axyridis established than C. lunata in all temperature scenarios (Table
Estimates of population size of Cheilomenes lunata and Harmonia axyridis across stages of invasion. Last column presents the number of individuals after a heatwave event in the novel site (see Suppl. material
Species | Scenario | Adults surviving transport | Females surviving transport | Total eggs laid in novel site | Viable eggs in novel site |
CL | Cold | 26.7 ± 26.6 | 13.6 ± 13.3 | 815.2 ± 813.4 | 747.9 ± 745.3 |
CL | Medium | 15.5 ± 23.8 | 8.1 ± 11.9 | 999.4 ± 1469.5 | 877.1 ± 1291.4 |
CL | Warm | 9.0 ± 19.0 | 4.9 ± 9.4 | 671.0 ± 1298.4 | 479.2 ± 931.3 |
HA | Cold | 20.7 ± 28.2 | 10.7 ± 14.0 | 1752.6 ± 2311.6 | 1510.7 ± 1993.9 |
HA | Medium | 14.1 ± 23.5 | 7.4 ± 11.7 | 2401.0 ± 3800.1 | 2176.2 ± 3442.5 |
HA | Warm | 10.6 ± 21.6 | 5.7 ± 10.7 | 2219.5 ± 4191.7 | 1831.1 ± 3467.1 |
Species | Scenario | Larvae in novel site | Adult offspring in novel site | Adults after a heatwave event | |
CL | Cold | 705.6 ± 702.9 | 514.9 ± 516.0 | 287.5 ± 288.2 | |
CL | Medium | 800.1 ± 1177.7 | 596.0 ± 875.7 | 364.4 ± 535.1 | |
CL | Warm | 418.2 ± 810.9 | 322.0 ± 625.1 | 273.1 ± 529.7 | |
HA | Cold | 1364.2 ± 1799.2 | 1298.4 ± 1712.1 | 225.0 ± 297.3 | |
HA | Medium | 2024.2 ± 3201.8 | 1887.3 ± 2982.2 | 502.2 ± 794.2 | |
HA | Warm | 1606.6 ± 3041.3 | 1320.7 ± 2497.7 | 669.0 ± 1264.4 |
Predicted number of beetles established as a function of propagule size and traveling time. Plots present the number of individuals of Harmonia axyridis (left column) and Cheilomenes lunata (right column) that would survive the transport and establishment stages in a cold b medium and c warm environments (see assumptions, and starvation and fitness data collection in text). One thousand repeats were used and starting propagule size (1 to 100) and travel time (1 to 20 days) were randomly selected for each run. Outcomes of the iterations are shown as red points. Surface regression planes were obtained using locally estimated scatterplot smoothi.
This study showed that the native C. lunata had a greater upper temperature tolerance than the invasive H. axyridis, but H. axyridis had a higher performance than C. lunata for several life-history traits, in particular, fecundity and intrinsic rate of population increase. Despite the native species being more plastic for some traits (e.g. starvation resistance), H. axyridis displayed consistently higher performance over the range of temperature conditions compared to the native species (preoviposition period, number of eggs, % pupal emergence), fitting the model of a general purpose or Jack of-all-trades phenotype (Richard et al. 2006). The combination of traits, such as those linked to fitness, resulted in a consistently higher intrinsic rate of increase of the invasive species compared to the native one.
Studies that examine the plasticity of starvation resistance in invasive insects have found no thermal acclimation effects (e.g.
Thermal tolerance limits of insects are often plastic and thermal acclimation effects are typically more notable for CTmin than CTmax (e.g.
Given the cold origin of H. axyridis, and its recent introduction to South Africa (early 2000s;
Previous studies on life-history traits have found mixed results regarding consistent plastic responses of traits in invasive insects as fecundity, offspring survival and developmental time to temperature (e.g.
Combining species’ traits and their plasticity in an invasion framework demonstrated that, given the same variation in propagule pressure and stages of invasion, a larger number of invasive beetles will establish compared to the native, but medium temperature conditions will maintain the highest numbers for both (Table
Our results should be interpreted with caution for several reasons. While there is a fair amount of information about H. axyridis thermal biology and life-history, we have less knowledge of the native species’ general biology and limited understanding of microclimates experienced by coccinellids in general (
Regardless of these potential limitations, we show that for a set of key traits, the invasive species had higher performance than a co-occurring native species, mostly resulting from higher mean effects and despite both species having some plasticity for different traits. This study demonstrates that making interpretations from a reduced set of performance traits or invasion stages would present an inaccurate estimation of these species’ potential establishment into new thermally-distinct areas. Baseline knowledge of traits, plus their variability in different thermal environments as examined here, is essential if we aim to predict the response of successful invasive and native species to future climate scenarios. Disentangling between ‘active’ and ‘passive’ thermal plasticity (
We thank Erika Nortje, Lelanie Hoffmann, Arné Grib, Jenna van Berkel, Nicolene Hellstrom and Corneile Minnaar for their assistance in the collection of ladybirds and aphids in the field, and for their help in maintaining ladybirds in the laboratory.
Project funding was obtained from the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology and incentive funding from the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) to SCT. IAM was supported by an Innovation Doctoral Scholarship from the NRF. CH is supported by the NRF (grant 89967) and the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grant NE/V007548/1 on GLobal Insect Threat-Response Synthesis, GLiTRS) through the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Tables and figures
Data type: Docx file.
Explanation note: Tables: S1. Incubator temperatures (IT in °C) at which Harmonia axyridis performed best in terms of reproduction and population growth characteristics. S2. Harmonia axyridis and Cheilomenes lunata collection sites (GPS coordinates) in Stellenbosch (Western Cape Province, South Africa). S3. Best model outputs for each trait: (a) Starvation resistance, (b) CTmin, (c) CTmax, (d) preoviposition period, (e) total eggs laid, (f) hatching success, (g) developmental time, (h) pupal emergence success, (i) adult mass, and (j) intrinsic rate of increase. S5. Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation and sample size) for each trait and temperature treatment: (a) starvation resistance, (b) thermal tolerance, (c) life-history traits. S6. Averaged model summary outputs: (a) CTmin, (b) CTmax, (c) developmental time, and (d) hatching success. HA = Harmonia axyridis, CL: Cheilomenes lunata. Figures: S1. Study experimental design for rearing and determining physiological and life-history traits of the two beetle species. T1 to 3: treatments 1 to 3. CTL = Critical Thermal Limits. Ladybird illustration by Corneile Minnaar. S2. Kaplan-Meier survival curves used to plot starvation resistance data of Harmonia axyridis and Cheilomenes lunata for the cold (right - blue), medium (middle - green) and warm (left - orange) temperature treatments for beetles that had a) low mass loss (≤16.43%, the median mass loss percentage for all beetles in all treatments) and b) high mass loss (>16.43%) groups. S3. Critical thermal maximum (CTmax, °C) of male and female beetles of Harmonia axyridis and Cheilomenes lunata for each temperature treatment. S4. Values are model parameter estimates. Total number of eggs laid by Harmonia axyridis (top row) and Cheilomenes lunata. S5. Developmental time (days) from egg to pupal emergence of Cheilomenes lunata (left) and Harmonia axyridis (right) in each temperature treatment. Values are model parameter estimates. S6. Developmental time (days) of Harmonia axyridis and Cheilomenes lunata. S7. Adult (F3) mass (mg) of male and female Harmonia axyridis (top row) and Cheilomenes lunata. S8. Intrinsic rate of increase of Cheilomenes lunata (left) and for Harmonia axyridis (right) as a function of female mass (mg). S9. Density plots of measured critical thermal maximum (CTmax) data for Harmonia axyridis.