Research Article |
Corresponding author: Paolo Gonthier ( ) Academic editor: Marcela Uliano-Silva
© 2021 Fabiano Sillo, Matteo Garbelotto, Luana Giordano, Paolo Gonthier.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Sillo F, Garbelotto M, Giordano L, Gonthier P (2021) Genic introgression from an invasive exotic fungal forest pathogen increases the establishment potential of a sibling native pathogen. NeoBiota 65: 109-136.
Significant hybridization between the invasive North American fungal plant pathogen Heterobasidion irregulare and its Eurasian sister species H. annosum is ongoing in Italy. Whole genomes of nine natural hybrids were sequenced, assembled and compared with those of three genotypes each of the two parental species. Genetic relationships among hybrids and their level of admixture were determined. A multi-approach pipeline was used to assign introgressed genomic blocks to each of the two species. Alleles that introgressed from H. irregulare to H. annosum were associated with pathways putatively related to saprobic processes, while alleles that introgressed from the native to the invasive species were mainly linked to gene regulation. There was no overlap of allele categories introgressed in the two directions. Phenotypic experiments documented a fitness increase in H. annosum genotypes characterized by introgression of alleles from the invasive species, supporting the hypothesis that hybridization results in putatively adaptive introgression. Conversely, introgression from the native into the exotic species appeared to be driven by selection on genes favoring genome stability. Since the introgression of specific alleles from the exotic H. irregulare into the native H. annosum increased the invasiveness of the latter species, we propose that two invasions may be co-occurring: the first one by genotypes of the exotic species, and the second one by alleles belonging to the exotic species. Given that H. irregulare represents a threat to European forests, monitoring programs need to track not only exotic genotypes in native forest stands, but also exotic alleles introgressed in native genotypes.
Biological invasions, fungi, Heterobasidion, hybridization
Introgression, i.e. the exchange of genetic material between interfertile species through hybridization, is recognized as a significant catalyst of evolution of eukaryotes (
Although the interspecific transfer of genetic material can be a stochastic process not necessarily involving genes responsible for phenotypic adaptive variation (
The fungus Heterobasidion irregulare Garbel. & Otrosina is a pathogen of pines in North America that was accidentally introduced into central Italy in 1944, during World War II (
The two species have evolved allopatrically for 34–41 millions of years, but have remained interfertile (
Two studies using different genetic markers (
The model system represented by these interbreeding species with a comparable biology and epidemiology provides a unique opportunity to study the genomics of hybridization and introgression in a natural habitat. The main overarching goal of this study was to investigate a fungal invasion at the gene, rather than at the species level (
Theory predicts that the introgression of alleles between species may be driven by the adaptive advantages such alleles may provide (
Although we have yet to identify H. annosum alleles that may provide an advantage to H. irregulare genotypes acquiring them, we can hypothesize that alleles of regulatory genes evolutionarily adapted to the Italian landscape, or that genes putatively related to hybrid genome stability may be good candidates as alleles introgressing into H. irregulare. The latter group of alleles may enhance the survival of these hybrids by counteracting the effects of genomic instability caused by the large number of introgression events, as has been shown in other cases (e.g. in animals;
Finally, our last prediction is that H. annosum genotypes that have absorbed H. irregulare alleles involved in saprobic decay and nucleus-mitochondrial communication should display an increased saprobic ability when grown on woody substrates. Conversely, given that virulence does not differentiate the two species, there should be no clear association between genomes of hybrids and this trait. Nonetheless, because all genotypes tested in this study were established in nature and thus naturally viable, we predict pathogenicity should be within the range displayed by pure parental genotypes. In addition, H. irregulare genotypes that have absorbed a large number of chromosomal blocks from H. annosum may display decreased saprobic growth, pathogenicity or both, due to the effects of large-scale structural genomic rearrangements caused by the large extent of genetic introgression from H. annosum.
