Research Article |
Corresponding author: Josep Padullés Cubino ( ) Academic editor: Moritz von der Lippe
© 2022 Josep Padullés Cubino, Jakub Těšitel, Pavel Fibich, Jan Lepš, Milan Chytrý.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Cubino JP, Těšitel J, Fibich P, Lepš J, Chytrý M (2022) Alien plants tend to occur in species-poor communities. NeoBiota 73: 39-56.
Invasive alien species can have severe negative impacts on natural ecosystems. These impacts may be particularly pronounced within ecological communities, where alien species can cause local extinctions. However, it is unclear whether individual alien plant species consistently occur in species-poor or species-rich communities across broad geographical scales and whether this pattern differs amongst habitat types. Using ~17,000 vegetation plots sampled across the Czech Republic, we calculated the median, range and skewness of the distribution in community species richness associated with 73 naturalised alien plant species. We compared the observed values with those obtained under a null expectation to test whether alien species occurred at random with respect to species richness in forest and grassland communities. We found that the relationship between the occurrence of alien species and the diversity of local plant communities was species-dependent and varied across habitats. Overall, however, alien species occurred in species-poor communities more often than expected by chance. These patterns were more pronounced in grasslands, where alien species also occurred in communities with a lower range of species richness than under random expectation. Our study represents one of the most comprehensive quantitative analyses relating alien plant invasion to resident community diversity at a broad geographical scale. This research also demonstrates that multi-species studies are needed to understand the processes of community assembly and to assess the impact of alien plant invasions on native diversity.
biotic acceptance, biotic resistance, community ecology, Czech Republic, plant invasion, species richness
The spread of alien invasive species has serious environmental and socioeconomic impacts (Vitousek et al. 1997;
In recent decades, many ecologists have attempted to explain what makes native communities vulnerable to invasion (
This “invasion paradox” can be partially resolved by considering the spatial scale at which biological invasions occur. Biotic resistance is thought to occur more frequently in relatively small areas where biotic interactions operate, whereas biotic acceptance is thought to become more important at larger spatial scales due to favourable environmental conditions and greater environmental heterogeneity (
The traditional niche theory also has difficulty explaining invasion patterns in species-rich communities because sites with high species richness generally do not provide as many niches to support such high plant diversity (
Although our understanding of alien species invasion patterns has advanced significantly in recent decades, questions remain about how alien species become established in ecological communities and impact community diversity. For example, several studies have examined the association between alien species and the average species richness in the invaded communities (e.g.
Here, we aim to complement previous observational and empirical studies that have examined the association between the occurrence of alien species and species richness in terrestrial plant communities. We based our investigation on ~ 17,000 invaded and non-invaded vegetation plots sampled across the Czech Republic, which collectively hosted 73 naturalised alien species. Unlike previous studies, we calculated three main parameters for the tendency of individual species to occur: (1) in species-poor or species-rich communities, (2) in communities with a more or less variable number of species and (3) in communities with a symmetric or asymmetric distribution of species numbers (Fig.
We aim to answer two main research questions (RQs): (RQ1) Does the distribution of community species richness (median, range and skewness) associated with individual species differ between naturallzed alien and native species in forests and grasslands? (RQ2) Do naturalised alien species establish randomly in forest and grassland communities with respect to the species richness of these communities? Following the biotic resistance hypothesis, we expected that alien species would generally occur in communities with a smaller number of species than under the random expectation, regardless of the habitat in which they occur. We also expected that alien species associated with species-poor communities would generally occur in communities with a less diverse number of species and a positively skewed distribution in the number of species, indicating high specialisation of these species for stressed habitats. To complement RQ1 and RQ2 and help explain the main observed patterns, we additionally answer two secondary research questions: (RQ3) Are there consistent patterns in the relationship between community diversity and naturalised alien species amongst plant clades? (RQ4) Does the distribution of community species richness of individual naturalised alien species vary according to their level of dominance in the communities?
We obtained vegetation-plot records from the Czech Republic from the Czech National Phytosociological Database (
We assigned vegetation plots to phytosociological vegetation types (associations) following the classification system and the expert system for automatic classification developed by
We excluded all taxa of bryophytes, lichens, algae and fungi, as well as the taxa identified at the genus level. We also aggregated subspecies at the species level and some commonly misidentified groups of related species into aggregates. We applied these filters to standardise the data and remove potential biases from multiple-source sampling (e.g. bryophytes and some subspecies were not recorded in all plots). The final dataset included 1,778 species of vascular plants.