As stated above, the main overarching goal of this study was to investigate a fungal invasion at the gene level, rather than at the species level (
An extensive sampling of Heterobasidion genotypes was performed in 2005–2006 in the invasion area of H. irregulare in Italy where H. annosum was also present. Single Heterobasidion basidiospores were collected on woody spore traps following the sampling method of
Paired-End (PE) 100bp DNA libraries were prepared for each genotype and sequenced using an Illumina HiSeq2000 platform at the Vincent J. Coates Genomics Sequencing Laboratory (Berkeley, CA, USA). Low quality reads (Q score < 20) as assessed by using FASTQC ( were removed by using Trim-Galore! v. 0.5.0 with default parameters (Krueger F. Trim-Galore!, available at Reads of each genotype were aligned to the reference H. irregulare TC 32-1 genome (
In order to infer the genetic relationship among genotypes and to determine the level of admixture, a phylogenomic analysis and a PCoA were performed on the distance matrix obtained by the unlinked SNP panel of the above mentioned 15 genotypes, i.e. six pure and nine hybrids. Analysis was carried out by using REALPHY v. 112 (
Results from phylogenomic and PCoA analyses, combined with the outcomes of reads assignment by the software sppIDer (see below), were used to decide the taxonomic status of hybrids, i.e. hybrids showing clustering with H. irregulare pure genotypes and showing >50% of their genomes as belonging to H. irregulare were considered as “H. irregulare hybrids”, while hybrids showing clustering with H. annosum pure genotypes and showing >50% of their genomes as belonging to H. annosum were considered as “H. annosum hybrids”.
In order to detect regions putatively introgressed from one to the other parental species in hybrid genotypes, i.e. from H. irregulare into H. annosum and vice versa, we used a conservative approach informed by the outcomes of three distinct analyses, in order to reduce any bias due to the use of any single test for introgression. Tests were done separately for the two groups of hybrid genotypes, that is the group including the five H. irregulare genotypes receiving alleles introgressed from H. annosum, and the four H. annosum genotypes receiving alleles introgressed from H. irregulare (see results).
First, the genome-wide four taxon Patterson’s D statistics (ABBA/BABA test) was used to detect hybridization events along genomes. The ABBA/BABA test compares patterns of ancestral and derived alleles within four taxa. Equal numbers of sites for each pattern are expected if gene flow is absent. A positive/negative value of D is generally related to an excess of ABBA/BABA sites and might indicate introgression. In detail, the test was performed on each of the 14 scaffolds for each hybrid genotype by angsd v.0.700 ( using the following parameters: -doAbbababa 1 -doCounts 1. The parameter -blocksize was adjusted according to the dimension in bp of each scaffold. Input files were the BAM files obtained from the alignment of reads against the reference genome. The four-taxon D-statistic test was computed using the following combination: H. annosum (P1), hybrid genotypes (P2), H. irregulare (P3), and H. occidentale (O) as outgroup (H. occidentale genotype UC1935443 – Holotype at the Berkeley herbarium - which was sequenced and aligned to the reference H. irregulare using the same bioinformatic pipeline performed for the other 15 genotypes). The significance of statistics was assessed using the method of weighted block jackknifing.
Second, reads obtained from the hybrid genotypes were aligned on two reference genomes of the parental species, reconstructed by starting from de novo assembly of six pure genotypes published by
Third, to assess the presence and dimension of introgressed blocks, we used the R package introgress v. 1.2.3. (
In H. annosum hybrid genotypes with different levels of admixture caused by different levels of introgression from H. irregulare, regions in scaffolds showing excess of ABBA sites and aligning with H. irregulare genome were considered to be regions putatively introgressed from the invasive species to the native. In H. irregulare hybrid genotypes, regions in scaffolds showing excess of BABA excess and aligning with H. annosum genome were considered to be regions putatively introgressed from the native species to the invasive. Bed files resulting from the alignment of hybrid genotype reads to the concatenated reference genome were used to assign reads to one species or the other, and to extract fasta formatted aligned sequences (through the bedtools v. 2.19 getfasta command;
In order to assess the fitness of hybrid genotypes relative to the fitness of pure genotypes of each one the two species, virulence on host plant and saprobic growth on wood substrate were assessed by means of two distinct phenotypic experiments. All genotypes collected in the invasion area in Central Italy (nine hybrids and four pure genotypes) were used in the assays. For both assays, genotypes were first cultured in Petri dishes filled with Malt Extract Agar (MEA; malt extract agar 33.6 g/L).
The virulence assay was performed by inoculating P. pinea germlings, previously grown in sterile conditions, in a microcosm by using a novel and optimized method. Healthy and uniform seeds of P. pinea removed from the cones were washed for 10 minutes in running water, the surface was disinfected for 60 minutes in 30% hydrogen peroxide solution, rinsed twice (10 minutes each) with sterile distilled water and deprived of their lignified tegument (free seeds). Subsequently, they were aseptically transferred into glass jars containing 100 mL of water-agar medium (15 g agar, 1 L distilled water). One seed was inserted in each glass jar. After fifteen days at room temperature (25 ± 2 °C), germlings were inoculated by placing on the medium close to their root collar two mycelial plugs (6 mm diameter) obtained from the edges of actively growing fungal cultures. Eight replicates for each fungal genotype were prepared and incubated at room temperature (25 ± 2 °C). As negative controls, eight additional non-inoculated germlings were grown in the same conditions; they remained alive and uncontaminated until the end of the experiment. The germlings were inspected daily for the presence of disease symptoms, including root browning (visible through the agar), needle discoloration, decline in vitality and collapse. The virulence of fungal genotypes was determined on the base of rapidity to death, expressed as the number of days elapsed since pathogen inoculation.
The saprobic assay was performed by measuring the in vitro growth rate of each genotype on agar medium mixed with P. pinea sawdust to simulate the natural wood substrate as described by
To compare the performance of fungal genotypes in both assays, a pairwise distance matrix of measurements between all possible pairs of genotypes was calculated. For the virulence assay, the distance between two genotypes was calculated as the difference between the average number of days elapsed since pathogen inoculation and death of the germling. For the saprobic assay, the distance between two genotypes was calculated as the difference between the average radial growth at the end of the experiment. Matrices were used as input for Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) performed by using R v.4.0.3 (function pcoa).
The sequenced reads for each genotype were around 8 million (estimate coverage ranging from 17X to 21X). The proportion of reads that aligned to the reference H. irregulare genome ranged from 76.20% to 83.14% in four genotypes (118NB, 144SE, 45EH, 49OE), while in five genotypes (136SE, 41NB, 150EA, 115OG and 51ED) ranged from 89.38% to 91.38% (Suppl. material
The phylogenomic analysis generated a consensus midpoint rooted tree separating two distinct clades, one including pure genotypes of H. irregulare and five hybrids (136SE, 41NB, 115OG, 51ED, and 150EA), and one including pure genotypes of H. annosum and four hybrids (144SE, 45EH, 118NB, and 49OE).
In the PCoA, H .annosum genotypes were distinguishable from H. irregulare genotypes by their position along the PC1. However, an additional third cluster was visible within the H. annosum cluster, distinguishable from the other two clusters by its position along the PC2. This third cluster included two F1 hybrid genotypes containing comparable levels of the genomes of both species, but still harboring a majority of H. annosum SNPs. Genotype 150EA, a putative F1 hybrid harboring a majority of H. irregulare SNPs, was in an intermediate position, belonging to both the H. irregulare cluster and the cluster including the other two F1 hybrid genotypes.
In order to detect which alleles were consistently transferred between species and to compare introgression levels in the two directions, we focused on the identification of those alleles that were present in all hybrid genotypes belonging to each one of the two groups of hybrids, by intersecting the outcomes of three distinct approaches.
Phylogenomic analysis of the nine hybrid genotypes and PCoA A Phylogenomic relationship within reference genome, pure and hybrid genotypes as inferred by REALPHY. Bootstrap values higher than 50 % are showed B PCoA on the distance matrix obtained by analysis of unlinked SNPs. Red and blue dots represent pure H. irregulare and H. annosum genotypes, respectively. Pink and cyan dots represents hybrid genotypes assigned as H. irregulare and H. annosum, respectively. Clusters were circled as follows: red for H. irregulare cluster, blue for H. annosum, and gray (dashed line) for F1 hybrids.