We computed the corrected species richness (Sc) for each plot to account for variable plot size in the database (
S = cAz (1)
where S is species richness (i.e. the number of vascular plant species) in the plot, A is the plot area, z is the slope of the species-area relationship in log-log space and c is a constant that depends on the unit used for area measurement and equals the number of species that would occur in a unit-sized area. We then corrected species richness to the same plot size (Am; the median plot size in each vegetation type; Suppl. material
Sc = S (Am/A)z (2)
We classified species as “naturalised neophytes” following the national catalogue of alien species (
We performed all the analyses in R v. 4.1.0 (
The median Sc indicates the central position of the species on the species richness gradient (50th percentile). The range indicates the spread or dispersion of Sc values around the median, while skewness indicates whether Sc values are asymmetrically distributed around the median. We calculated the standardised range as the Interquartile Range (IQR = 75th percentile (Q3) – 25th percentile (Q1)) divided by the square root of the median. We standardised the range by the square root of the median because the distribution of Sc approximates a Poisson distribution and, thus, the IQR depends on the mean and median. Without standardisation, the results for the range would be governed by this mathematical relationship. The range depends linearly on the standard deviation and the standard deviation is a square root of the mean in a Poisson distribution. As for the central distribution of species richness, we also used the median, which is approximately linearly dependent on the mean.
As a measure of skewness, we calculated the Pearson moment coefficient of skewness, which is the ratio of the third central moment to the cube of the standard deviation. We then standardised this metric by subtracting the expected skewness, based on a Poisson distribution (1/√mean). After this standardisation, positive values indicate greater and negative values smaller skewness than a Poisson distribution with the same mean. We used a parametric measure of skewness because we wanted to account for the effects of outliers and extreme values in our calculations and standardised non-parametric alternatives sensitive to these were not available. Correlations between the median and standardised range and skewness of Sc can be found in Suppl. material
We used Mann-Whitney U Tests to identify significant differences in the distribution of observed medians, ranges and skewness of Sc between naturalised neophytes and all other species in forests and grasslands (RQ1). This analysis is efficient in displaying the distributions of the different richness parameters, but it retains the diversity gradients present in the vegetation. To remove the effects of these diversity gradients, we used a null model to test whether the mean of the median, range and skewness of Sc of naturalised neophytes differed from random expectation (RQ2). We randomised the community matrix (recoded as species presence/absence), maintaining species richness in plots and species frequency across all plots, thus without altering row and column totals. For randomisations, we used the “Curveball algorithm” (
To examine whether the median, range and skewness of Sc of individual naturalised neophytes differed from the random expectation, we calculated the standardised effect sizes (SES) of these parameters as (observed parameter – mean of the expected parameter)/standard deviation of the expected parameter. For each parameter, SES < 1.96 indicates lower values than under random expectation, while SES > 1.96 indicates higher values than under random expectation. We plotted the SES of the different Sc parameters of the naturalised neophytes across the phylogeny to examine consistent patterns in ecological strategies amongst plant clades (RQ3). We created the phylogeny by linking our species to the mega-phylogeny implemented in the R package ‘V.PhyloMaker’ (
Finally, we examined whether the median Sc of individual neophytes varied according to their dominance in the communities (RQ4). Following
The data underpinning the analysis reported in this paper are deposited in Zenodo at
We identified 25 and 60 naturalised neophytes in forests and grasslands, respectively. Compared with the other non-naturalised species, naturalised neophytes occurred more frequently in communities with fewer species in both forests (Fig.
Density curves comparing the median (1st column), range (2nd column) and skewness (3rd column) of plot-size adjusted species richness (Sc) of naturalised neophytes with all other species in (a) forests and (b) grasslands. The dotted black line indicates the mean of Sc values for each parameter across all species in the vegetation formation. The solid black line indicates the mean of the Sc values for each parameter of each species group. The tick marks on the left and right margins show the Sc values for each parameter of individual species in each group. Density values of naturalised neophytes were multiplied by -1 to facilitate visual comparisons. The range and skewness of Sc were standardised (Std.) as described in the Methods section. P-values correspond to Mann-Whitney U Tests.