The ABBA/BABA test performed on each scaffold identified an excess of ABBA and BABA sites that can be interpreted as a footprint of introgressive events. On average, an excess of ABBA sites was detected. ABBA/BABA test results across genomes are shown in Figure
Results of Patterson D statistics (ABBA/BABA test) along scaffolds for all hybrid genotypes. For the four taxon test, population were as follows: H. annosum (P1), hybrid genotypes (P2), H. irregulare (P3), and H. occidentale (O) as an outgroup. ABBA excess D>0 indicate the level of introgression between H. irregulare and hybrid genotypes; BABA excess D<0 indicate the level of introgression between H. annosum and hybrid genotypes. Gray line represent average D along the 14 scaffolds.
The sppIDer analysis correctly assigned genomic regions of hybrids to one of the two parental species and is visualized in Suppl. material
Number of introgressed blocks from H. irregulare into H. annosum hybrids | Number of introgressed blocks from H. annosum into H. irregulare hybrids | ||||||||||||
Scaffold | ID | 118NB | 49OE | 45EH | 144SE | Sum | ID | 136SE | 41NB | 51ED | 115OG | 150EA | Sum |
scaffold_01 | 118 | 50 | 36 | 491 | 695 | 139 | 121 | 90 | 130 | 186 | 666 | ||
scaffold_02 | 254 | 51 | 48 | 202 | 555 | 165 | 249 | 315 | 233 | 274 | 1236 | ||
scaffold_03 | 243 | 39 | 44 | 47 | 373 | 154 | 281 | 1171 | 237 | 225 | 2068 | ||
scaffold_04 | 476 | 33 | 42 | 165 | 716 | 302 | 492 | 161 | 438 | 164 | 1557 | ||
scaffold_05 | 159 | 35 | 26 | 43 | 263 | 190 | 378 | 73 | 327 | 220 | 1188 | ||
scaffold_06 | 67 | 25 | 30 | 119 | 241 | 44 | 77 | 320 | 87 | 49 | 577 | ||
scaffold_07 | 204 | 29 | 41 | 72 | 346 | 124 | 226 | 448 | 220 | 53 | 1071 | ||
scaffold_08 | 209 | 28 | 31 | 189 | 457 | 108 | 152 | 145 | 179 | 272 | 856 | ||
scaffold_09 | 238 | 24 | 26 | 129 | 417 | 118 | 228 | 69 | 243 | 100 | 758 | ||
scaffold_10 | 461 | 31 | 29 | 65 | 586 | 111 | 192 | 188 | 176 | 101 | 768 | ||
scaffold_11 | 178 | 26 | 24 | 136 | 364 | 113 | 206 | 220 | 242 | 109 | 890 | ||
scaffold_12 | 214 | 27 | 26 | 16 | 283 | 82 | 143 | 330 | 157 | 50 | 762 | ||
scaffold_13 | 119 | 23 | 18 | 92 | 252 | 103 | 163 | 499 | 115 | 177 | 1057 | ||
scaffold_14 | 179 | 22 | 16 | 26 | 243 | 104 | 111 | 91 | 167 | 161 | 634 |
Representative example (hybrid genotype 118NB) of whole genome comparative analysis through sppIDer. Average depth coverage of reads after the alignment with the two parental species along the 14 scaffolds of the two genomes.
In H. irregulare and H. annosum hybrids, the portions of the genome unaffected by introgression were 2 187 985 bp and 7 255 121 bp in size, respectively. These results suggest that intralocus recombination may be occurring only in a minority of the genome, e.g. within a maximum of 2 Mbp and 7 Mbp in H. irregulare and H. annosum, respectively. Considering all introgression events in all four H. annosum hybrid genotypes, a total of 2 384 introgressed H. irregulare alleles were found (Suppl. material
Gene Ontology terms over-represented in the dataset of 2,384 introgressed H. irregulare alleles in hybrid H. annosum genotypes. FDR: False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrected p-value.