Naturalised neophytes tended to occur more frequently in communities with fewer species than expected by chance, both in forests (Fig.
Comparison of mean observed values of the median (1st column), range (2nd column) and skewness (3rd column) of Sc of naturalized neophytes with the distribution of mean random values of the same parameters obtained from the null model. Results are for species in (a) forests and (b) grasslands. The dashed red line represents the mean observed value of each parameter across all species. The bars show the distribution of random values of each parameter. The range and skewness of Sc were standardised (Std.) as described in the Methods section. P-values indicate the proportion of the randomised parameters that are lower than the observed value.
Naturalised neophytes generally had lower than expected median Sc values (64%), particularly in grasslands (83%) (Fig.
Phylogeny of naturalised neophytes found in vegetation plots. For each species, we show whether the median, range and skewness of Sc were higher (blue) or lower (red) than under random expectation or did not differ from the random expectation (grey) in forests and grasslands. The range and skewness of Sc were standardised as described in the Methods section. * = Standardised.
We found that naturalised neophytes generally had higher abundance (relative cover ≥ 12%) in communities with lower numbers of species than in communities with higher numbers of species in both forests and grasslands (Fig.
Median Sc of naturalised neophytes across all plots where they occurred and in plots with relative cover greater or smaller than 12%. Species are classified, based on their occurrence in (a) forests and (b) grasslands. Only species that occurred in at least ten plots in each group of plots (i.e. those with relative cover ≥ 12% vs. those with relative cover < 12%) were considered. Asterisks (*) indicate significant (P < 0.05) differences in median Sc between groups following Mann-Whitney U Tests. Median Sc values and number of plots associated with each species can be found in Suppl. material
Using a dataset spanning over a broad geographic area, we have demonstrated that the relationship between the occurrence of alien species and the diversity of local plant communities is species-dependent and varies by habitat. However, when considered together, alien species occur more frequently in species-poor communities than expected by chance. Alien species also occur in species-poorer communities than the rest of the flora in the Czech Republic. These patterns are more pronounced in grasslands, where alien species also occur in communities with a shorter diversity gradient (narrower range of richness) than would be expected by chance.
We suggest that the negative association between the occurrence of most alien species and community diversity in our study may be due to two main mechanisms. First, according to the biotic resistance hypothesis, diverse native communities might resist invasion by competition, herbivory and pathogens (
It is likely that these two mechanisms act simultaneously to influence the association between alien species and community diversity. Matricaria discoidea, Erigeron canadensis and Amaranthus retroflexus, the three species associated with the lowest standardised median species richness in grasslands, grow primarily in species-poor ruderal vegetation, where they take advantage of gaps caused by various disturbance events to establish (
In contrast, some dominant invasive alien trees, such as Robinia pseudoacacia or Pinus strobus, inhibit understorey vegetation growth and native tree regeneration through a combination of effective seed dispersal, high seedling recruitment, fast growth or alteration of soil conditions (
We characterised individual naturalised alien species by calculating three key parameters (median, range and skewness) of the distribution of species richness of the communities in which the species occurred and compared these values to the null expectation to test if alien species assembled at random. As in previous studies, we confirmed that naturalised alien species generally occur in relatively species-poor communities (e.g.
To date, most studies examining native-alien species interactions had been conducted either at the plot level (e.g.
This study is one of the most comprehensive quantitative analyses to date examining the relationship between alien plants and the species richness of resident vegetation. The 73 alien species included in the study are considered invasive in most Central-European countries (
This study was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (project 19-28491X to JPC, JT and MC; project 20-02901S to JL). JPC, JT and MC conceptualised the study. JPC conducted analyses and wrote the manuscript with input from all authors.
Alien plants tend to occur in species-poor communities
Data type: Docx file.
Explanation note: Appendix S1: Overview of vegetation plots included in the different vegetation types. Appendix S2: Correlations between the median, range, and skewness of Sc. Appendix S3: Results for invasive neophytes. Appendix S4: The Sc statistics of individual naturalized neophytes. Appendix S5: Results considering a cut-off of 25% of cover to determine dominance.