GO-ID | Term | Category | FDR | Sequences (N°) in Test Group | Sequences (N°) in Reference Group |
GO:0016209 | antioxidant activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 3.405E-03 | 240 | 586 |
GO:0003824 | catalytic activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 6.360E-13 | 996 | 2531 |
GO:0043169 | cation binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 3.305E-02 | 147 | 351 |
GO:0030130 | clathrin coat of trans-Golgi network vesicle | CELLULAR_COMPONENT | 2.151E-02 | 136 | 314 |
GO:0051234 | establishment of localization | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 1.651E-04 | 214 | 479 |
GO:1901363 | heterocyclic compound binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 1.850E-08 | 700 | 1781 |
GO:0016787 | hydrolase activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 1.918E-04 | 363 | 904 |
GO:0051536 | iron-sulfur cluster binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.151E-02 | 20 | 21 |
GO:0016020 | membrane | CELLULAR_COMPONENT | 6.407E-05 | 263 | 605 |
GO:0051540 | metal cluster binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.151E-02 | 20 | 21 |
GO:0046872 | metal ion binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.993E-02 | 275 | 722 |
GO:0006850 | mitochondrial pyruvate transport | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 6.854E-03 | 328 | 853 |
GO:0006839 | mitochondrial transport | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 3.365E-03 | 179 | 413 |
GO:0006807 | nitrogen compound metabolic process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 1.976E-03 | 548 | 1494 |
GO:0097159 | organic cyclic compound binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 1.850E-08 | 700 | 1781 |
GO:0097159 | organic cyclic compound binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 4.798E-02 | 79 | 168 |
GO:0071704 | organic substance metabolic process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 6.213E-07 | 695 | 1813 |
GO:0055114 | oxidation-reduction process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 3.011E-03 | 240 | 584 |
GO:0016684 | oxidoreductase activity, acting on peroxide as acceptor | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 3.249E-02 | 112 | 253 |
GO:0004601 | peroxidase activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.404E-02 | 57 | 105 |
GO:0016462 | pyrophosphatase activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 1.943E-03 | 106 | 211 |
GO:0030140 | trans-Golgi network transport vesicle | CELLULAR_COMPONENT | 4.263E-03 | 178 | 413 |
GO:0012510 | trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane | CELLULAR_COMPONENT | 6.854E-03 | 139 | 310 |
GO:0055085 | transmembrane transport | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 2.009E-03 | 123 | 256 |
GO:0006810 | transport | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 1.421E-04 | 214 | 477 |
Gene Ontology terms over-represented in the dataset of 1,418 introgressed H. annosum alleles in hybrid H. irregulare genotypes. FDR: False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrected p-value.
GO-ID | Term | Category | FDR | Sequences (N°) in Test Group | Sequences (N°) in Reference Group |
GO:0008152 | metabolic process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 4.201E-10 | 824 | 3403 |
GO:0000166 | nucleotide binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 5.605E-07 | 258 | 886 |
GO:0032553 | ribonucleotide binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 1.131E-04 | 193 | 670 |
GO:0009987 | cellular process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 1.166E-04 | 576 | 2457 |
GO:0005488 | Binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 1.342E-04 | 641 | 2781 |
GO:0032555 | purine ribonucleotide binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.269E-04 | 184 | 646 |
GO:0035639 | purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.269E-04 | 183 | 641 |
GO:0017076 | purine nucleotide binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.961E-04 | 185 | 655 |
GO:0043167 | ion binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 4.752E-04 | 461 | 1942 |
GO:0005622 | intracellular | CELLULAR_COMPONENT | 7.746E-04 | 266 | 1033 |
GO:0005524 | ATP binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 8.246E-04 | 158 | 552 |
GO:0032559 | adenyl ribonucleotide binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 8.330E-04 | 159 | 557 |
GO:0010467 | gene expression | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 9.074E-04 | 151 | 524 |
GO:0030554 | adenyl nucleotide binding | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 1.122E-03 | 160 | 566 |
GO:0043039 | tRNA aminoacylation | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 1.529E-03 | 17 | 19 |
GO:0043038 | amino acid activation | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 1.529E-03 | 17 | 19 |
GO:0016070 | RNA metabolic process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 2.027E-03 | 122 | 411 |
GO:0004812 | aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 2.537E-03 | 16 | 18 |
GO:0006418 | tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 2.537E-03 | 16 | 18 |
GO:0019787 | ubiquitin-like protein transferase activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 6.277E-03 | 10 | 7 |
GO:0017111 | nucleoside-triphosphatase activity | MOLECULAR_FUNCTION | 9.330E-03 | 75 | 235 |
GO:0034660 | ncRNA metabolic process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 2.207E-02 | 31 | 73 |
GO:0005634 | nucleus | CELLULAR_COMPONENT | 2.251E-02 | 122 | 447 |
GO:0006399 | tRNA metabolic process | BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS | 4.406E-02 | 24 | 53 |
Analysis of introgressed blocks from native to invasive species (A) and from invasive to native species (B) by INTROGRESS. The dataset of used SNPs (markers) are ordered in x-axis based on genomic locations. In (A), Blue rectangles represent marker assigned to H. annosum. Plot on the right represents the fraction of the hybrid genome inherited from H. irregulare for each genotype defined as hybrid index. Three pure genotypes of H. annosum (on the top) are also included in the analysis. In (B), red rectangles represent marker assigned to H. irregulare. Plot on the right represents the fraction of the hybrid genome inherited from H. irregulare for each genotype defined as hybrid index. Three pure genotypes of H. irregulare (on the top) are also included.
In the virulence assay, in vitro mortality of pine germlings was recorded for a period of 40 days. Forty days post inoculation (DPI), each fungal genotype had killed all germlings it had been inoculated onto, but there was significant variability among genotypes in the average DPI needed to kill all germlings. Seven virulent genotypes (one pure H. annosum and six hybrids) were able to induce damping-off of germlings within 20 DPI (Suppl. material
In the saprobic assay, the extent of in vitro mycelial growth on a wood-rich substrate was assessed for a period of ten days. Only one pure H. irregulare genotype (9OA) was able to fully colonize the Petri dishes within the time frame of the experiment, while other genotypes varied in the extent of their growth (Suppl. material
Results of PCoA on phenotypic data obtained from the saprobic assay. Saprobic ability increase from left to right. Red and blue dots represent pure H. irregulare and H. annosum genotypes, respectively. Pink and cyan dots represents hybrid genotypes assigned as H. irregulare and H. annosum, respectively.
The introgression of both exotic genotypes and exotic alleles in native populations, where exotic is defined here as pertaining to an exotic species, is knowingly associated with biological invasions. During interspecific hybridization, the interspecific introgression of alleles bears significant evolutionary implications, shifting the focus from the more traditional “species-centric” to a “gene-centric” concept of invasion (
For this study, we selected a set of 15 natural genotypes with levels of admixture ranging between zero (pure genotypes) and 45% (fully admixed) based on a large number of anonymous AFLP markers. The fact that all studied genotypes had successfully established themselves on wood in a natural setting suggested they were all sufficiently fit to survive in nature. Our expectation that these genotypes would display variably admixed genomic regions (
Phylogenomic analyses confirmed that the selected natural hybrids varied in the level of genomic admixture. Three hybrid genotypes (118NB, 150EA and 49OE) had a balanced level of admixture, suggesting either a recent hybridization event between two pure parental genotypes or balanced backcrosses with both parental species. The remaining six genotypes had signs of introgression in a relatively small portion of their genome, indicative of multiple backcrosses with a single parental species, to which they could be assigned. Some scaffolds (e.g. scaffolds 6, 12 and 14) showed significantly lower levels of introgression, suggesting these scaffolds contain genes regulating essential functions or species-specific genes (
The genomes of H. irregulare hybrids were profoundly affected by introgression from H. annosum, and only approximately 2 Mbp appeared to have been left untouched, while the remaining 30 Mbp were subject to allelic replacement. A significantly larger amount (about 7 Mbp) of the genome of H. annosum hybrids, instead, had been left untouched by the introgression of H. irregulare alleles, suggesting a smaller scale process in terms of genomic rearrangement. Regions not affected by alleles introgression might be subjected to intra locus recombination, however, in this study, these regions were estimated to be only approximately 24% and 7% of the genome in H. annosum and H. irregulare, respectively. The effects of intralocus recombination, despite their significance, are not treated in this work and these regions were excluded from the quantification of allelic introgression.
The size of blocks introgressed from the exotic H. irregulare into the native H. annosum was on average one order of magnitude larger than the size of those introgressed from H. annosum into H. irregulare. Small block dimensions (about 85 bp on average) and high number of genomic blocks (more than 14 000) introgressed into the exotic species may result in the excessive fragmentation of chromosomal blocks. As a result, exons may be partial, non-functional and may be more likely to be lost during recurrent recombination events (
Alleles contained in the larger blocks introgressed from H. irregulare into H. annosum showed a GO term enrichment related to catabolic pathways, i.e. peroxidases, heme binding proteins, oxidoreductases, metal ion binding proteins and to vesicle trafficking. Oxidoreductases and heme peroxidase genes have been identified among those that best differentiate the highly saprobic H. irregulare from the less saprobic H. annosum (
Conversely, directional allelic introgression from H. annosum to H. irregulare, although larger in scale, was limited to DNA-methylation and transcription factor genes. Genes related to DNA-repair have been reported in hybridization events in animals, e.g. sparrows, and it has been hypothesized that they may be selected by nature to modulate epistatic interactions following genomic alterations caused by hybridization (
The sabrobic in vitro assay revealed that H. annosum hybrids containing H. irregulare alleles involved in saprobic decay had an increased saprobic ability, comparable to that of pure H. irregulare genotypes. Based on the results of the saprobic assay, it is reasonable to hypothesize these H. annosum hybrid genotypes may be competitive against pure H. irregulare genotypes. By contrast, H. irregulare hybrid genotypes showed a decrease in saprobic growth when compared to pure H. irregulare genotypes. We believe the impact of large-scale introgression is costly to hybrid H. irregulare genotypes, resulting in a reduction in fitness. We suggest that viability may be maintained only in those H. irregulare hybrids that: first, absorb transcription and methylation related genes from the native species stabilizing their genomic instability caused by large genomic alterations, and, second, maintain their alleles involved in production of peroxidase and heme-binding proteins, mitochondrial transport and vesicle trafficking. This last point is corroborated by the fact that the alleles involved in catabolic pathways were not affected by introgressive events, i.e. these alleles were never replaced by H. annosum alleles in any of the H. irregulare hybrids. Negative epistatic interactions and the breakdown of advantageous gene complexes (
Virulence assays in the past have not been able to differentiate the two species (
Although we recognize that the number of genotypes characterized as pure H. annosum and H. irregulare used in our phenotypic tests is limited, the genotypes employed here represented a select sample representative of each species, and results were in agreement with our expectations. In a previous comparative genomic study, genes involved in virulence have been reported to be conserved between the two species (
It is known that competition with parental species living in the same environment may negatively affect the success of hybrids (
Overall, our results show that mating events leading to viable and fertile Heterobasidion hybrids occur frequently in the Latium region of Italy where the exotic forest pathogen H. irregulare is now sympatric with the native forest pathogen H. annosum. The resulting allelic introgression has identified specific classes of adaptive H. irregulare alleles that confer an advantage to recipient native H. annosum genotypes. Given the phenotypic outcomes of these introgression events including a measurable increase in saprobic potential of H. annosum individuals, we propose an operational shift in the monitoring of the invasion process to include not only the detection of exotic H. irregulare genotypes, but also the presence of adaptive exotic H. irregulare alleles or genes spreading into native H. annosum populations. A gene centric approach to the study of invasions has been previously advocated (Petit, 2004) and clear adaptive implications of genic introgression between tree pathogens have been previously documented for the two fungi causing Dutch elm disease (
In conclusion, despite the limited number of sequenced hybrid genotypes, this study suggests that horizontal allelic movement occurred as a result of interspecific hybridization, but it was qualitatively and quantitatively different when comparing the two directions of introgression. A large population genomics survey in and near the invasion area in Central Italy targeting introgressed alleles identified in this study will be pivotal to further validate these results.
This work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, within the FIRB program (grant number RBFR1280NN). This work used the Vincent J. Coates Genomics Sequencing Laboratory at UC Berkeley, supported by NIH S10 Instrumentation Grants S10RR029668 and S10RR027303.
Sequence data were submitted to the EMBL database ENA - European Nucleotide Archive as a project under the PRJEB36378 accession number. All other data were available within the article or its supplementary materials.
Dataset S1. List of introgressed H. irregulare alleles
Data type: dataset
Dataset S2. List of introgressed H. annosum alleles
Data type: dataset
Figures S1–S11
Data type: images
Tables S1–S4
Data type: tables